Our Own Domestic Stasi

All of this leaves us with an FBI out of control and run by a director who has been credibly accused of misleading Congress while under oath — a felony — and whose agents have been credibly accused of conspiracy to engage in computer hacking — also a felony. [More]

So when do the frog marches begin?


We’re the enemy?

[Via bondmen]

Further Adventures in Baselessness

‘I WILL become governor!’: Arizona GOP hopeful Kari Lake insists she’s still on track to overturn Dem rival’s election win, as AG’s office demands explanation for polling day issues before certifying the result [More]

How long have eyes been focused on Maricopa County election shenanigans? Why does it seem like a serious team of investigative auditors empowered to compel the production of data, records, and documents could get to the bottom of things in a matter of hours?

[Via Michael G]


Or is it easier to smear fed-up citizens as terrorists?

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Widely Spreading Enough

Grassley Alleges ‘Widespread Sexual Misconduct In The FBI’ [Watch]

When their whole function increasingly consists of screwing other Americans, why would we be surprised?

Now, who thinks Grassley promising a “bipartisan” effort is going to result in systemic reform?

[Via Jess]

Spider & the Fly

New from our friends on the Anticommunism Action Team:

  • Agustin Blazquez, R.I.P.
  • Lula elected in alliance with the Communist Party of Brazil
  • Venezuela dismisses renewed investigation of regime for crimes against humanity
  • Nicaragua now a one-party state, as Sandinistas sweep municipal elections
  • 19 officials quit the CCP during a government meeting in Hunan Province
  • New documentary: ‘The Hong Konger, Jimmy Lai’s Extraordinary Struggle For Freedom’

And much more.

Under Oregon’s Measure 114, ‘Common Sense Gun Safety’ Means Shutting Down Gun Sales

“December 07, 2022 (Wednesday) will be the last day to purchase ANY firearm without a valid Oregon Firearm Purchase Permit.” [More]

The useful idiot dilettante billionaires bankrolling this abomination don’t care whose livelihoods are destroyed or whose rights are usurped as long as this wins them “progressive” accolades for being enlightened and benevolent. It’s not like they have to worry about what “those people” want.

Pay No Attention to That ‘Great Replacement Theory’ Only Conspiracy Nuts Buy Into

“…we’re short of workers. We have a population that is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to. The only way we’re going to have a great future in America is if we welcome … [and] get a path to citizenship for all 11 million, or however many undocumented there are here.” -Schumer [More]

And more welfare for those who refuse to work and/or are unfit to work due to behavioral choices and the utter failure of the Democrat/union-run “education system”…

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue”. And I have that on good authority

[Via Michael G]

Doing the Job the FBI Won’t Do

Bobulinski’s reference stems from correspondence involving Hunter Biden where 10% of a Chinese business deal will be “held by H for the Big Guy.” Critics have long contended “H” is Hunter Biden and “The Big Guy” is Joe Biden. [More]

Not only did the Bureau ignore this before the mid-terms, but they also waited until afterward to admit Mar-A-Lago wasn’t everything they cracked it up to be.


And MSNBC is engaging in utter lying gaslighting. The thing is, most of those who watch it know and don’t care.

Taking a Hard Left

Democrats Rally Behind New Yorker Jeffries to Succeed Pelosi as House Leader [More]

Emboldened by the “red wave,” are we?

We’re talking about a “gun sense candidate” who admits background checks are for registration and let (Freudian) slip his inspiration by a communist dictator.

I may just have to do an article as the furor for this totalitarian wannabe heats up…

We’re the Only Ones Alien Invading Enough

Arnu said both his homes were raided “without warning” on Nov. 3 “by 15-20 agents in full riot gear.” The agents broke open the doors while Arnu was in the Rachel home and his girlfriend at the Las Vegas one, and then they “were detained and treated in the most disrespectful way.” [More]

Because a knock on the door and a deputy handing him a warrant and explaining what the issue was wouldn’t have “secure[d] the Blessings of Liberty” anywhere near as much as deploying jackboots to initiate paralyzing terror against a citizen looking for answers. Besides, it’s not like Russian and Chicom satellites can see anything a drone bought at Best Buy might miss.

Here’s the great threat to national security.

And here it is before he took some stuff down.

We’re the Only Ones Hush-Hush Enough

LAPD detective accused of trying to buy silencer online [More]

So if we’re to believe the commies over at the Center for American Progress (and why wouldn’t we?), he “pose[d] a unique risk to public safety”…?

