For the Children

“Marketing guns to children is abhorrent, including the shameful practice of gun manufacturers using social media to encourage children to purchase deadly weapons,” White House spokesman Jeremy M. Edwards told USA TODAY. “This is especially alarming when we know that guns are the No. 1 killer of kids.” [More] In fact, it’s not, but take … Continue reading “For the Children”

Big Brother is Watching You

The Second Amendment Foundation has filed a federal lawsuit in California challenging that state’s law requiring firearms dealers to video record all transactions, calling it a violation of First, Second, Fourth, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment rights. [More] What’s that saying about 1984 being an instruction manual…? Democrats are literally totalitarians.


The city of Flagstaff, Ariz., banned all commercial advertising at the local airport after a gun-range owner threatened to sue the city for prohibiting his ad specifically from appearing on government property. [More] The rights prohibitionists have no intention of stopping at the Second Amendement. You tell me why a city with these demographics feels … Continue reading “Flagshafted”

Brought to You By…

I’m trying to figure out if it’s my cookies and browser history causing this or the subject matter of the videos I’m trying to access, but more and more every time I try to watch a gun influencer on YouTube, Mark Barden’s showing up first. Is this happening to any of you? As with Manuel … Continue reading “Brought to You By…”

The Second Shot Heard Round the World

When the Modern Gun Control Movement Started [More] Dan Gifford resurrects a 2019 piece that recalls how recent history has led to where we are today. I remember where I was when Kennedy was killed. We were living in Tehran. Dad ran the brand-new B.F. Goodrich tire factory and we were getting ready to go … Continue reading “The Second Shot Heard Round the World”

Trouble Ahead?

The Supreme Court appears inclined to uphold a federal law banning guns from those subject to domestic violence restraining orders (DVROs), in the first major test of the Second Amendment at the high court this term. [More] Looks like some of the pundits assuring us Bruen was a magic bullet may have some ‘splainin’ to … Continue reading “Trouble Ahead?”

A Man of Which People?

Never Trump, Democrat, and Mitt Romney donors have swarmed to Utah Speaker of the House Brad Wilson’s campaign for U.S. Senate. [More] Meanwhile, primary competitor Trent Staggs says: Given Americans’ clear desire to protect themselves, I reject the idea that the Second Amendment is outdated. Every dictator who has seized power from a free society … Continue reading “A Man of Which People?”

It’s the Lies

It’s the guns. [More] Of course, it’s not. But you’ll notice the grabbers never tell you when meeting their demands will be enough– that’s because it never will be for them. They’re still arguing that Heller misappropriated founding intent and that you have no individual right to own a gun. Of course, they’re talking about … Continue reading “It’s the Lies”

It’s All in the Presentation

Under current VA policy, if a veteran who defended this country has to go to the VA and ask for help managing his or her financial affairs the VA automatically reports that veteran to the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System … and that veteran loses his firearm … automatically, no due process, no … Continue reading “It’s All in the Presentation”

The Same Except They’re Different

The argument that commercially available, AR-type firearms are somehow less dangerous or lethal simply because they fire only in semi-automatic mode is misleading. They retain the identical performance capabilities and characteristics (save full-automatic capability) as initially intended for use in combat. [More] Oh, is that all? Spread that lie under oath! Also from the linked … Continue reading “The Same Except They’re Different”

Tales of Wells Fargo

Gun Manufacturer Ruger Alleges Discrimination from Wells Fargo in Letter to Texas Lawmakers – The gun company is asking state lawmakers to investigate why the Texas Attorney General’s Office concluded the banking giant didn’t discriminate against them. [More] Why didn’t Tucker ask Ken Paxton about that? It’s not the first time I’ve scratched my head. … Continue reading “Tales of Wells Fargo”

Forbidden Thoughts

33% of Generation Z believes using the wrong gender pronoun should be illegal. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer supports similar legislation that comes with potential jail sentences. [More] What kind of anti-government extremist would support seditious conspiracies to defy that? Or to oppose these pieces of totalitarian sh!+…? [Via Michael G]

