Is Black Lives Matter a Racist Fraud? [More]
It’s the true seditious conspiracy.
Notes from the Resistance
Is Black Lives Matter a Racist Fraud? [More]
It’s the true seditious conspiracy.
Moms group takes on gun reform, plans to ask the governor to ban guns [More]
And what can happen to moms and kids when a government that disarmed citizens are powerless to challenge does? [GRAPHIC and DISTURBING WARNING]
[Via Michael G]
PA’s Insane Ammunition Registration Database, Wants All Your Ammo to Have Separate Serial Numbers [More]
Don’t look for rope-selling capitalists to get serious.
[Via DDS]
America has 20 million AR-15 style rifles in circulation, and more guns than people in the country [More]
No, of course, they don’t have the resources to go after them via the legal system.
Which doesn’t mean they don’t have ruthless plans to eliminate threats to totalitarianism another way…
[Via bondmen]
” I know, and I think many of the people on your panel know, that prosecutors do not have evidence in hand linking the effort of Enrique Tarrio, Stewart Rhodes, and other lieutenants of theirs, to Donald Trump. They do not have the smoking-gun evidence that shows that Donald Trump was directing an effort to violently overthrow the government. ” [More]
Considering the charges and the punishment, it doesn’t even look like they “have the smoking-gun evidence that shows that[Stewart Rhodes] was directing an effort to violently overthrow the government.”
[Via bondmen]
California reparations task force OKs state apology, payments [More]
A line about “not one cent for tribute” comes to mind…
[Via 1Gat]
The recommendation for Rhodes is the longest thus far for any person charged in connection with the Capitol attack, reflecting what prosecutors see as his role in a key organizing figure for members of the far-right militia — even as Rhodes was never alleged to have entered the Capitol building itself on Jan. 6. [More]
So he not only never went in, they have no direct orders he issued to any specific person. The seditious conspiracy here is by the persecutors.
This is an act of judicial terrorism with a chilling, wider goal in mind. What else would you call “the deliberate creation of a sense of fear, usually by the use or threat of use of symbolic acts of physical violence, to influence the political behavior of a given target group”?
I guess the jurors were impressionable and manipulable enough to embrace the hysteria. It also raises a question I’ve had for some time for those whose liberty advocacy efforts center on Fully Informed Juries: Even though “text, history, and tradition” known to the Founders is on your side, your message is limited by those who control the media, and by prevailing legal establishment interests, to the echo chambers of the political fringes.
The arrogant f*** (from Portland, OR) who wrote that actually cites a law review article that compares telling free citizens about their nullification rights to telling children not to stick beans up their noses (“most of them would not have thought about it had it not been suggested”) and wrings his hands over how difficult the First Amendment makes full suppression.
And potentially sympathetic politicians, mindful of what the Swamp and the media would do to them, have little incentive to touch it.
So why not force wider discussion and open the eyes of more by creating ballot measures in states that allow it? Just the act of collecting signatures will raise awareness “outside the choir” (and I qualify the use of that term), and the fact that something is gaining steam, and maybe even getting on the ballot, will call attention to a freedom safeguard the would-be rulers desperately want to keep citizens from learning about.
We might stick beans up our noses.
EU ensures Dutch farmers booted FOREVER from farming [More]
Psychopathocracy. I like it.
[Via Michael G]
Apparently, @LizBerryWA has been having Everytown and Alliance for Gun Responsibility write our state’s gun laws and been taking marching orders from them for years. [More]
What did I say about out-of-state silent partners?
[Via bondmen]
Governments that started as a vision of Freedom, equality, justice and prosperity that grew tyrannical, genocidal and evil. There is nothing in our Constitution that seems to be preventing that from happening again. [More]
That’s why the totalitarians are so desperate to destroy it.
[Via Doc]
Court upholds California’s assault weapons bans [Watch]
Of course, it did.
Not that the reptiles causing the problems will be slowed down one beat.
[Via Jess]
Gun Group’s Financial Dealings With Founder Spark State Investigation [More]
And now, the rest of the story… and I include this link because I want you to read it.
This “investigation” is a pretty naked lawfare/smear attempt to go ad hominem on someone at the forefront of effective Second Amendment legal defense cases to try and derail and harm them. It’s also meant to cause divisions and suspicions within the “gun community” over finances and relationships with other Gottlieb holdings for marketing, rent, and other services, which have never been a secret. SAF/CCRKBA tax filings are available to anyone on Guidestar, and before calling shenanigans, document what those would cost the SAF/CCRKBA nonprofits if they were provided by someone else.
