The Fix Is In

And anyone who questions it is an insurrectionist/seditious conspirator. UPDATE Ron Gould of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors was told he would be arrested if he did not certify the election. [More] How is that not a First Amendment violation? It’s gotta be– look how happy the commie trolls celebrating and snarking in the … Continue reading “The Fix Is In”


Removes the national rifle association from the list of entities authorized to grant certificates as instructors in small arms practice [More] Can it get more in-your-face that this is about the politics of destruction than this? Among other things, this seems like a blatant punitive violation of the First Amendment. Then again, why would that … Continue reading “Certifiable”

Montana Warns YouTube of Consequences for Acting as a Democrat Proxy to Censor Speech

Big Tech argues they deserve exemptions because they are not content providers. Acting as content deniers, suppressing anything that does not advance a state-approved “progressive” narrative, and facilitating the universal spread of that which does, effectively amounts to the same thing. [More] How is removing legal content at the demand of Democrat politicians not a … Continue reading “Montana Warns YouTube of Consequences for Acting as a Democrat Proxy to Censor Speech”

We’re the Only Ones Humorless Enough

A Louisiana man is fighting in court for the First Amendment right to express satire after he made a joke about COVID-19, and was arrested by a sheriff’s armed SWAT team that confronted him with guns drawn. [More] Talk about deprivation of rights under color of authority… The only thing they’re laughing about is their … Continue reading “We’re the Only Ones Humorless Enough”

Former CIA Officer’s Enmity Toward ‘Right Wing’ Americans Shows Agency Priorities

He is presuming to apply terror rules against U.S. citizens on U.S. soil for, in the case of gun owner advocates, exercising our First Amendment-recognized right to defend and promote our Second Amendment-recognized right. [More] If “progressive” spooks have their way, “conservatives” being “canceled” will take on a whole new meaning.

Just Call Him Racist and Be Done with It

After Elon Musk acquired Twitter, there was a reported dramatic increase in usage of the N-word on the platform — the Network Contagion Research Institute said the term saw a 500% increase on the platform. [More] A percentage without numbers is meaningless. And look who they work hand-in-hand with. No political agenda there! And there’s … Continue reading “Just Call Him Racist and Be Done with It”

Key Questions

The ATF claims that Hoover conspired with Ervin to sell lightning links. They further contended, quite audaciously, that raising money for Ervin’s legal defense was part of that conspiracy on the theory that, if Ervin won his case, Hoover would be able to advertise the card again. The ATF admits that Hoover never sold any … Continue reading “Key Questions”

Other Tools Besides Banning…

Repression, Terror, Fear: The Government Wants to Silence the Opposition [More] Making this all the more believable. Aided and abetted by social media and the DSM. One fantasy I have is that someday, government collusion with these “private” entities to suppress truthful reporting will be proven in court and First Amendment violators, both government instigators, … Continue reading “Other Tools Besides Banning…”

Contract Oath-Breakers

An email obtained last week by the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project revealed that the “precision micro-influencer” marketing firm People First is hiring veterans to serve as paid social media influencers for the Harris-Walz campaign. [More] Not just false authority — paid false authority. [Via Jess]

Blast from the Past

From George Gramlich, Editor of the Sangre de Cristo Sentinel, via email: David I don’t know if you remember but Mike’s last Smuggler’s episode was him going up to NY or Conn with a bunch of 30 rounders and give them out at a rally. Well, he got too sick to do that and he … Continue reading “Blast from the Past”

Unique Book Offers Antidote to 2A Misinformation

“There can be no resolution to the issue of ‘gun violence’ or gun ownership in the twenty-first century if neither side incorporates the actual 2nd Amendment meaning, and its purpose, in their position,” [More] “If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don’t have to worry about answers.” ― Thomas Pynchon, Gravity’s Rainbow

We’re the Only Ones Unwarranted Enough

The decision, first announced by the Institute for Justice, means that Tennessee wildlife officers will no longer be allowed to access private lands unless they have explicit permission of the landowner, or have obtained a court-ordered search warrant. [More] Damn Constitution takes all the fun out of being a JBF (Jackbooted Fudd)… [Via Michael G]

Ignorance is No Excuse – Neither is Subversion

It is difficult to imagine a situation where accurately firing from 1,000 yards would be necessary to defend oneself … We need not conclude that the right to train with firearms is a necessarily protected right under the Second Amendment. [More] Of course it is, you lying morons. Leave it to “common sense gun safety” … Continue reading “Ignorance is No Excuse – Neither is Subversion”

Securing the Curses of Tyranny, One Intolerable Act at a Time

I see a Streisand Effect in their futures. Seems another Democrat had something to say about that once… Berman, Gipson, and Weber, eh? I remember that Gipson racist idiot tyrant . I see Pinhead Berman and Gunquack Weber also want men with guns to take away yours. Hey, if you can ignore the Second Amendment, … Continue reading “Securing the Curses of Tyranny, One Intolerable Act at a Time”

The Man Who Would Be King

How instructive to see “New York’s very own” PIX 11 pay so much attention to noted subject matter expert East Harlem resident Arlene on this. “I think they shouldn’t be learning that on no video,” indeed. So Fat Alvin presumes the power to coerce rules affecting the entire world… Hey, if you believe you don’t … Continue reading “The Man Who Would Be King”

The Shape of Things to Come

NYC to test gun detecting systems in subways amid security push [More] And if they can have them there, why not Everywhere, in Everytown? If you don’t have to respect the Second Amendment, what’s to keep you from trampling on the Fourth? After all, it’s for the greater good. My first thought was of ways … Continue reading “The Shape of Things to Come”

Your ‘Gun Sense’ Judge

The AWCA is constitutional because either: (1) assault rifles are dangerous and unusual and, therefore, not protected by the Second Amendment at all; (2) assault rifles may be banned in accordance with this nation’s regulatory tradition of placing severe restrictions on dangerous and unusual weaponry, including a tradition of outright possession bans that proliferated during … Continue reading “Your ‘Gun Sense’ Judge”

JOE SOMMERLAD, ‘Real Reporter’

Donald Trump boasted that he did “nothing” to alter the Second Amendment during his time as president – just hours after a mass shooting at the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl parade left one person dead and dozens more injured. [More] First of all, that’s not quite true, but Joe will now explain what moron … Continue reading “JOE SOMMERLAD, ‘Real Reporter’”

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