Just Here for the Ratioing

With great audience comes greater responsibility [More]

Can you imagine being Thierry Breton?

Here’s what the Democrats and their media operatives didn’t want us to hear. Carve the time out to listen and share.

And no, fellas, even “legal” immigration as current law provides statistically works in favor of the Democrats.

Spoiling for a Repeat

I guess that answers my question. Bring it, you Marxist wankers.

The Brits really have become a full-on fascist state.

With a full-on fascist press:

You know who else should be on trial for the UK’s far-right riots? Elon Musk

I guess ol’ Jonathan never heard of Bill Clinton’s Rules of Engagement:

I wonder if that’ll get me extradited?

Actual Vichycons

Actual Republicans surface in Arizona to support Kamala Harris – Local (and national) GOP stalwarts have come forward to back the Democrat for president. [More]

Right. “Stalwarts.”

Way to continue the gaslighting.

The GOP needs a rule for expulsion. Instead, the Vichycons are expanding the big tent for RINOs and pushing out the elephants.

[Via Steve T]

Paper Trail

A newspaper feud at the foot of the Sangre de Cristo mountains has veered toward violence with editors armed, lawsuits flying, and threats from riled-up residents forcing the closure of a 140-year-old Main Street newsroom for safety. [More]

With a sensationalistic lede like this, no wonder George Gramlich didn’t want to give the “real reporter” the time of day. There’s nothing he c0uld have said that wouldn’t have been used against him out of context.

We Believe in the Second Amendment BUT…

Massachusetts House and Senate negotiators have released a compromise version of a sweeping gun bill that supporters say builds on the state’s existing gun laws, including a crackdown on difficult to trace “ghost guns,” while safeguarding the rights of gun owners. [More]

If they’re going to start out with a lie, several here that I can identify, what’s my incentive to read further and keep being lied to?

Way to continue being megaphones for tyranny, Associated Press and “real reporter” Steve LeBlanc!

[Via Steve T]

The Truth Will Out

Is Big Pharma Behind Copyright Claims in Legal Battle for Covenant Shooter’s Documents? [More]

That or the hospital where the shrink who kept mum worked, or its insurance carrier, or…

Inquiring minds want to know.

I just can’t imagine the type of parent who would accept a monetary payment in exchange for suppressing the truth. And without a legal will issued by a person of sound mind, I’m not seeing how the parents claiming copyright ownership is anything but a hollow bluff.

[Via bondmen]

Related UPDATE

Looks like I’m not the only one who thinks the copyright excuse doesn’t hold water.

[Via Michael G]

An Open Secret

The programme can now reveal the information was compiled as part of a secretive project aiming to identify millions of gun owners in America who could be targeted with pro-gun rights messages in the lead-up to the 2016 election campaign. [More]

They’re trying to ID gun owners…? Really…?

Unheard of, this business of political campaigns soliciting special interest constituencies!

What the DSM is really trying to do here with this new narrative talking point is sow dissent and advance the meme that the wannabe low-hanging fruit patsy was registered a Republican — without mentioning he donated to a hardcore Democrat operation exploiting PA’s closed primary.

[Via Jess]

The Stupid… It Burns…

The analogy of a critical thinking-debilitating virus deliberately released into a target demographic hardly seems far-fetched.

And remember: ABC is Disney.

[Via WiscoDave]

Life in the Bubble

‘I Didn’t See That Coming’: ‘Daily Show’ Correspondent Shocked ‘Black Folks Do F*ck With Trump’ [More]

For all their posturing as urban sophisticates, DSM personalities really are just a bunch of ignorant provincial bigots.

We know what they’re really like– we’ve seen what they say and weigh that against reality. They just know what they’ve been told we’re like, and are conditioned to automatically tune out anything conflicting with the narrative.

That’s an advantage. We’re not shocked by what we expect.

It’s also frustrating as hell, that anyone can be this thick.

[Via bondmen]

The Arbiter of Reasonableness

Crooks, who was killed by security forces, used an AR-15 semiautomatic rifle, a powerful and, in the US, easily available weapon that in more reasonably administered countries would be off-limits to private individuals. [More]

For a European historian, this guy sure is forgetful.

[Via Matt L]

An In-Kind Contribution

Morales began the segment by explaining Schiff is not only campaigning against Republican Steve Garvey, but also “focused on another opponent,” that opponent, unsurprisingly, being Trump. [More]

So how is this not a free campaign ad, reportable to the FEC?

And anybody else wishing one of those mountain lions or bears he was prattling on about had made a surprise appearance…?

[Via Michael G]

An Effective Combination

For the crime of running a huge survey on defensive gun use in the U.S. that was not forced into the narrative structure of today’s gun-control activism, William English, an assistant professor at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business, has been subpoenaed, attacked in The New York Times and by many other “mainstream” outlets and, basically, pilloried in order to, as he put it in The Wall Street Journal, “warn off other academics thinking of doing similar research, and to influence courts where states are losing on the merits.” [More]

Or as the Keeper always said:

[Via Jess]

From the Newsraper of Record

New York Times columnist John McWhorter has shown us this again recently by wishing someone would assassinate Donald Trump. [More]

And remember: Trump is just an avatar for the voters who support the promises he so imperfectly delivers on. If Trump is “a hideous pig of a man,” what must a rabid MAGAite be? And we know what such dehumanization allows.

This genocidal provincial bigot would prefer we all were eliminated. By somebody else, of course.

Considering the source’s “text, history, and tradition,” who’s surprised?

And why do Bill Clinton’s Rules of Engagement come to mind?

[Via Michael G]

Magic Bullets Redux

Who do these people think they are?

Quds News Network…?

AFP/Yahoo News…?

Or the University Daily Kansan…?

At least they’re not Ryan J. Reilly… who earned his own special Fauxtoshop

Fun Times in Cleveland Again

New center to help prevent gun violence coming to Cleveland [More]

Nice parroting of the government’s narrative, “real reporter” Julia Bingel.

Looking forward to the follow-up in a year on how it all came true.

At least we’re not Detroit.

Round Up the Usual Suspects

Some groups were much more likely than others to endorse political violence: Republicans and MAGA-supporting Republicans in particular; those who endorse QAnon, the white supremacy movement, Christian nationalists and other extreme right-wing organizations and movements; and firearm owners — but only by a small margin, unless they owned assault-type rifles, had bought firearms during the COVID pandemic or regularly carried loaded firearms in public. [More]

Hey, gotta feed the narrative while provoking those with traditional values who have been scrupulously law-abiding and peaceable…

[Via bondmen]

Trust Busters

TRUTH ABOUT BUMPSTOCKS MEDIA COVERAGE … But it’s presented in a news article for general population consumption, thus gaining credibility from those who trust the honest transmission of information based on the publication’s reputation. [More]

At this point, anyone who trusts USA Today/Gannet Publications and the DSM for any of that basically wants to be a manipulated idiot.

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