The Junior Vichycons Club

Younger Republicans More Likely to Favor Gun Laws Than Older Ones [More]

Your own words demonstrate you “don’t have the knowledge or maturity to understand the issues,” Willow. And the polls exploit that.

Voice of America propagandists have turned their CIA unconventional warfare sights inward…

[Via Jess]

Runaway Slave

She continued, “So I’m going to go ahead and find that you are at risk to commit additional felonies and a potential risk to flee the jurisdiction.” [More]

Making an example of the black upstart who wants nothing to do with the plantation before others get the same idea, eh? That must explain the absence of outrage by the middlemen.


Did she just publicly poison the pool by saying he’s already committed the felony charges he’s on trial for?

We’re the Only Ones Promoted Enough

Michael Byrd, who fatally shot rioter Ashli Babbitt as she tried to break into the Speaker’s Lobby, will be promoted to captain, according to an internal announcement reviewed by CQ Roll Call that lists more than 30 employees moving up the ranks on Sunday. [More]

Reinforcing their Dunning-Krueger self-evaluations and rewarding them is one way to keep the ones on the fence from spilling their guts. And this Byrd fool is incompetent enough to believe he deserves it.

[Via Andy M]

Of Course You Realize This Means War

President Biden said Friday he plans to request additional funding from Congress for the development of a new COVID-19 vaccine, adding he may require everyone to take it whether they previously received a vaccine or not. [More]


Your move.

I need a beer

Unless it’s Bud Lite, in which case, drink up, everybody!

To Tell the Truth

Always take people at their word when they say what they want to disarm you. They want to kill you. They want to do bad things to you. So when you see before the United States Supreme Court in the United States v Rahimi case, statements that say we have no right to keep in bear arms, we have no right to possess firearms, we have no right to carry firearms, we have no right to use firearms to protect ourselves, you must take these words at face value. You must take them as truth that this is what the other side truly believes. We don’t have a right to self-defense we don’t have a right to guns. We have to be disarmed. Take them at their word. [Watch]

Conversely, don’t believe a word they say when they claim no one is talking about taking your guns.

[Via Jess]


…the reality is they’re all basically for more gun control what’s interesting is some of the briefs are actually embracing laws at the time of our founding that had racist and odious and bigoted foundations upon which they rest, and nevertheless some of the anti-gunners are embracing these… [Watch]

Disingenuously tryin g to separate the racist motivations from the act of disarmament simply means they want us all to be slaves.

[Via 1Gat]

We’re the Only Ones Stepping Up Enough

The two-step is a tactic where a state trooper will pull an individual over for a traffic infraction and, after issuing a ticket, take steps back toward their vehicle. They will then turn around and initiate a new interaction with a driver, which the highway patrol classifies as a voluntary stop. [More]

If they’re not free to leave without getting double-tapped, it’s hardly voluntary.

[Via Steve T]

Forbidden Thoughts

33% of Generation Z believes using the wrong gender pronoun should be illegal. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer supports similar legislation that comes with potential jail sentences. [More]

What kind of anti-government extremist would support seditious conspiracies to defy that?

Or to oppose these pieces of totalitarian sh!+…?

[Via Michael G]

So Much for Coexistence

Senate Majority Leader @SenSchumer is negotiating with the NRA to pass his priority bill – the SAFE Act, a cannabis banking legislation – with Section 10 added as a sweetener for the NRA-backed Senate Republicans. We appreciate @SenJackReed working to modify the bill to ensure that regulators can warn banks about risky customers – like gun retailers. Congress should not be negotiating with the NRA, a terrorist group that is pushing its any guns to anyone everywhere agenda. Guns are the #1 killer of our children & gun deaths have increased 50% since the Sandy Hook shooting tragedy. [More]

That’s OK. I don’t authorize anyone to negotiate on my behalf with hate groups.

Especially when it involves naked tyranny.

These people are quickly becoming my favorite guntard group — every time the bigger ones start to sound like they’re “commonsense” and “moderate,” just share something these fanatics post to show how any “compromise” will never be enough.

They’re so cartoonishly over the top, I’m starting to suspect Po Murray of being our gal in the gun ban camp…

[Via Jess]

Sensitive to Tyranny

Attorneys representing the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) and its partners in a federal lawsuit challenging New Jersey’s “sensitive places” statute have filed a response brief to the state’s appeal. The case is now known as Koons v. Platkin. [More]

So “rights-free zones” weren’t part of the compact?

Play Imperial Stormtrooper Games, Win Imperial Stormtrooper Prizes

OTD 31 years ago, Deputy U.S. Marshal William Degan, Jr. was shot and killed near Naples, Idaho, while conducting surveillance of a rural cabin owned by a man wanted on a federal warrant. @USMarshalsHQ @USMC @marshalsmuseum @FLEOAORG @NLEOMF #HonorTheFallen [More]

I wouldn’t exactly call the public response to this “reverent.”

