It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word ‘Minor’ Is

Lawyer Jim Trusty, former chief of the DOJ’s Organized Crime Section, said reports that the investigation is coming to an end suggests that Hunter will be hit with minor tax charges and for making false statements when purchasing a handgun in 2018.  [More]

Purchasing two handguns, actually, if anyone in authority is interested in, you know, investigating. And for each instance:

The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993, ushered into law by then-Sen. Joe Biden, at the time chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, made Form 4473 a key part of background checks for gun purchases mandated by the law.

Lying on the form is a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison. For being a user of unlawful drugs in possession of a firearm, the punishment is up to five years.

I’ll have to ask Stephen Stamboulieh if Hunter pleads out what that will do to my ATF complaint.

[Via bondmen]

Unbalanced Books

“This epidemic is costing our nation $557 billion annually,” says Sarah Burd-Sharps, research director at the gun control advocacy group. “Looking at the economic consequence offers a wider lens for understanding just how extensive — and expensive — this crisis is.” [More]

Oh, heck, it costs a lot more than that if you add how the overwhelming majority of perps have been subsidized parasites to predators from cradle to grave.

Funny though– they never seem to want to factor in benefits accrued through lives saved by defensive gun uses…

[Via 1Gat]

Modern Sporting Pitchfork

Whip-wielding Florida woman, 56, arrested for STABBING minivan with a pitchfork [More]

The thought strikes that one way to show the ludicrousness of the term “assault weapon” would be to observe that if the same “logic” were applied to this as is applied to guns, the tool in the hands of an “Only One” would magically transform into a “patrol pitchfork.”

And don’t get me started on “Modern Sporting Rifles,” a term I have always found irritatingly appeasing.

[Via William T]

Just So We’re Clear

“So, to clarify, Mr. Chairman, you’re saying it is the point of the bill to ban weapons that are in common use in the United States today,” the Republican representative pressed.

“Yes,” Nadler clarified. “The problem is that they’re in common use.” [More]

The response will be no laughing matter.

[Via Michael G]

♫ No One Hires Like Gascón ♫

Gascón Bringing in Country’s Highest-Paid Attorney to Fight His Prosecutors – Gascón’s prosecutors are mad that he won’t let them do their jobs. Courts agree with the prosecutors, but Gascón is taking it to the California Supreme Court. [More]

♫ He’s especially good at prevaricating… ♫

(And for those of you who don’t know where this recurring theme comes from…)

[Via Michael G]

Speaking of a Constitutional Joke…

“My friend from Texas, Mr. Roy, advances the so-called insurrectionist view of the second amendment, that the second amendment’s purpose is to give the people the right to overthrow or fight our government or fight the police or threaten armed resistance if the government is somehow being unfair or unjust,” Raskin said. “This reading is totally and absolutely absurd and flies in the face of the place text of the constitution.” [More]

Don’t tell us. Tell Alexander Hamilton:

If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no resource left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government…

That and he’s not your friend, buddy


We’re coming up on the end of the week and I haven’t even gotten to news tips sent in yesterday morning yet. Sorry, but the article work that lets me do all this has to come first, and I’ve been up to my neck in that, with a pending article on Merchant Category Codes for Firearms News and the “Active Shooter” Alert bill for AmmoLand.

I’ll get to what I can but chances are I won’t get to most.

Thanks for understanding.

We’re the Only Ones Uninformative Enough

Missouri sheriff says even under ‘threat of arrest’ he will not release gun owners’ info to FBI – ‘I will go down with the ship if need be,’ the sheriff says [More]

I’m sorry, but while everybody’s waving flags, my first thought is “What’s he doing with that information in the first place?”

[Via bondmen]

So the Answer is Switching Teats? Really?

Bottom line is that in order for the Republican Party to attract more minority voters, Republicans need to do a much better job going into minority communities and educating these voters about what is actually going on in the country and what it means to them. [More]

I guess.

I always thought that just like providing for yourself, a responsibility of citizenship was to inform yourself, including determining which voices best comported with reality. Somebody comes along and wants to “give” you something, especially information, it pays to find out what’s in it for them.

[Via bondmen]

An Uncollectable Win


A right delayed… and until they’re stopped, they’ll keep inventing new ways to deny and continue kicking the can down the road to nowhere.

This is what preemptive surrender Republicans don’t get. Democrats fight every inch of the way. They don’t give, they take. And then come back for more.

Windbag Control Freak Blows Hot Air but Shows Hand

                                                                               There’s something about cultists…


It’s instructive to see that the goal really is total disarmament, but the creepy punk is just whoring for headlines here and knows this isn’t going anywhere:

Cosponsors: 72 Cosponsors (72 Democrats)

Prognosis2% chance of being enacted according to Skopos Labs

Figures he and his fellow seditious conspirators put the term “Equal Access” in the title of a bill designed to make guns too expensive for “those people.”

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