Raising the Bar

Currently, when constitutional amendments are placed on the ballot, it takes only a simple majority (50% plus one vote) to change the constitution. SJR 2 would require any future constitutional amendment to be approved by at least 60% of the voters, whether proposed by initiative petition, by the General Assembly, or by a constitutional convention. [More]

This ought to buy us some time, at least.

But the changes the state is going through have already taken over where I live.

And we know how that ends up.

Cry the Betrayed Country

South African intellectual in Budapest: country’s water and power system could collapse, following disastrous affirmative action policies; Boer population planning for strategic withdrawal to thirty towns, building own infrastructure; don’t have EU passports, so must dig in. [More]

History repeats itself.

And told ya.

The Boers are the only African population that Europe isn’t eager to welcome.

Who thinks this can’t happen here?

Or won’t?

[Via WiscoDave]

The Big Chill

Independent journalist Steve Baker says he was recently warned that his aggressive reporting and commentary about Jan. 6 have created growing ire at the U.S. Department of Justice that could lead to his prosecution for being at the Capitol on that fateful Wednesday in 2021. [More]

Well, if he’s an “independent,” he’s not an “Authorized Journalist” then, is he?

And scary official threats of retaliation for reporting the truth… where have we seen that before?

[Via bondmen]

Derailing the Training

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) on Sunday conceded that a federal ban on assault rifles is unlikely because of a lack of congressional support but pushed for lawmakers to consider a bill that would require training before purchasing such a weapon. [More]

It’s past time to let the GOP know that if they expect to keep the voting charade going another year they’d best get their Vichycons under control to stop this in its tracks.

Because the ultimate reality is, Republicans need people who will not disarm more than people who will not disarm need them.

[Via Dan Gifford]

Spider & the Fly

  • Sham Elections in Cuba
  • Ferraris and Hungry Children: Venezuela’s Socialist Vision in Shambles
  • Getting safe water a struggle for many of Venezuela’s poor
  • To Combat Food Shortages, North Korea Deploys the Military
  • ‘The Revolution Starts Now’ Say Ultra-Leftists in South Africa
  • Taking Down the ‘Evil Empire

And more, coming soon to a crumbling Republic near you if useful idiot Democrat voters have their way.

Qualified Impunity

All to say, the Supreme Court’s original justification for qualified
immunity—that Congress wouldn’t have abrogated common-law
immunities absent explicit language—is faulty because the 1871 Civil Rights Act expressly included such language. Those sixteen lost words, by presumably encompassing state common-law principles, undermine the doctrine’s long professed foundation and underscore that what the 1871 Congress meant for state actors who violate Americans’ federal rights is not immunity, but liability—indeed, liability notwithstanding any state law to the contrary. [More]

So the whole scam is exactly that, and it’s within the power of the Supreme Court to end it…?

[Via Michael G]

A Plan Comes Together

We have become guinea pigs in a ruthlessly calculated, carefully orchestrated, chillingly cold-blooded experiment in how to control a population and advance a political agenda without much opposition from the citizenry. This is mind-control in its most sinister form. [More]

Is it any wonder weaker minds snap?

[Via bondmen]

A Lot to Answer For

“Did You Parachute in from Another Planet?” – Sen John Kennedy ROASTS Sec. Mayorkas Over Open Southern Border- Mayorkas Left Bamboozled When Asked to Define Assault Weapon (VIDEO) [More]

Just like their “living Constitution,” terms will mean whatever they dictate them to mean.

[Via bondmen]

Who You Gonna Believe? Randi of Your Lyin’ Ears?

“It’s an epidemic that our great nation must solve. And how many lives will be shattered before we have the courage to do what Scotland did, what Australia did, what New Zealand did, what other great democracies do?” [More]

And in the best Jojo Krako tradition:

Who’s confiscatin’? We’re democratizin’!

That this Marxist hag has any influence at all over children’s “education” shows how successful the domestic enemies have been in their undermining of everything this Republic was supposed to stand for.

[Via Jess]

A Salvage Operation

DOJ is filing an appeal to overturn the district court’s preliminary injunction, and filing an emergency motion to stay, or halt, the portions of the order that would ban enforcement of the UHA’s requirements that semiautomatic pistols for retail sale have a chamber load indicator and magazine disconnect mechanism. The motion does not seek to immediately stop the part of the court’s decision enjoining the microstamping requirement. [More]

These bastards work in increments both ways. They’re trying to salvage what they can for now. They’ll come back for the rest later, assuming their subversions will assure enough dominance to control future courts.

You just gotta wonder what kind of Republicans would be stupid and/or treasonous enough to help them get an unchallengeable majority.

[Via Jess]

That’s a Lot of Confiscations

Poll: One in Twenty Americans Own an AR-15 [More]

What about those who prefer AKs…?

How many enforcers are there again…? Field-ready, not the morbidly obese clerks. I assume they’ll go in teams (around where I live it generally takes four of them in big new SUVs to conduct a traffic stop), with after-action and arrest report paperwork, and each raid will take at least a day…

And that’s assuming everyone cooperates because those numbers could go down…

[Via HD]

Tangentially-Related UPDATE

KJP wont answer this burning question: is asked if Biden supports gun confiscation ? [Watch]

Of course, she won’t.

[Via Jess]

Too Little Too Late?

‘$5 million is too little:’ Activists tell California reparations committee to aim higher- California activists demand more than $5 million per Black resident in reparations [More]

In Zimbabwean dollars…?

The central bank of Zimbabwe issued $100,000,000,000,000 notes during the last days of hyperinflation in 2009, and they barely paid for a loaf of bread.

Comment Poster mike fink made an observation yesterday that made me recall a “news” interview that aired after the L.A. riots with Danny Bakewell of the Brotherhood Crusade. He had half a dozen or so sullen young worthies lined up behind him who made no attempt to present themselves as other than participants in what Maxine Waters justified as a “rebellion.” Bakewell was demanding jobs for them, and not just menial ones, demanding they want to be “managers.”

My impression, being a manager at the time and knowing full well the experience, responsibilities, discipline, and work that it required, was that they were clueless about that, and moreover uncaring, but demanding titles and lackeys they could order around. In other words, they wanted to be slave drivers.

That’s what’s being demanded here: A return to slavery, with roles reversed.

No wonder the communist traitors engineering this want our guns.

We’re the Only Ones Illegal Enough

Wisconsin Assembly Passes Bill Allowing DACA Illegals in Law Enforcement [More]

And if it passes, they’ll be empowered to enforce citizen disarmament edicts and confiscate guns.

Who needs to import blue helmets when we have a ready foreign standing army reserve embedded throughout the Republic?

If you resist the new “Hessians” disarming you, will that make YOU an insurrectionist? I wonder what the founding generation would have done…

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue”. And I have that on good authority.

Government Has Known from the Start There is a Right to Own Machineguns

“You see, if we made a statute absolutely forbidding any human being to have a machine gun, you might say there is some constitutional question involved.” [More]

Now, what are all those “staunch supporters of the Second Amendment” in Congress going to do about it?

Speaking of ‘Debunking’…

To debunk MAGA’s “insurrectionist” theory of the 2nd Amendment, just read the Constitution. Everywhere it rejects insurrection, including in the 14th Amendment which bans insurrectionists from ever holding office again. The Constitution does not provide for its own destruction. [More]

True. It provides for its restoration after oath-breaking insurrectionist officeholders push the people beyond their limits of tolerance, all with an understanding at the time of ratification informed by the Declaration’s insistence “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

Then again, what else would you expect a born-and-bred Marxist agitator to argue?

[Via Jess]

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