New York, New York, It’s a Wonderful Town!

Sickening moment man knocks shopper, 36, out cold in random one-punch attack from behind at New York City mall… before security guard wanders past unconscious body and does NOTHING [More]

That, of course, is attempted murder. What do you do with someone who can’t be trusted with his hands?

I like the way the perp’s lookin’ like a fool with his pants on the ground as he cheats paying for parking. You get the feeling there’s no law these amoral mutts won’t break at any moment as a matter of self-entitlement.

I see the Eloi won’t involve themselves either… then again, why should they?

[Via bondmen]

Doesn’t Fit the Preferred Profile

But because the alleged shooter in this new case is black, and because our media only cares about skin color and not truth, I don’t think we’ll hear much about this riveting and horrific tale in the months to come. [More]

So she shot unarmed white men? Meaning it’s not just the media that’s keeping a lid on things…

Would it be unfair to suppose she favored Abrams and Warnock?

[Via bondmen]

About That Future Swarms of Officers Field Trip

Fact Check-Photos do not show IRS recruiting or training program for thousands of new armed agents [More]

What’s that saying about assumptions? I know I kneejerk made them.

As objectionable as the reality still is, it’s important for us to be precise.

That said, let’s look at the ones who aren’t accounting students on a day trip:

IRS Agents Accidentally Discharged Guns More Often than They Intentionally Fired Them

[Via Jess]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise

Fury’s post included an image which read “Stop knife crime” and a hashtag saying “only cowards carry weapons”. [More]

Sorry. Not all of us are as manly as Real Man. And even fewer of us are professional heavyweight prizefighters.

Here’s a better way to cut back on violent crime, old sport: Stop economically incentivizing gangs and cartels.

[Via Jess]

The Wrong Questions

In his order on Tuesday, Welte wrote: “The rather speculative risk of harm to the plaintiffs, on the one hand, does not outweigh the harm to the ATF’s interest in law enforcement and public safety, on the other.” [More]

Spoken like a true judicial fascist, all the while avoiding the real issues. Who recommended him to Trump?

This is what happens when confirmation hearings are treated more like pre-coronation ceremonies than job interviews.

Sensitive, Aren’t We?

In response to the Supreme Court’s ruling, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) on July 1 signed a law that criminalizes the concealed carry of guns in airports, houses of worship, Times Square and other sensitive places, prompting a swift legal challenge. Gun Owners of America is one of several plaintiffs who are urging a federal judge in Syracuse to block the New York law before it takes effect on Sept. 1. [More]

Not satisfied with a patchwork quilt of “gun-free zones,” Hochul & Co. are going for a Rubik’s Cube.

I see Stephen Stamboulieh got ink.

So Much for ‘Shall Not be Infringed’…

ATF has posted the following corrections to the Final Rule which appeared in the Federal Register on April 26, 2022. The Final Rule, with these corrections, is effective in two days, August 24, 2022. This set of updates provides technical corrections to the Final Rule. [More]

What do you think the Founders would have had to say about this?

He Must Be One of Us, Right?

Joe Rogan slams Hollywood hypocrisy: ‘Anti-gun, but they promote guns more than any other media on the planet’ [More]

Says the @$$hole who said he was voting for Bernie.

This Bernie.

This Rogan character is turning out to be a bigger fraud than obnoxious carnival barker Michael Savage. I’m just not getting why so many self-identified “conservatives” are enamored of the guy.

[Via Jess]

Past Time if You Ask Me…

We need the South Carolina Republican Party to censure Graham for his sell out. [More]

This is for more than just “registered Republicans” and Palmetto State gun owners because what this guy does affects us all. The email option isn’t the only way to reach them. Pick one that works for you. And include others.

I’m starting with the head of the party.  And GOP National. And NRA

Like so

From the Department of Retroactive Crime

“The current president should not be able to waive the executive privilege of a predecessor, without the consent of the former president. Otherwise, [privilege] means nothing. What president will ever discuss anything in private if he knows the man who beat him can and will disclose it.” [More]

Like Precrime, only with hindsight!