As an aside, that’s a lot of “Only Ones” groups backing infringements. Remember that the next time some “law-abiding” über alles chump tells you “Back the Blue!” with a straight face.

[Via Steve T]

Voting with Their Wallets

Oregon State Police saw a spike in requests for Firearms Instant Check System (FICS) background requests leading up to and especially following the midterm election. [More]

They’d better hurry:

While many assumed that the implementation date would be 30 days after the election was actually “certified” (given that votes were being counted long after Nov 7th) now we are being told the Secretary of State has no plans to wait and the ban of new gun sales and magazines will begin December 8th.

I have an AmmoLand piece on Measure 114 in the publishing queue.

[Via Steve T]

A Common Factor

The Second Amendment Foundation today filed a federal lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Delaware’s recently-adopted ban on so-called “assault weapons” on the grounds the legislation—known as House Bill 450—violates the Second Amendment. [More]

Show me a “commonsense gun safety” bill that doesn’t.

There Can Be Only One

Donald Trump should not get free airtime on CNN and other news networks. Sign this petition immediately. [More]

You can’t have free elections with anyone who’s not a doctrinaire communist running because “our democracy” relies on there only being one side!

And I put in an addendum from “Ultraviolet” complaining that Facebook “fact checkers” aren’t censoring Trump supporters.

These people really don’t want any thought that doesn’t come from them being out there.

It’s a Big Club and You Ain’t In It

Hundreds of millions of dollars have been exchanged on the stock market by our elected officials in 2021 alone. In just equities, Congress bought and sold nearly $290 million throughout the year. In 2021, Congress beat the market! [More]

Did someone say “insider trading”…?

And then, of course, there are other highly lucrative forms of financial compensation that no one seems interested in…

[Via WiscoDave]

When, Not If

Will the American Empire Collapse in Our Lifetime? [More]

23 years later and I still haven’t had any gun-grabber try to answer my questions:

I must ask where in history is any civilization guaranteed stasis? Has not despotism and mass destruction plagued every civilization that preceded ours? Is it not, in fact, still commonplace throughout the globe? By what suspension of reality, by what denial of the observable and the probable, by what art, device or magic are we sheltered few immune from catastrophe? Are we certain, from our brief and privileged vantage point, that such things will ever remain headline curiosities? Is it not just plain stupid to proclaim that our familiar way of life will forever be the norm, when everything that has gone before us shows we are, instead, the extremely lucky beneficiaries of a rare and fortunate convergence of circumstances; and one, by the way, that has only been preserved under force of arms?

[Via bondmen]

And Then They Came and They Came

More Than Two Dozen Gun Control Measures Prefiled for 2023 Session of the Texas Legislature [More]

None of them pass the Bruen “historical understanding” benchmark, but that doesn’t matter to the antis, who will never stop because they have the resources and media support to keep coming and coming and coming

[Via Jess]

Thank You, Captain Obvious!

Study shows cash transfers from rich to poor can increase happiness of the poor [More]

So naturally, the solution for human happiness is a dependency on communists!

Just ask CBS Mornings host Tony Dokoupil!

Curious thing though– they don’t really tell us much about the qualifications of the “researchers” to fundamentally alter the governance and course of humanity.

One is this guy, who also shared his “water is wet” epiphany by concluding “Smartphone use undermines enjoyment of face-to-face social interactions,” and the other fancies herself an expert in happiness who does a mediocre job of imparting it to those taking her classes.

Reality, of course, shows us that totalitarian governments with the power to impose forced wealth transfers have historically always resulted in human misery and destitution.

As an aside, you’d think a smart guy like Jeff Bezos would realize a simple truth pointed out by John Stossel:

If the IRS grabbed 100 percent of income over $1 million, the take would be just $616 billion. That’s only a third of this year’s deficit.

[Via Steve T]

One Big Happy Gun-Free Zone

The Montgomery County Council unanimously approved a bill on Tuesday banning the possession of firearms within 100 yards of a place of public assembly… it bans the possession of firearms in most public places, including “a park; place of worship; school; library; recreational facility; hospital; community health center; long-term facility; or multipurpose exhibition facility, such as a fairgrounds or conference center.” [More]

And we’ve already seen the “good” that does.

But don’t worry. “Only Ones” are exempted.

“[T]he son of immigrant parents,” eh, Gabe? So they figured imposing their native citizen disarmament practiced by those they were fleeing on those taking them in would be just the ticket?

Good thing that has nothing to do with the “single issue”. And I have that on good authority

[Via Dan Gifford]

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