Sign of the Times

NY legislature passes bill requiring posted warning in gun stores [More]

Variations on a theme:

“We need to revolutionize the way we look at guns, like what we did with cigarettes … It used to be that smoking was a glamour symbol—cool, sexy, macho. Now it is dirty, deadly—and banned.”

Is there anything in the law that prohibits posting this right next to it?

[Via bondmen]

By Fair Means or Foul

California law prohibiting gun shows at county fairs upheld by federal appeals court in unanimous decision [More]

I trust no one is surprised.

Years ago, before the Great Western Gun Show was forced out of California, I recall being especially bitter over how it could attract tens of thousands of gun owners–yet a counter-protest against the Million Moms preceded by announcements and appeals throughout the “activist” network, only drew a few hundred. And out of all Los Angeles, we’d be lucky to get 50 to show up at an NRA Members’ Council meeting, and of those, maybe half a dozen– of the same people all the time– actually did any work.

Add the engineered demographic shift our “gun rights leaders” say doesn’t qualify for “single issue” consideration, and the traditional uselessness of California Republicans, and no other outcome was possible.

Appealing to the full Ninth Circuit won’t reverse things. That’s just a requisite step to denial, and then hoping the Supreme Court will hear it and that it still has a favorable majority.

[Via Jess]

In the Year 2025, If Man is Still Alive

“Americans don’t understand just how far down the road to a dystopic, right-wing theocracy we are right now…” [More]

Says the subversive bent on ushering in a dystopic Marxist tyranny

Who else remembers Zager & Evans…?

How about “Mr. Smith Goes to Stalingrad“?

[Via bondmen]

The Jet Violence Public Health Epidemic

Flesh the government using F-15s against the civilian population out for us.

It’s telling that everyone at GunGrabber Central approved. And that they’re all looking the other way on Hunter being found guilty for making a mockery of their “universal background check” Holy Grail…

[Via Lawrence P]

And if you see something, say something.

Related UPDATE

Good grief.

[Via Jess]

And Another UPDATE

Red State notes “Biden’s Massive Incoherence.”

[Via bondmen]

Speaking of Wretched Refuse…

Authorities nab 8 suspected terrorists with ties to ISIS in multi-city sting operation – The suspected terrorists were ‘fully vetted’ before they were released into the US… [More]

Guess which word I’m going to say…

Y’ever get the feeling some people in government are counting on a bunch of their urban Democrat constituents getting slaughtered…?

There Can Be Only One

Palestinianism Began with Nazism And Today Is Based on Antisemitism, Sexism, Homophobia and Denial of Human Rights. So Why Is the Left So in Love with It? [More]

Why do useful idiots not realize they’ll not be deemed useless eaters until it’s their turn at the lime pit?

The irony is, their time will come if we who they hate should fall first.

[Via bondmen]

Commonsense LEGO Safety Laws

“We’re here to talk about a roughly one-inch piece of plastic. It looks innocuous enough, a little like a LEGO or a k’nex block. But this one-inch piece of plastic is killing people,” said Leigha Simonton, the U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Texas. “Machine gun conversion devices can turn Second Amendment-protected firearms into illegal weapons of war, and petty criminals into brutal killers. We cannot have our streets turned into war zones.” [More]

So the federal government has the authority to ban a one-inch piece of plastic– just like the Founders intended. And it’s killing people… does this broad ever listen to herself?

What the hell does Simpleton think “Second Amendment-protected firearms” were intended to be?

[Via Dan Gifford]

Channeling Her Raging Inner Marxist

Rep. Stefanik’s Democrat opponent slammed for proposing ‘re-education camp’ for Trump supporters [More]

And, of course, they’ll need to disarm them first.

These people just can’t hide who they are, can they?

It should not go unnoticed that at this writing, no Democrat has stepped forward to rebuke her.

[Via Michael G]

Resistance is Futile?

my criticism of the right-wing-insurgency conspiracy theory is the lack of meat space networks … bc they don’t exist in the volume required to build an integrated insurgency [More]

And the commies aim to keep it that way. Including by going after easy pickings.

All is not lost, though — if they thought they could, they’d have already tried for your guns.

Like the man said, quantity has a quality all of its own.

That and know your catechism.

[Via WiscoDave]

A New York State of Mind

The New York State Senate passed legislative measures to advance responsible and effective firearm regulation. The proposed legislation will provide funding for anti-violence education in schools, add reasonable restrictions to the open carry of long guns, establish a ten-day waiting period for firearm purchases, establish a voluntary waiver of the right to purchase firearms, hold firearm industry members accountable for unreasonable conduct, and expand the list of who can petition for Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs). [More]

Here’s to the day when such public bragging of deprivation of rights under color of law is seen as a confession of guilt not protected by the Speech and Debate clause…

[Via Jess]

The March of Progress

Attorney General Delivers Remarks at ATF’s Third Annual Chiefs of Police Executive Forum on Crime Guns … First: our work is far from over. Progress is only progress. Our work is not done until all Americans feel safe in their communities. [More]

Boy, talk about slopping the hogs…

What have we learned about “progress“? And “feelings“?

Speaking of which, I don’t feel safe knowing these official swineherds can dispatch their JBTs out to flashbang my house at 3 a.m. if they think I have arms reserved for “Only Ones,” and execute any family member who so much as twitches…

We so dodged a bullet

[Via Antigone]

How About One Book a Month?

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco has scheduled oral arguments Aug. 14 in the Second Amendment Foundation’s challenge of California’s one-gun-per-month (OGM) purchase restriction, in a case known as Nguyen v. Bonta. [More]

Of course it’s an infringement.

Of course the Ninth Circuit knows it.

And of course they’re going to do everything in their power to stall things until Democrats get the national majority they need to remake SCOTUS and reverse Bruen.

With your money.

Without a Trace

Crime gun intelligence centers — or CGICs — use cutting-edge technology to solve and prevent crimes — technology that traces firearms from crime scenes; that links ballistics evidence and connects shootings; and that identifies the gun traffickers and straw purchasers arming gang members and other violent criminals. [More]

In other words, if you asked her right there how many guns retrieved from crime scenes implicated the original purchaser as the trigger puller, you’d get a Jackie Gleason response, and the rest is to try and blame high-volume outlets like Bass Pro Shops and Cabellas for deep pockets PLCAA end run extortion attempts.

Meanwhile, the real problem, Democrat policies “cultivating” constituents who can’t be trusted with a gun, not only isn’t addressed, it can’t even be talked about.

[Via Antigone]

Mientras Tanto, Al Otro Lado del Charco…

Oh look, two monopolies of violence!

[Via bondmen]

Conspiracy Against Rights

A new law gives Maryland leaders the ability to sue the gun industry for their wrongful actions. This is a major step in holding the gun industry accountable when they break the law and exacerbate America’s gun violence crisis. [More]

There’s a solution.

But it requires someone with the will to use it.

Making an Example

There were two major admissions Fincher would have to make if he took the plea. The first required he confess to selling firearms and ammunition without a Federal Firearm License, even though he had a valid FFL during the dates specified. [More]

It doesn’t matter. Surrender or be destroyed.

It’s the ATF way. As for “Why?”

To cow everyone else into submission. And because they can.

[Via Jess]

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