[Via Michael G]

Freddie and the Dreamers

Parkland Father Claims ‘Absolute Insanity’ to Let School Officers Have AR-15s for Classroom Defense [More]

But demanding everybody be disarmed so they’re not “needed” is sane…

Guttenberg, of course, was one of the panelists for the kinder, gentler citizen disarmament deception.

[Via bondmen]

Maloney Baloney

The first, the Firearm Industry Fairness Act, mandates a new 20 percent tax on total revenue of firearm manufacturers who make MSRs, or the AR-15-style semiautomatic rifles she erroneously calls “assault weapons” … The second bill, the Firearm Industry Crime and Trafficking Accountability Act, would make it a requirement that every firearm manufacturer create a tracking database system that allows them to track crimes committed with guns they have sold. [More]

Here’s the takeaway:

The bill has no chance of becoming law.

So here’s why she’s doing it.

The evil old rhymes-with-blunt doesn’t care whose rights she tramples on as long as it gets her power over others.

Not that Nadler’s any better

[Via Jess]

For That Day When the Collar Comes Off

On Monday, ATF announced Ruling 2022-1, signed August 17, 2022, authorizing FFLs to retain an electronic version of each ATF Form 4473, provided the method of digital storage and conditions of the ruling are met. Retail FFLs seeking to eliminate paper and take advantage of the new ruling must comply with ATF Ruling 2016-2 and subsequent rulings. [More]

Yeah, Pamela Scott says her phone is full

[Via Jess]

We’re the Only Ones Perjuring Enough

The FBI told a federal magistrate judge that it intended to open hundreds of safe deposit boxes seized during a March 2021 raid in order to inventory the items inside—but new evidence shows that federal agents were plotting all along to use the operation as an opportunity to forfeit cash and other valuables. [More]

So: Who’s going to jail?

[Via Jess]

No Thanks to the Gungrabbers

An alleged would-be carjacker in Chicago is now in critical condition after being shot by his own victim on the west side of the city. [More]

If it wasn’t the norm, the question of how many times this mutt has been caught and released wouldn’t be my first one. My second question is what’s his survival and continued care going to cost taxpayers?

My next question is who but a tyrant or a useful idiot would rather the victim had been killed rather than armed?

I note my local “news ” channel wants helpless surrender to be the default instead of preparedness, training, and will.

Give them what they want, we are urged, which brings me to my last question.

What if what they want is you?

It’s your life being threatened, not your property.

[Via Robert J]

Loss Leaders

Everytown took a MASSIVE financial hit in 2020, used most of their donations to fund salaries – Everytown’s 501c4 Action Fund for 2020 is now available, and it’s a good one lol. First, they took a 75% hit in revenue… [More]

It’s the “pandemic,” they say.

Yeah, that’s the ticket.

And here’s the “Support Fund.”

So when do we start seeing some high-profile firings? Or will they keep heads to save face?

[Via President Non_Fudd]


Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla explains Pfizer’s new tech to Davos crowd: “ingestible pills” – a pill with a tiny chip that send a wireless signal to relevant authorities when the pharmaceutical has been digested. “Imagine the compliance,” he says [More]

Now imagine the noncompliance.

Imagine it is armed.

Tangentially-Related UPDATE

YIKES! World Economic Forum Claims ‘Solid, Rational Reasons’ for Microchipping Children [More]

Think of it as real-time inventory management. You never know when Klaus Schwab will want to order one up and see what’s available for immediate delivery.

[Via Michael G]

The Embarrassment-in-Chief

The president isn’t featured in ads. He goes largely unnamed on campaign websites and Twitter accounts. And candidates in key races in battleground states are either not asking him to come — or avoiding him when he does. [More]

The power players, through their media mouthpieces, are signaling loud and clear that he had better step aside for 2024. If “friendly” persuasion doesn’t work, they’ll drop some not-so-subtle extortion reminders about legal vulnerabilities, starting with Hunter.

[Via Jess]

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