Support for Jeffries Signals Hard Left by Democrats after Midterms

With a radical like Jeffries on track to be the House Democratic Leader, look for even more outrageous efforts to subvert the right to keep and bear arms than even Nancy Pelosi (who at times tried to keep a lid on the next generation), was able to propose. [More]

The real question is will he be radical enough to where even Clown World Republicans know better than to “compromise” and cave?

Wrong on Rights

Dem Rep. Garamendi: ‘The President Is Absolutely Correct, No Assault Weapons’ [More]

This coming from an old subversive who says the way to stop the influx of drugs and criminals is to forget border security, where tens of millions have illegally crossed, and focus on the Coast Guard.

[Via bondmen]

Statement of Solidarity

On China’s heavily censored social media, a new target has emerged for internet police: blank sheets of white paper. Platforms are rushing to remove images of people holding up the empty pages after protesters made them a symbol… [More]

How afraid must the genocidal maniacs be to fear…nothing… ?

Longtime readers remember their “internet police”


Fortunately, the rope-selling capitalists at Apple are here to help shut down dissent!

[Via Michael G]

Never Underestimate Their Power to Blow It

Republicans likely will give Biden gun control [More]

I wish I could definitively say they won’t, but with some of the names he cites…

Still, even Chris Murphy says now is not the time. Then again, since when has anyone with a brain believed anything he said?

[Via Michael G]

I Wanna Be Your Sledgehammer

In response to last week’s European Parliament vote to designate Russia as a “state sponsor of terrorism” – one Kremlin-linked official send a threatening message to the European body. Yevgeny Prigozhin, who is the leader of Russia’s most well-known and feared private security firm, Wagner mercenary group, says that he sent a bloodied sledgehammer to European parliament. [More]

SFPD doesn’t need it for evidence?

[Via Hammer Down Outdoors]

New York, New York, It’s a Wonderful Town

NYC bill preventing landlords from performing criminal background checks gains traction – New York City Mayor Eric Adams has suggested he supports the legislation [More]

Seeing as how the vast majority of people this will affect vote Democrat, I say go for it. Maybe force landlords to offer preferential discounts to them because they’ve been socially disenfranchised…

How do you like that Eric now, Tucker?

If at First You Don’t Succeed…

Next Covid-19 Strain May be More Dangerous, Lab Study Shows [More]

Man, they really want to scare the holdouts into giving in to the clot shot.

What? “The study is yet to be peer-reviewed and is based solely on laboratory work on samples from one individual”…?

Doesn’t matter. The message for the masses is “the Covid-19 pathogen COULD continue to mutate and a new variant MAY cause more severe illness and death…”

Tangentially-Related UPDATE

Study Blames ‘Misinformation’ and ‘Fear Mongering’ For Adverse Covid-19 Vaccine Side Effects [More]

Never mind that the adverse effects happen to the people who swallowed the narrative…

[Via Michael G]

Court Date Set

Things are moving quickly in our suit to put Mz 114 on ice. [More]

The Medford CBS affiliate surprised me by doing a story on how hundreds of Oregon gun stores could be closed down.

Nice to see the “real reporters” catch up.

I wonder what would happen if I said what I really thought of Connie Ballmer

Maybe if I just said what it rhymes with…

Life Imitates ‘Art’

“After six years of working as a museum curator—at a small, a mid-size, and, currently, a very large institution—I’ve learned how nefarious the culture of white supremacy in art museums really is,” she wrote. “The PTSD from racial trauma that many of my BIPOC colleagues and I are carrying is a clear indication that art museums are absolutely not in solidarity with BIPOC people and their communities as they claim to be.” [More]

Interesting, that she quotes a communist whose “guns…were used in an armed takeover of a courtroom in Marin County, California, in which four people were killed.”

What’s her beef again? That her comrades haven’t established a totalitarian black BIPOC Marxist regime that can give white “progressives” in the art community the Pol Pot “intellectuals” treatment they’re stupidly volunteering themselves for?

[Via Michael G]

Can We All Get Along?

Received via email:

We’re sharing some advice for those challenging conversations with family members around the dinner table. We believe there are ways to discuss politics that include others and make them feel heard, not alienated. Check out our post below for a few tips on how to have conflict-free gatherings. [More]

Stop demanding to sic the jackboots on us to disarm us by force and we’ll get along just fine.

