Temporary Relief

U.S. District Judge Charlotte Sweeney, a Biden appointee, issued a temporary restraining order (TRO) on Tuesday against Boulder County. It stops enforcement of the county’s ban on the manufacture and sale of assault weapons, which include the popular AR-15, and ammunition magazines capable of holding more than ten rounds. [More]

So what’s it take to get a PRO?

[Via Jess]

A Shotgun Approach

“It is not a good morning in Houston,” Police Chief Troy Finner said. “This suspect unfortunately, very sadly and very evilly set fire to several residences, laid wait for those residents to come out and fired upon them.” Firefighters had to take cover as they arrived to fight the blaze amid the mass shooting. Police spotted the shooter, dressed in all black with a shotgun… [More]

So, Fudds: When they succeed in banning guns in the front of the line, what do you think the grabbers will next characterize as “weapons of choice”?

And is it just me, or is finding information on the shooter kind of hard to ferret out, even after the story has aged a few days?

[Via Jess]

A City’s Got to Know Its Limitations

We are constrained by the recent United States Supreme Court decision in New York State Rifle & Pistol Assn., Inc. v Bruen (597 US _, 142 SCt 2111 [2022]) which mandates the grant of this CPLR article 78 petition. Specifically, in Bruen , the United States Supreme Court held that denial of a license applications for failing to satisfy New York’s “proper cause” standard, under which the applicants had to demonstrate a special need for self-protection distinguishable from that of the general community, was unconstitutional as violative of the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, which protects an individual’s fundamental right to keep a firearm, and the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which makes this right equally applicable throughout the states. THIS CONSTITUTES THE DECISION AND ORDER OF THE SUPREME COURT, APPELLATE DIVISION, FIRST DEPARTMENT. [More]

Callahan” seems such an appropriate name here.

[Via Jess]

Jojo Krako Permitting

Challenger to NJ’s unconstitutional law granted carry permit (kind of). [More]

So the “historical understanding” is that flintlock pistols were to be kept unloaded and locked in the back of the carriage and you could not have them where the “authorities” declared off-limits …?

Just like the old days…?

Who’s infringin’? We’re forbiddin’!

The Lying Threatener in Chief

  1. Of course, you can.
  2. No problem there, either.
  3. Flesh out how an “F-15” is going to be used against millions of armed Americans who will not disarm. Do you really want to escalate this to taking out families and neighbors, you maniac? And it’s curious, how you disparage Constitutionalists as “right-wing” while sneering out the word “brave” and proposing what you perceive to be a riskless mass slaughter of them and everyone they love.
  4. That, of course, is dependent on the “Only Ones,” especially those who realize “I was just following orders” doesn’t cut it if you lose. Personally, I wouldn’t be so sure some of them aren’t sick of Democrat s*** and a good number more of them wouldn’t be looking at which side has better odds in a given environment.
  5. And don’t forget your basic Von Clausewitz

Now tell us about Hunter’s TWO guns

We will not disarm, you treasonous, tyrannical son of a bitch.

And no, I’m not joking. I’m serious.

We’re the Only Ones Shaking a Leg Enough

FBI agent accidentally shoots self in leg at federal building in Center City [More]

Or as NBC 10 Philadelphia puts it, “the weapon discharged.”

Looks like we have us a Lee Paige Award finalist…

I haven’t been this enthused since noted “gun safety” authority Eric Adams competed in the Sucking Chest Wound Divisional Tryouts!

[Via Steve T]

Aid and Comfort to the Enemy

Former Congressman Joe Walsh (R-IL) criticized South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham for predicting violence if former President Donald Trump is indicted but not condemning it. [Watch]

I met this self-serving character at a Gun Rights Policy Conference where we all assumed he was a friend instead of a citizen disarmament-enabling traitor.

It’s interesting he identifies himself as someone who “escaped the MAGA cult.” What a deceptive way of smearing his countrymen who believe in traditional American principles because they foster freedom and prosperity.  This cultist ingrate has just switched over and become an “evangelist” for the dark side.

Happy shooting, kids!

[Via Jess]

Suveillance Nation

The country’s largest wireless carriers not only know where you are every time you make a phone call or use your data connection, but they routinely hold onto that location information for months and in some cases years, providing it to law enforcement whether you like it or not, according to carrier letters made public last week by the Federal Communications Commission. [More]

Maybe that’s why they call them “cell” phones…

In a Constitutional system, you could make a case for Fourth AND Fifth Amendment violations without looking too hard. Then again, why should rulers who trample the Second with impunity worry about that?

Radical Push on Card Companies to ID Gun Store Purchases Goes Mainstream

Now, using “time tested” techniques of assigning “social credits” to those who promote the Party line combined with the threat of public “struggle sessions” for those to be humiliated and purged, the mainstream card companies have been put on notice: Start snitching on gun owners or be “canceled.” [More]

Economic fascism for citizen disarmament is being used as a stepping stone to communism, all with open-eyed complicity by the Democrats.

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