We’re the Only Ones Meanwhile Across the Pond Enough

The inquiry looked at the conduct of 139 undercover officers and found that male police spies formed sexual relationships and fathered children with female activists from left-wing groups, who didn’t know their true identities. [Watch]

The takeaway: Rights rapists have always been selfish pigs and stupid leftist women have always been easy.

And why not? They can always abort away their “choices,” plus they get to destroy lives later over rutting they once encouraged and now are furious about.


[Via Jess]

Because Real Women Don’t Matter

TARGET ON THEIR BACKS: Moms for Liberty Invests in Extra Security Ahead of Summit After Receiving Threats [More]

Funny, how quiet so many “feminists” who decry “violence against women” are on this. It’s almost like that’s not their real agenda at all

It’s enough to make me want to market Women’s March wife-beaters…

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Minority ‘Inclusive’ Enough

A purchase order posted in the city record last week shows that a South Jersey gun dealer is sending the city $91,171.50 in MP5 submachine guns. This follows the department’s $100,000 purchase of 10 sniper rifles earlier this fiscal year. [More]

You know, per Eric Swalwell, “a hand-held weapon of war, capable of spraying a crowd with more lethal fire in seconds.” And the Chicom honey-potted liar was just talking about semi-autos.

With the Rikers population “overrepresented” at “56% Black, 33% Latinx/Hispanic, 7.5% White, and 3.5% Mixed Race,” that means the Democrat administration is prepared to mow down roughly nine times more “people of color.”

Is it me or does that track with the way they vote?

[Via Steve T]


The National Rifle Association acted as a “foreign asset” for Russia in the period leading up to the 2016 election, according to a new investigation unveiled Friday by Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore. [More]

This communist stool sample never saw a gun he didn’t want to ban. This is just his way of throwing out an accusation that gets a lot of shallow publicity to help gin up outrage among anyone stupid enough to support their own disarmament and vote for a Democrat, and NRA makes a convenient, self-deflating punching bag.

[Via Jim S]

The Daily Show Attacks the 2nd Amendment Along with Firearms News’ Be Ready! Magazine

In this case, Klepper and his team set out to get gun owners with no media experience on camera responding to set-up questions and then to selectively present who would be shown and how much of their answers would be included. The intent was to present them as representative and make all of us look like ignorant rubes so that we could be laughed at, and so the entire movement of right to keep and bear arms advocacy could be dismissed as the province of morons and paranoids. [More]

Anything you say to the media can and will be held against you.

Let’s Make Another Demand on YOU

Accidental shootings by children keep happening. How toddlers are able to fire guns. [More]

Mostly through inexcusable criminal negligence in high-risk households, but you’ll note the CBS/Everytown axis made sure to make the dangers seem uniformly widespread.

The object here is to take things that are virtually universally preventable through appropriate choices and behaviors, like addictions, unwanted pregnancies, and STDs, and turn them into “social problems” that those who behave themselves just fine end up paying the price for.

[Via Dan Gifford]

Like Hogwarts with Butt Plugs

Ex-deputy head of Prince George and Princess Charlotte’s first school Thomas’s Battersea is facing years in jail after paying Indian teenagers £65,000 to sexually abuse children [More]

Yes, what is safeguarding?

I’d say “Frickin’ Limeys,” but California Democrats are no better.

Scott Wiener and Susan Eggman, eh?

[Via Steve T]

So Much for Black Lives Mattering

Disturbing video shows moment of impact from reckless driver speeding & running a red light before killing five people and fleeing the scene. Sources have identified the driver as Derrick John Thompson, the son of former DFL state Rep. John Thompson. [More]

As long as the police didn’t kill them, it’s cool.

[Via Michael G]

Ender Affirming Care

The state of Florida never provided medically necessary gender-affirming care to Duane Owen — causing her enormous suffering and violating her right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment for the more than 30 years she was in state custody. [More]

I wonder how much enormous suffering, rights violation, and cruel and unusual punishment this monster inflicted on the women he raped and murdered.

The ACLU certainly is showing us what it’s all about, and based on the ratioing, the more people see it, the better it appears to be.

[Via Michael G]

The ‘Best Gold Standard’

The City Council on Tuesday unanimously directed staff to draft an ordinance that would be the “best gold standard” for placing restrictions on gun sales and ownership… “We want to make it as difficult as possible for (guns) to get into the hands of folks who might do something,” said Councilmember Caroline Torosis, who co-sponsored the discussion item. [More]

“Do something” like what? Defend themselves against the rising crime you Peoples Republic mandarins, through your insufferable arrogance and incompetence, have ensured is doing nothing but getting worse…?

[Via Jess]

The Dozens Mom March

“We were all a bit disappointed,” Rao told media, trying to sell momentum. “We will base it on what we have learned this past week, what worked and what didn’t work, and we will keep going until we get the Second Amendment repealed.” [More]

With your legion of “hundreds”?

In spite of all that free publicity and they still only have hundreds of Twitter followers…?

[Via Jess]

A Common Factor

The CDC recommends sexually active gay or bisexual men get tested annually for gonorrhea, and that women younger than 25 or older with new or multiple sex partners also get tested once a year. [More]

So the real way to reduce it, like with abortion, is through self-control, as opposed to self-indulgent and obnoxious in-your-face demands on everybody else…

I wonder if the same principle could be applied to guns…?

Fourth Generation Lawfare

There is a nefarious group that calls itself The 65 Project that has as its goal to intimidate lawyers into not representing Trump or anyone associated with him. They have threatened to file bar charges against any such lawyers. [More]

Pretty elite for terrorists

I wonder what they eat for breakfast.

[Via Michael G]

If You See Something Say Something

The guns will be collected anonymously, unloaded and stored in a locked safe. They will be turned in to Cleveland Police Department’s 4th precinct headquarters every day. [More]

Brandon can accept transfers without background checks? And with “prohibited persons” on staff? Does ATF know about this?

Hey, they don’t have a “No Guns” sticker on the door, do they?

I didn’t imagine there was much demand for Fois Gras and Cuisses de Grenouille among the gang bang set…

[Via JG]

Forbidden Speech

“Phony leaders” who, in Cosby’s words, don’t want to fix the problems facing poor blacks but rather get rich fundraising off their backs. Too many “race hustlers” and “poverty pimps” focused on “dead-end movements” like Reparations rather than leading and encouraging the “self-determination” ethos of Booker T. Washington. [More]

There the white supremacists go being racist again.

[Via WiscoDave]

Henry Redman, Real Reporter

Wisconsin Democrats push gun safety legislation [More]

Oh, look, a publicity release parroting grabtard talking points masked as news!

Y’know, if that’s all the Wisconsin Examiner (“News you can wipe with!”) is going to do, what do they need Henry for?

[Via Mike F]

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