No matter how much 97percent tries to present itself as the “reasonable” alternative to find “common ground,” their supporters show they just can’t control their militant hostility.

Tangentially-Related UPDATE

Four Mass Shooting Truths To Shut Down Your Liberal Family Members At Thanksgiving Dinner [More]

What “liberal family members”…?

[Via bondmen]


Removes the national rifle association from the list of entities authorized to grant certificates as instructors in small arms practice [More]

Can it get more in-your-face that this is about the politics of destruction than this? Among other things, this seems like a blatant punitive violation of the First Amendment. Then again, why would that slow down someone who believes they can get away with eviscerating the Second?

But OK, just make sure none of the “authorized” instructors got their certifications from NRA. Then again, those imposing this won’t mind if a shortage means New Yorkers can’t get permits– they’re no doubt counting on it.

Maybe the Moms can do the training from now on. They claim to be “commonsense gun safety” experts.

Any gun or ammunition supplier who arms New York state enforcement entities is giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

This, of course, is one more nose-thumbing at SCOTUS and its Bruen decision. It won’t stand unless we get court packing in the years it will take to go through the challenge and appeals process, and meanwhile, the state will have unlimited resources while the plaintiffs will have to scramble and compete for them.

What a POS Sean Ryan — and anyone who voted for him — is.

[Via Jess]

We’re the Only Ones Threatening Enough

“That’s when Agent Mike turned around and told me that, in their experience, nothing ever happens to people that don’t talk about these things,” [More]

How can we learn more about the impressed-with-his-own-ominousness “Agent Mike”?

I have an AmmoLand article on Hunter’s laptop that’s been in draft form for over a month– we’re still working on ironing out some wrinkles. Hopefully, that will happen sooner rather than later.

[Via bondmen]

Terms of Surrender

New York Attorney General Letitia James today cracked down on online ammunition sellers illegally shipping ammunition to New York residents and failing to keep records of these sales. An investigation by the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) found that 39 ammunition sellers have been shipping ammunition directly to New York residents in violation of New York’s SAFE Act, which prohibits direct online sales of ammunition to New York residents. Attorney General James sent cease and desist orders to these ammunition sellers demanding that they stop shipping ammunition directly to New York and warned them of serious legal consequences if they continue to violate New York’s law. [More]

The maniac doesn’t presume to rule just New Yorkers.

So: Which ammo dealers are still selling to the state?

[Via Jess]

We’re the Only Ones Further Endangering You Enough

When the NCPD found out that the woman seeking a concealed carry permit because she feared for her life didn’t notify the NCPD Pistol License Section of her 911 call, they promptly stopped the background investigation and suspended her pistol permit. They proceeded to confiscate her firearms, including her long guns. [More]

And remember, all you “law-abiding gun owner” types: Back the Blue!

[Via Jess]

Title Case

“Property owners indeed have the right to exclude. But the state may not unilaterally exercise that right and, thereby, interfere with the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens who seek to carry for self-defense outside of their own homes.” [More]

If you don’t want me there, put up a sign. It’s not the government’s job to absolve you of accountability, and I’ll be happy to let you be the attractant.


Attorney Mark W. Smith calls this “major.” [Watch]

[Via Jess]

Also from SAF


It Takes a Commune

An expert on “feminist, trans and queer politics and philosophy,” scholar Sophie Lewis on Nov. 16 spoke at UMass Boston at an event named after her October 2022 book, “Abolish the Family: A Manifesto for Care and Liberation.” [More]

A Tom Petty line comes to mind.

Funny… I don’t see where her bio says how many children she has successfully raised.

You just knew there was going to be a cat in there somewhere…

[Via Michael G]

Stop Me if You’ve Heard This One Before

More than three weeks after losing a reelection bid, President Jair Bolsonaro on Tuesday blamed a software bug and demanded the electoral authority annul votes cast on most of Brazil’s nation’s electronic voting machines, though independent experts say the bug doesn’t affect the reliability of results. [More]

Baseless,” right?

Now, this would be something:

“Brazilian Military is Just Waiting for Bolsonaro to Give the Order to Arrest Corrupt Communist Judge”

It kind of explains why our rulers have focused so intently on woke generals.

Regardless, it looks like a critical mass of Brazilians isn’t just going to roll over for Lula’s planned citizen disarmament.

We need to be able to say the same and be on our guard against the renewed divide-and-conquer strategy of spawning woke gun owners.

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