Ludicrous BART Campaign Increases Dangers to Passengers with Cards Against Attackers

Amidst this backdrop, we’re supposed to believe passing cards to third parties won’t do more than aggravate an already insane situation? [More]

Being terrorized on the train by a cleaver-wielding maniac released by the system? No problem, just hand a “You Got Me?” card to a total stranger! And remember to keep voting Democrat to “feel” safe!

Another ‘Staunch Supporter’

After passing both chambers of the Wyoming Legislature by huge margins, a bill to eliminate the state’s gun-free zones sat on Gov. Mark Gordon’s desk Friday. But whether Gordon will sign it, veto it, or simply let it pass into law without his signature could be anybody’s guess, some state legislators told Cowboy State Daily. [More]

You’d think if this were true he’d be leading the charge:

It’s a shame we have to prod our “leaders.”

[Via Jess]

Guaranteeing a Faster Response Time to Uvalde Results

“We take a snapshot in time that’ll go out to our 24/7 365 Manned Operations center that’s primarily staffed with former law enforcement and military veterans to make a very quick decision.” [More]

What, the same “experts” who call AR-15s “a weapon of war, the same gun that was issued to me as a member of [the] ATF SWAT team”…?

So I don’t get it– is the “real gun” call made by AI or by “Only Ones” sitting at computer screens? Metaphorically, it sounds like AI is just the Democrat rep that pulls the fire alarm. And how can they tell if an Airsoft gun is a real one or not if ATF can’t? (Internet Archive link may load very slowly)

And without an armed deterrent already on campus capable of repelling an intruder when seconds count, what difference does it make?

I may turn this one into a full-blown article.

Something about a Rising Tide and Boats…

Gun-Free School Zones & Shootings Statistic (2024 Updated) [More]

I don’t know if there’s enough to establish a direct correlation/causation link, but it sure is curious how shootings go up with more political and media demands for and enactment of gun laws…

I’d like to see a study showing a timeline for that. Perhaps this could be a useful application for these AI programs we’re told can sort through stuff and reach conclusions it would otherwise take people years to do…

An Idea Whose Time Has Come

A bill introduced in the Georgia House this week could expand the presence of guns on private property. The bill would make property owners legally liable if a gun owner gets hurt on property where they aren’t allowed to carry a gun. [More]

That could make my cards obsolete:

So… does it have any chance of passing or is this pre-election posturing?

[Via Jess]

Revealing Truth Forbidden Under Punishment of Law

Judge Overseeing Case to Release Covenant Killer Manifesto Warns of Contempt If Parties ‘Usurp’ Sealed Materials [More]

What filthy politics must be in play for this to even be an issue on as story of such public importance that’s being exploited to ratchet down on our rights?

If I had the information, I’d defy this robed tyrant in an instant and protect my sources to the end.

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Obvious Enough

“At this point in our investigation, this incident does not appear to be a murder-suicide and both deaths are being investigated as homicides,” the Colorado Springs Police Department said in a statement on social media Friday evening. [More]

I thought a suicide was a homicide

In any case, someone’s gonna get it for a weapons policy violation.

[Via bondmen]

Related UPDATE

So was this also a hate crime?

And I’m sorry, but wasn’t everyone involved a little old for dorms…?

[Via Michael G]

That’s Why They Call It ‘Selective Prosecution’

Times Square shooting suspect faces no added charges for being in a ‘gun-free zone’ [More]

No, of course not.

It’s purpose is to deter self-defense carriers, not criminals.

Why do you think that is?

[Via Jess]

The Bad Hands People

There are no places evil can’t go. Limited, though, are your choices to stand up against evil and stop it. Ideas are being discussed everywhere about how to protect our schools. The insurance companies have threatened to drop school coverage on schools that protect children and staff by exercising the right to self-defense with a firearm. [More]

Which insurance companies? Name names.

Are they the only ones, or the only ones the schools are doing business with? What about state rules saying if you want to do business here you can’t discriminate?

Bermuda, Bahama, Come on Pretty Mama

United States residents traveling to the Bahamas should exercise “extreme caution” in Nassau in the wake of 18 murders since Jan. 1, the State Department said in a new travel advisory. “Murders have occurred in all hours including in broad daylight on the streets,” according to a security alert that was posted on Jan. 24 by the U.S. Embassy in the Bahamas. [More]

And here’s a shocker:

Bahamas law does not permit the carrying of concealed weapons.

Neither does the cruise ship that gets you there.

What Better Way to Expose the Fraud of ‘Gun Control’?

America’s Stolen Guns: A Silent Contributor to Gun Crimes in the U.S. (2024) [More]

I get two takeaways from this:

  • “Gun-free zones” make things more dangerous because, aside from leaving “law-abiding” gun owners defenseless, they require them to leave their property unattended and vulnerable to theft. And lock box/safe “solutions” are defeatable, even the best ones if the whole car is stolen.
  • The numbers put the lie to needing serial numbers to trace guns recovered from crime scenes to the guilty party, and if you think about it, the whole “background check” scam.

So naturally, the grabbers will use this to demand more prohibitions.

CO Democrats Expanding Predator Empowerment Zones

Draft bill puts numerous places off limits to concealed carry; Democrats test limits of ‘sensitive spaces’ [More]

Proponents know only the “law-abiding” will obey, which makes them evil accomplices to every act of violence that will occur that could have been repelled.

[Via cydl]

Let’s All Wring Our Hands and Make It Worse

“While walking with families through the building, I couldn’t help but ask God, ‘What do you want from me here? How can I take this horrible experience and do a fraction of what the families have done in the face of trauma and turn it into something that can help others?’” he added. [More]

For some reason the story that ends with “I sent you a Jeep, I sent you a boat, I sennt you a helicopter…” comes to mind.

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Schooling Enough

West Virginia Senate OKs bill to allow veterans, retired police to provide armed security in schools [More]

It’s still way too “Only Oneish” for me. Character and judgment don’t change just because you cross an artificial prioerty line, and killers won’t care anyway.

I suppose you could argue it’s an incremental improvement, but when we saw cops get nationwide carry recogniton with LEOSA, how many made inviting those of us footing the bill to sit at their table a priority?

[Via Jess]

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