Funny– I don’t see one “progressive” grabtard chastising his critics and defending his actions.

That’s because, at heart, they’re cowards dependent on mob approval.

[Via WiscoDave]

Bush AG Gonzales’ Proves Authoritarian Swamp Republicans No Different From Democrats

Gonzales showed what kind of Republican he was back in 2005 when he told the Senate he wanted them to remove Patriot Act restrictions and that he supported Congress extending the expired “assault weapon” ban, pointing out that his brother was a Houston SWAT officer… [More]

It must be a “good” boot to the face if it has an “R” on it. Right…?

Traitors Attack Bill of Rights

The lawsuit, brought Tuesday by the nonprofit group Everytown for Gun Safety and exclusively obtained by NBC News, names multiple defendants, including YouTube and Reddit, online spaces where the shooter was allegedly radicalized… [More]

If trying to radicalize is the crime, where do I go to plead guilty?

Figures, the “legal authority” they consulted is the “distinguished” Robert Spitzer, who never saw a gun he didn’t want to grab.

Figures he’d also eviscerate the First Amendment…

I’d like to see the defendants countersue the useful idiot plaintiffs as individuals.

[Via Bluesgal]

Never Forget

“Only following orders” — this is why the authoritarians are so determined to smear and destroy the concept of Oath Keepers and Three Percenters.

Been a while since I’ve seen these clips. The thought strikes: Whatever became of excuse-making JBTs-by-their-actions Fred Bible and Chris Montgomery?

The thought also strikes in all this time I’ve never seen one “commonsense gun safety advocate” condemn this tyranny.

“Few bad apples” my … eye. Every damn one of them. And remember, all good “conservatives” say “Back the Blue!”

Sing it, George!

[Via Jess]

You Won’t Be Needing That First Amendment, Either

Under the Firearm Industry Responsibility Act (HB 218), gun manufacturers that engage in unsafe and unlawful marketing and sale will be held accountable for actions contributing to gun violence in Illinois communities. [More]

These alien freaks literally consider themselves the Keepers.

Next step: We force you to issue warnings.

And the effects on national publications will be nationwide, and not just the advertisements.

So: When does the “firearms industry” cut them off from sales and service?

[Via Jess]

Plain and Simple, This is Naked, In-Your-Face Tyranny Designed to Terrorize Liberty Advocates

January 6 political prisoner Ryan Samsel has been held in prison without trial now since January 2021. [More]

Compare to:

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial…

Opposing a tyrannical regime that would do this is very different from being “anti-government.”

That so many social media “progressives” laugh at this and call these political prisoners “traitors” shows that with some, reconciliation is not only impossible, but who would want it?

[Via bondmen]

Tangentially-Related UPDATE

33 years = cruel and unusual punishment AND state-perpetrated domestic terrorism.

And AP = DSM.

[Via Michael G]

We Haven’t Committed Genocide… Yet

“The National Shooting Sports Foundation challenges a new state gun law as violating its members’ constitutional rights. But we see little evidence that enforcement is looming,” wrote Judge Stephanos Bibas, a former President Trump appointee. [More]

I rest my case. Even if “Bubba” says it’s stupid because he made a kneejerk assumption and missed the point.

[Via Sweet Babboo]

A Matter of Priorities

Hawaiian Electric knew of wildfire threat, but focused instead on mandated shift to renewable energy – Hawaiian Electric is facing scrutiny over whether its power lines started the Maui blaze [More]

That’s some carbon footprint the Opposite Day “progressive” environmentalcases mandated.

Meanwhile, via Michael G:

Exclusive: Is The Government of Hawaii Lying About The Missing and Dead on Maui?

Vultures all, the looters, the land speculators, the rope-selling economic fascists, and especially the government…

Eviscerating the Blessings of Liberty, One Victim at a Time

She successfully navigated the administrative process at the DEA, but when prosecutors filed a forfeiture action in federal court she missed the deadline to file one required piece of paper. That was enough for the government to take her money forever. [More]

Just like the Founders intended!

Unanimous consent, eh? In this case, getting Black Lives Matter to start an “Anne Milgram is a racist” meme would get them to back down in no time.

I still want to get me one of those Leatherman tools

[Via Michael G]

Offensive Holding


I don’t have a lot of sympathy for anyone so cavalier about the practice that they forget they have a gun, but the only malicious, predatory intent meriting resistance I see here is coming from the tyrants.

I do think it’s funny to see the NFL trying to tiptoe the line between its anti-gun virtue signaling and being afraid to agitate the “institutional racism” fanatics.

[Via Jess]

The Best of Both Worlds

Colorado governor seeks reversal of federal judge’s decision to block new law banning gun sales to anyone under 21 – Lawyers for Jared Polis last week asked Chief U.S. District Judge Philip Brimmer to postpone his preliminary injunction against the law until the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decides an appeal to the ruling [More]

I wonder if they’d feel mercy was due the other side if the situation were reversed…

[Via Jess]

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