For an impartial third-party opinion, Charity Navigator doesn’t have a dog in this fight. Let’s see what they have to say:
“Good – This charity’s score is 77%, earning it a Three-Star rating. If this organization aligns with your passions and values, you can give with confidence.”
I wonder if it will come out if anyone from out of state, including groups, politicians, and federal agencies, is a silent partner in this.
This isn’t just a knee-jerk reaction on my part. I’ve had some differences with Alan over the years, including some ongoing ones, and am on good terms with people who admire him and with people who can’t stand him, but what’s happening to him here is pure filth by evil interests that want you and me disarmed.
I hope my speculation on silent partners is followed up on because this revelation shows the relationships are baked in.
“We part ways at ‘illegal sellers and possessors,’” I replied, speaking from personal experience. [More]
Be the best outlaw you can be. It’s either that or obey the damn tyrants.
What’s the Main Source of Fake News? [More]
My guess is most of you have not seen this report from 2017. Let’s rectify that.
I’ve made no secret over the years my contempt for what I’ve alternatively called “Authorized Journalists,” “Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists,” “real reporters,” and the DSM (Duranty/Streicher Media). They deserve every bit of it.
SEN. MENENDEZ, REP. WATSON COLEMAN RENEW BICAMERAL EFFORT TO OUTLAW GUN SILENCERS … “Silencers are not tools of self-defense, they are tools of murder. [More]
That must be why it’s got a law enforcement exception.
The subversive wretch has been trying for years.
It will never get past the Republican House, but it’s useful to once more prove what these totalitarians are about is total control.
Moreover, though, the SPLC defended its classifications by saying that it’s opinion, thus it cannot be considered defamation [More]
So what the hell is the FBI doing acting on opinions in an official capacity, and who is going to be held accountable and how?
[Via Michael G]
Ireland Government’s Hate Speech Bill Promotes ‘Thought Crime Legislation’ [More]
Lucky tells JingJing and ChaCha to “Hold me Guinness.”
[Via bondmen]
Brazilian police raid ex-President Bolsonaro’s home, seize phone… On Wednesday, Valdemar Costa Neto, the leader of Bolsonaro’s political party, expressed support for the ex-president following the search. “We trust that all doubts the Judiciary has will be clarified and it will be proven that Bolsonaro didn’t do anything illegal,” Neto wrote on Twitter. Meanwhile, Bolsonaro also faces investigations into attacks on the legitimacy of Brazil’s electoral system and embezzlement of foreign gifts. [More]
By hook or by crook, Lula is going to destroy his political rival. It’s what communists do.
[Via Jess]
Say this works. What price will Brandon’s corrupt Democrat “leadership” string-pullers who have been covering this up pay? Or instead, will Republicans clear the field for them so they can run someone else in ’24 without having to go through an internecine war with all the self-damage that will cause? And what about all their DSM propagandists?
He’s a big target but he can’t be the only one.
Next question: How many Americans care?
[Via Jess]
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is expected to publish regulations that would limit the equipment allowed on public refuge properties and expand the area where cost-effective lead ammo and fishing tackle is banned. [More]
Yo, Fudds: You starting to see why the fight against the bump stock ban is more than just about a stupid piece of plastic?
OK, but what’s that got to do with fish?
Or Philip Dru…?
What does it say about the state of our freedoms that there are now more pencil-pushing, bureaucratic (non-military) government agents armed with weapons than U.S. Marines? [More]
Remember what happened last time they were sent hither to harass our people and eat out their substance.
[Via Doc]
It’s Inevitable: American Patriots Need Guns Because A War Is Coming [More]
And it will be noisy.
[Via bondmen]
Concord High School in Northern California is under pressure to give up its “Minutemen” mascot, reports Stephanie Magallon for NBC Bay Area. [More]
Forget those who cannot remember the past, they’re being ordered to forget it. The power to erase history is the power to direct the present and alter the future.
Totalitarians demand controlling infinity and eternity. It’s why they hate God.
[Via Michael G]
Legislative preparations are underway to establish a U.S. government-backed task force to create a digital identity for all Americans. [More]
It’s being resurrected because the House and Senate versions died in the last Congress.
The Senate’s a lost cause unless it can be wrested from the Dems, so the House is what needs to be watched, and if it looks like it’s getting legs, pressured.