Just to Be Clear

Just to be clear, there is no such thing as “constitutional carry”. The constitution didn’t give anyone the right to carry guns publicly without permits, background checks, or training. This term was fabricated by the gun lobby to push for its any guns to anyone everywhere agenda. [More]

Just to be clear, the Constitution (capitalized) does not “give” rights. That deception was fabricated by the lying citizen disarmament lobby to swindle the ignorant.

[Via bondmen]


And just to be clear, they’re a self-admitted hate group:

‘Other Purposes’?

H.R. 660: To amend chapter 44 of title 18, United States Code, to require the safe storage of firearms, and for other purposes. [More]

159 treasonous Democrats have signed on as co-sponsors, and there’s a companion bill in the Senate.

Chances of passage with a Republican House are low, but you never know when the planets will converge to persuade the Vichycons to jump ship.

[Via Jess]

Meanwhile, Over at the Legion of Doom

The coalition of 117 organizations called for the plan to include declaring a national emergency around gun violence, establishing a federal office for gun violence prevention and appointing a full-time director for the effort. [More]

Between them and the usual suspects

Would trying to disguise Astroturf as grassroots be Assroots?

[Via Jess]

Coming Soon, to a Vibrant Community Near You

I made this video at Puerto Limon in Darien Gap as this group emerged. Most are military aged males. Every day I am with them I see a sprinkling among the masses — a few who appear dangerously insane. And another sprinkling of obvious predatory males. This is true here in Darien, and the US/Mexico border. [More]

So… pro-gun Democrats…?

[Via Wynn A]

The Perfect Democrat Constituents

The Oregon Legislative session is rolling on. We are now monitoring about 25 bills that would affect gun owners. As always, the Democrats are hard at work attempting to enable violent criminals and endanger law abiding Oregonians. As an added bonus they are working to pass legislation to allow criminals to vote FROM JAIL. [More]

Who better to vote to disarm you?

It’s Been Done

“Never Again Is Now Global,” a five-part docuseries highlighting the parallels between Nazi Germany and global pandemic policies, will premier exclusively, for free on CHD.TV beginning Monday, Jan. 30, at 7 p.m. EST. [More]

The similarities are chilling. Then again, they’re following the “evil” playbook.

Do you notice how “progressives” never actually have anything new so much as they just recycle old ideas after most have forgotten them…?

Making You an Instant Enemy of the State!

HB50 was filed today by Representative Caballero. Under the proposed legislation, owning a magazine that holds 10 or more rounds would make you a felon the moment the law goes into place. The bill even includes a $1.5 million appropriation to “carry out the provisions of the act.” [More]

When communists are in power, they assign the treasonous domestic enemy label to you.

I Got Them Lügenpresse Blues

Liberal media are trying to protect the feds from the much-needed House weaponization committee [More]

Hence my continued use of “DSM.”

Duranty/Streicher Media.

Funny, how real national socialists want to smear anyone calling them what they are as Nazis to scare them out of using it.

[Via Michael G]

Meanwhile, Over at the Birthplace of Liberty

Disgusting. Inexcusable. Shameful. This is what Democrats reduce once-great cities and cultures to. And rather than being thrown out and prosecuted for criminal negligence, those responsible are secured to advance themselves politically.

Anybody see anything or anyone worth fighting and dying for?

That’s part of the plan.

That Mr. Adams, him plenty smart fella.

Funny, how we who try to live up to that are designated the enemy by the destroyers.

[Via Jess]

Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid

Putin Should Be Scared: Ukraine Is Set to Start Hitting Russian Territory [More]

Putin should be scared? Hell, I’m scared. And that’s probably because, having thought about potentialities, I’m marginally better located and more prepared than most — which ultimately isn’t really saying a hell of a lot when you think of the way things could quickly go to living hell.

Brent M. Eastwood and his urban media megaphone providers over at MSN.com aren’t?

Looking to Ukraine arming its own citizens as a validation of concept is one thing. But as a real change of heart goes, that was wishful thinking.

Ignoring Washington’s great and prescient warning about foreign entanglements is another matter altogether.

The Republic has lost sons defending Europe and look where it’s gotten us, and importantly, where it’s leading us.

Who are the madmen urging escalation, what’s their skin in the game, and where will they watch it from?

Let’s Go Brandon

Border Patrol Union President Pushes Amnesty for Millions – Brandon Judd styles himself as an immigration hawk. But he has a history of selling out on the issue. [More]

A plan comes together.

It figures The Weasel Whisperer backs it. As does the “ex-Democrat” so many “conservatives” seems to be getting excited about.

[Via Andy M]

Schiff Happens

By publicly pressuring Musk to censor “hate speech,” which is indisputably covered by the First Amendment, Schiff and Takano are trying to indirectly accomplish something that the Constitution forbids. [More]

Well, it also says “shall not be infringed, but that’s never stopped either of these @$$holes.

Speaking of Racists…

“Whiteness is going to have an end date,” she warns. “We gotta take these muthafuckers out.” [More]

At some point, you just say “Bring it.”

The thing is, Rutgers is a state university, meaning coerced tax plunder is being used to feed this evil parasite.

[Via Michael G]

Bordering On Treason

Mitt Romney, Susan Collins Dismiss the Idea of Impeaching DHS Chief Mayorkas [More]

They’re right, but for the wrong reasons. Of course he’s a disloyal subversive.

This is just noisemaking by Republicans pushing for it. They know the Party failed in what it should have focused on: making sure it had the votes.

[Via bondmen]

To Themselves and Their Posterity

The Biden administration on Saturday agreed to pay climate reparations to developing nations, a move that China—the world’s top emitter of greenhouse gases and one of its largest economies—could profit from. [More]

And if you disagree, you’re a denier, an extremist, a hater, and an anti-government insurrectionist/seditious conspirator. And a Nazi.

Either that or we’re being ruled by traitorous domestic enemies…

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