House of Dicks

DICK’S Sporting Goods (NYSE: DKS) has continued to expand the House of Sport brand as nine new locations celebrated their grand openings in July and August. These locations join the first three House of Sport stores in Victor, New York; Knoxville, Tennessee; and Minnetonka, Minnesota. [More] So none of their customers own guns? Or are … Continue reading “House of Dicks”

Suzy Lopez Shows Everyone Her Huge ‘But’

“We’ve got to get the guns out of the hands of people who are not supposed to have guns. I support the Second Amendment BUT there is no scenario in which a 15- or 16-year-old is allowed to have a gun.” [More] Of course, there is, and many of us have personal experience, both as … Continue reading “Suzy Lopez Shows Everyone Her Huge ‘But’”

Unclear on the Concept

If you want to have a gun, you need to join the militia. [More] Inigo would like to have a word about “well regulated.” Marsha hasn’t read Heller, has she? Or found anything from the Framers to support her ignorance? Still, we ignore those first 13 words at our peril. Just understand that the “well … Continue reading “Unclear on the Concept”

Nothing In Garbage Out

OpenAI has been slapped with its first-ever defamation lawsuit after a ChatGPT “hallucination” generated a bogus embezzlement complaint against a Georgia radio host, according to a lawsuit. Mark Walters was shocked to learn ChatGPT created a false case that accused him of “defrauding and embezzling” funds from the Second Amendment Foundation… [More] It sounded like … Continue reading “Nothing In Garbage Out”

The Gatekeepers of Approved Knowledge

The proposed legislation would criminalize both the printing of guns and the intentional sharing of the digital instructions the printer needs to follow. [More] Right. Why should people who get away with gutting the Second Amendment balk at going after the First? That Hoylman tyrant in training is also one of the frauds behind the … Continue reading “The Gatekeepers of Approved Knowledge”

That’s Why They Call Them ‘Totalitarians’

These 2 Democrat senators want to create a federal agency that regulates what you can say on the internet [More] Bennet and Welch, eh? And anyone expects traitors who don’t respect the Second Amendment to respect the First? It’s never about “commonsense gun safety” with embedded domestic enemies. It’s always about tyranny. [Via Michael G]

The ‘We P!ss on Your Bill of Rights Act of 2023’

The Responsible Firearms Marketing Act would require the Commission to study the actions of gun manufacturers, importers, and dealers, including those which might target individuals younger than 18 years of age, encourage illegal use of a firearm, or relate to the sale of semiautomatic assault weapons. [More] Why would tyrannical Democrat subversives with no respect … Continue reading “The ‘We P!ss on Your Bill of Rights Act of 2023’”

Girl Talk

Mace to meet privately with former Democratic congressional opponent to talk gun violence – In the aftermath of the Isle of Palms shooting earlier this month, Mace showed her frustration on social media with both major political parties and their unwillingness to work together to solve the root issues behind gun violence. [More] That’s because … Continue reading “Girl Talk”

The Finest Gun-Grabber NRA Could Elect

Then in a surprise move, the board elected Bob Barr to replace Willes Lee as First Vice President. [More] Who better than a Lautenberg Amendment fanboy? I remember when me ‘n Mike used to take all kinds of heat from the “prags” over calling NRA management out. Now it’s tough to find anyone on the … Continue reading “The Finest Gun-Grabber NRA Could Elect”

That Door Won’t Swing Both Ways

[A] New York state official made a series of thinly veiled threats to regulated financial entities to pressure them to sever ties with a politically disfavored group [NRA]…[More] I wonder what would happen to someone who made “thinly veiled threats” to tyrannical “New York state officials”…? That state really is run by arrogant extortionist thugs … Continue reading “That Door Won’t Swing Both Ways”

We Have Some Good News and Some Bad News…

A handful of House and Senate bills are beginning to work their way through the state’s legislative process, as the Ohio Legislature’s 135th General Assembly gets underway. The first three, as currently written, would reduce firearms regulations and expand Second Amendment rights. [More] And the one after that…?

Keep Your Shirt On

The complaint alleges that in Sept. 2022, just two days after A.B.’s teacher, Tom Griffin, covered students’ free speech rights in government class, A.B. was suspended from school for wearing a shirt that said “What part of ‘shall not be infringed’ do you not understand?” and featured an image of a rifle. [More] Actually, this … Continue reading “Keep Your Shirt On”

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