Snipe Hunt

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has seen a proliferation of snipers—equipped with a variety of rifles—on both sides. Here, one of the world’s foremost authorities on the subject of military sniping takes a look at the combatants, along with their arms and ammunition. [More]

Most idiot gun-grabbers have no idea what they will unleash here if they keep squeezing.

[Via Jess]

Your Tax Dollars at Work

CDC Directs LGBT Children to Secretive Chats About Sex Changes, Activism, the Occult [More]

What kind of hater who deserves to be canceled and shunned and when we can get away with it stuck in a gulag and killed could be against that?

Yeah, about that– we’re going to need your guns “dirty, deadly, and banned” first.

[Via Michael G]

No Questions Asked!

So bring in those stolen guns and let the government be your fence!

A felon caught with a gun near the city? No worries– just tell them you were bringing it into the “buyback,”  didn’t understand the transport requirements, and you thought it was “No questions asked.”

Speaking of which: Are you a widow with absolutely no gun training so you don’t know how to check if your deceased husband’s gun is loaded, or anything at all about safe handling or transport? Well, come on down!

Any questions?

Hey, uh, everybody knows private sales are legal in Texas, right? Is that a public sidewalk I see in front of 3826 Wheeler?

[Via Lane]


DDS noticed something I missed:


Who Was That Masked Man?

Armie Hammer is reportedly “totally broke” following the sexual assault and cannibalism fantasy controversy he faced in 2021. [More]

He was the last Lone Ranger. The guy before him apparently liked to get drunk and slap waitresses.

I’ll stick with traditional culture and values, thank you very much:

So not only were children given development-appropriate introductions to guns by adult figures instead of being immersed in hysterical fear and avoidance, they were given training and “commonsense gun safety” lessons…

It’s also back when cereals promoted wholesome activities (even if some of us were prone to being abusive).

As an aside, my brief encounter with the man behind the mask was enough to impress me for a lifetime.

The Loud Woman

“[M]ost rich white countries, including Australia, are doing precious little to properly address this inequity,” Fitz-Henry writes. “For the most part, they refuse to accept the climate debt they owe to poorer countries and communities […] this injustice – a type of ‘atmospheric colonisation’ – is a form of deeply entrenched colonial racism that arguably represents the most pressing global equity issue of our time.” [More]

Well, the carrot approach didn’t work.

[Via Michael G]

If He Needs More Than Three Shots to Kill a Deer…

Florida sheriff says man will ‘absolutely not’ face charges for defending home with ‘AK-47-style’ gun [More]

Multiple home invaders…?

So they are suitable for home defense and those who say they aren’t– and those who happily give them megaphones to amplify their claims — are chronic and habitual LIARS?

[Via Michael G]

The MidTerm Variant

Biden Administration Planning to Extend Covid Public Health Emergency – HHS Sec. Beccera’s warning about “midterm” variant shows that the real emergency involves Democrats’ political health. [More]

I’m sure any concerns about this are “baseless“– or at least I’m sure that will be the narrative to parrot.

[Via Michael G]

♫ No One Snubs Like Gascón, Stiffs the Schlubs Like Gascón… ♫

LA County DA Gascón Closing Unit That Tells Victims of Assailant’s Parole Hearings [More]

You don’t want to upset those charged with opening the cage and releasing the tiger with any traumatized and/or mutilated survivors who might have reasons to show them why that’s not a good idea…

[Via Michael G]

And This Surprises Who?

Today, Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray demanding that they cease their attempts to illegally obtain information from local sheriffs on Missourians who have concealed carry permits. Missouri law specifically prohibits the sharing of information on concealed carry permit holders to any entity – local, state, federal, or otherwise. [More]

What, the Trump pick who agreed with Richard Blumenthal on guns?

[Via WiscoDave]

Protection Racket

Weeks after she was denied a protection order, a Michigan woman and her family are dead – A judge denied the order June 27, saying there was insufficient evidence of immediate or irreparable injury. The woman and her family were found dead Sunday, officials said. [More]

The prohibitionists will say this proves the need for “red flag laws.”

Who thinks a piece of paper would have stopped this maniac or prevented him from getting his hands on whatever he wanted for a butchery spree?

Look what they (purposely) didn’t tell us when they report he “bought a gun.”

The only way to prevent such atrocities, proven once more, is to separate the threat from the victim pool. With full due process.

That may not be foolproof? Anybody see any guarantees in life? And a system could be set up that would do that and do a much better job of considering individual circumstances and probabilities than one-size-fits-all prior restraints.

The alternative is denying rights to the innocent. We call governments that do that “tyrannical” for a reason. We’re supposed to accept that because of statistically rare aberrations lawmakers refuse to more effectively address, mostly for political reasons?

[Via Steve T]

The Road Not Taken

A Cincinnati man filed an elections complaint Friday against Democrat Steve Dettelbach, saying the candidate broke state law by raffling off a chance to meet former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder. [More]

That’s one thing ATF needs: Continuity!

2018, eh? Anybody remember this coming up in the hearings and getting media notice?

Why not?

[Via Jess]

Joe Biden’s Poster Child for Abortion

Ohio 10-year-old’s alleged rapist is Guatemalan illegal immigrant [More]

So whose future Democrat incentive policies made it all possible?

Funny, how many “progressive news” sources don’t tell us that. For instance, The Columbus Dispatch (a USA Today/Gannett Publication) only called him “a Columbus man,” and readers had to get down into the weeds and figure out why “an interpreter” was involved…

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue” …

[Via Steve T]

Banking on Disarmament

Credit card companies could detect any unusual activity, and submit a suspicious activity report with law enforcement, if needed. This type of activity monitoring would prove to be particularly important, Brown said, in detecting when someone purchases large amounts of weapons, or when someone is buying weapons for somebody that is not legally allowed to do so. [More]

What’s in your gun safe?

[Via Bluesgal]

‘I’m Not a Firearms Safety Trainer, But I Play One in My Office’

Many parents receptive to discussing gun safety with pediatricians [More]

So the title “Dr.” is all it takes for some idiots to bow to uncredentialed and false authority?

What other life and death decisions would they listen to their unqualified advice on? If they were going skydiving, would they trust an uncertified gunquack to pack their chute?

[Via Michael G]

Precision Planning Pays Off

King, a teacher at a nearby school, also expressed concerns over the weapons found amid a recent wave of recent mass shootings. “To see weapons like that, rifles, stuff that could do damage, serious damage,” she said. “Weapons that could hurt anybody, especially children, from far away, with precision… That is just so incredibly disturbing.” [More]

Shotguns. And she teaches.

Ignorance exploitable through fear is precisely what the citizen disarmament swindlers are relying on.

[Via Bluesgal]

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