Our Own Public/Private Idaho

Senate Bill 1291 was introduced in the state Senate earlier this week. The measure would prohibit public contracts with individuals or companies that are boycotting those that engage in or support the manufacture, distribution, sale or use of firearms, and would also require companies that contract with the state to disclose if their policies discriminate … Continue reading “Our Own Public/Private Idaho”

Highway Robbery

Thousands of drivers receiving speed camera tickets in small Summit County village… He said he is considering challenging the ticket, but the Stow Municipal Court requires that drivers who want to appeal the ticket pay $100. [More] These $$holes are right next door to Hudson. You have to drive through there to get to most … Continue reading “Highway Robbery”

Rhymes with ‘Blunt’

Leftist Mayor Calls 911 On Peaceful Petitioners – Describes Them As “Far Right Wing” [More] That’s literally the First Amendment this she-Nazi tried to deploy the SS against. When I saw this last week my first thought was to do a FOIA and make her go on record– under penalty of perjury — to provide … Continue reading “Rhymes with ‘Blunt’”

Partial Faith and Credit

People shouldn’t lose their National constitutional rights whenever they venture into other states. If you have a … a First Amendment right in one state you should have it in the other state. If you have a Second Amendment right in one state you should have it in the other state because these are these … Continue reading “Partial Faith and Credit”

Traitors Attack Bill of Rights

The lawsuit, brought Tuesday by the nonprofit group Everytown for Gun Safety and exclusively obtained by NBC News, names multiple defendants, including YouTube and Reddit, online spaces where the shooter was allegedly radicalized… [More] If trying to radicalize is the crime, where do I go to plead guilty? Figures, the “legal authority” they consulted is … Continue reading “Traitors Attack Bill of Rights”

Your Masters Have Spoken

Appeals Court: No First Amendment Right to Religious Exemption From Vaccine Mandate [More] You must let us experiment on your children or we will take them from you, and if you resist us, we will kill you. More souls for Moloch, just like the Founders intended. One of the judges is a Trump appointee, once … Continue reading “Your Masters Have Spoken”

Flaunting Her Serial Betrayals

Getting a gun in New York City is easier with a router than through Ruger, so Sen. Kristen Gillibrand, D-N.Y., hopes the 3D Printed Gun Safety Act of 2023, which bans internet distribution of blueprints for 3D-printed firearms, will suppress the burgeoning illegal pipeline of homemade, untraceable “ghost guns,” both locally and nationwide. [More] Aside … Continue reading “Flaunting Her Serial Betrayals”

How Do You Get From Here to There?

“We have already recognized in Heller at least one way in which the Second Amendment’s historically fixed meaning applies to new circumstances. Its reference to arms does not apply only to those arms in existence in the 18th Century… just as the First Amendment protects modern forms of communications and the Fourth Amendment applies to … Continue reading “How Do You Get From Here to There?”

Shock and Awe Lawfare

The recommendation for Rhodes is the longest thus far for any person charged in connection with the Capitol attack, reflecting what prosecutors see as his role in a key organizing figure for members of the far-right militia — even as Rhodes was never alleged to have entered the Capitol building itself on Jan. 6. [More] … Continue reading “Shock and Awe Lawfare”

Capture the Flag!

Have a contemplative Patriots’ Day! I got the above certificate along with a U.S. flag that had been flown over the Capitol back when I was still living in CA. It’s a constituent service that members of Congress provide for a nominal fee (20 bucks and up these days, depending on size and material). My … Continue reading “Capture the Flag!”

97percent Deception

It also adopted a new test for Second Amendment cases. Gun laws today must be consistent with the laws that existed when the Second Amendment was adopted in the late 17 hundreds. This means that gun regulations will be assessed according to their conformity with laws that were in place during the 18th and 19th … Continue reading “97percent Deception”

Terror Group Issues Kidnapping/Death Threats Against Bill of Rights Practitioners

I’d argue my headline is more accurate. [More] In April 2022, the Department of Justice announced the “Frame or Receiver” final rule that modernizes the definition of a firearm. Read “illegally changes.” Some suppliers of partially complete frames or receivers appear to be attempting to willfully circumvent the rule… We’re coming for you. And your … Continue reading “Terror Group Issues Kidnapping/Death Threats Against Bill of Rights Practitioners”

Two Down, Eight to Go

Reversal is urgent because the Second Circuit’s opinion threatens basic First Amendment rights at a time when the First Amendment is under widespread attack. [More] That’s what happens when tyrants have conditioned themselves to ignore the Second Amendment with impunity. [Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Cowing Enough

The FBI Targeted Patriotic Conservatives Exercising Their First Amendment Rights: ‘They’re All Bleeping Terrorists’ [More] Right. The object here is to send an unmistakable intimidating message about who’s in charge in case anybody else is getting any ideas. That and smear any opposing ideology as the stuff of domestic terrorists. I wonder if the people … Continue reading “We’re the Only Ones Cowing Enough”

Wars and Rumors of Wars

Is this to secure weapons for shipment to Ukraine?.. OR, Is this to secure a buildup of weapons for a larger purpose? Meaning, is this preparing for an expanded war effort? There is a lack of media curiosity. [More] Since they’re the “only ones” the First Amendment applies to, I think we ought to knock … Continue reading “Wars and Rumors of Wars”

That’ll Teach ’em!

Creighton University will not remove its ban on pro-Second Amendment posters despite a student libertarian group fighting over the last several months to overturn the policy on First Amendment grounds. [More] If it’s a private university, then it’s not really 1A, is it? A better question might be why are they patronizing it? [Via Michael G]

So… No Poll Taxes?

In a case involving fees for commercial filming in areas under the control of the National Park Service, the DC District Court has ruled that fees charged for exercising constitutional rights of the first order are unconstitutional… ‘This regime is difficult to square with the longstanding rule that the government may not “impose a charge … Continue reading “So… No Poll Taxes?”

Schiff Happens

By publicly pressuring Musk to censor “hate speech,” which is indisputably covered by the First Amendment, Schiff and Takano are trying to indirectly accomplish something that the Constitution forbids. [More] Well, it also says “shall not be infringed, but that’s never stopped either of these @$$holes.

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