Speaking of Ourselves and Our Posterity…

A bill that would allow immigrants in the country illegally to obtain state driver’s licenses in Massachusetts has become law after the state Senate voted Thursday to override the veto of Republican Gov. Charlie Baker. [More]

Yeah, reward that lawbreaking!

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue” …

[Via Steve T

Mystery to Me

Doctors Are ‘Baffled’ By The Increase In Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) [More]

A plan comes together?

What else would we expect when they throw long-term clinical testing protocols out the window and just start shooting everyone up? And again…? And…

As usual, Yul is no help.

On a personal note, I just got over a bout of the Wuflu. It was pretty miserable, but I’ve had worse cases of flu.  I never got the jab, which is another reason collectivists would like to see people like me dead. I still suspect that’s what sent my wife on that impromptu life flight.

[Via Jess]

The Usual Suspects

House passes red flag gun legislation in mainly party-line vote… Five Republicans — Reps. Fred Upton (Mich.), Adam Kinzinger (Ill.), Anthony Gonzalez (Ohio), Brian Fitzpatrick (Pa.) and Chris Jacobs (N.Y.) — bucked the GOP in voting for the measure, and Democratic Rep. Jared Golden (Maine) broke from the party in opposing the bill. [More]

Two of them aren’t running again. The other three have earned a full-court press to oust them next time around, but that depends on how willing their gun owner constituents are to actually do something.

[Via Mack H]

No Dog in This Fight

Membership in the NRA is a deal breaker, said Shelter Hope Pet Shop owner Kim Sill. “We do not support those who believe that the 2nd amendment gives them the right to buy assault weapons,” Sill wrote on a website for the shelter in Thousand Oaks, California, about 40 miles northwest of Los Angeles. [More]

Fortunately, we don’t believe that either.

But just to be clear: Rather than adopt them out to gun owners, she’d rather the unadoptable ones be euthanized?

[Via Remarks]

A Right Delayed

[Charlotte] In response to litigation filed by Grass Roots North Carolina (GRNC) and Gun Owners of America (GOA) over delays in handgun permits, a Superior Court judge last month issued a preliminary injunction enjoining Mecklenburg County Sheriff Garry McFadden from further delays. [More]

Good. I figured with four stars and more stripes on his sleeve than a fleet admiral, this important guy’s will was martial law…

New Dominion

After Uvalde Mass Murder, Fairfax County Passes Resolution Asking General Assembly to Ban Assault Weapons, Grant Localities More Authorities to Regulate Guns [More]

And Jorge helped!

What I want to know is if Glenn Youngkin will pledge to veto it.

I see his answer to my concern is a solid “No!”

UPDATE: Same goes for this, from a familiar headcase.

[Via Mack H]

Cupp Runneth Over

In fact, I’ve been around long enough to know that Congress isn’t likely to solve this problem.  So who can? Me, and people like me. Law-abiding gun owners who have decided we have had enough… [Watch]

S.E. Cupp, another “mainstream conservative“(with a poster of Al Gore on her office wall)…

I’ve been warning that’s the well-funded long-game strategy, but the bigger voices making money preaching “inclusion” in the “gun rights” movement don’t want to hear that any more than they want to hear about the dangers of immigration.

I’ve said before, that if I were an FFL and a known Democrat walked into my store, I’d tell him to get the hell out.


And speaking of who the media wants us to think of as “conservatives”:

A group of mostly Texas residents organized by Todd Maclin, a former senior executive at J.P. Morgan Chase, signed an open letter in support of expanding background checks for gun purchases, passing “red flag” laws to deny firearms to people judged a risk to themselves or the public, and raising the minimum age to buy some guns to 21 from 18.

J.P. Morgan Chase, eh?

[Via Jess]

Another UPDATE:

Curious. I see Todd also gave $2,300 to Barack Obama and $1,000 to Chuck Schumer (on two occasions) over the years.

I guess explaining the analogy of how a whore will do anybody doesn’t help advance the narrative…

We’re the Only Ones Unretentive Enough

I like the way the guy in the suit didn’t notice the wrestling agent’s loose gun at his feet until the uniformed cop told him to move.

[Via WiscoDave]

And the Traitors Are

The Republican representatives who voted with the Democrats included Reps. Fred Upton of Michigan, Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, Chris Smith of New Jersey and Maria Elvira Salazar of Florida. GOP Reps. Mike Turner and Anthony Gonzales of Ohio also backed the measure, as did three Republican members of New York’s delegation — Reps. Nicole Malliotakis, John Katko and Chris Jacobs. [More]

Any gun owner who contributes to the national or state Republican party as opposed to individual candidates who have earned it is financing his own persecution.

I would like to see the “gun groups” that have the clout put public pressure on party leadership and let them know that their financial and other support of these enemies within will be heavily publicized to gun owners.

I’d also like to see gun owners show up in groups at town hall meetings and loudly expose these frauds for the subversive weeds that they are.

Coming Back for More

As expected, Oregon’s far left wing is already planning a major attack on gun rights in the coming legislative session. [More]

Emboldened Democrats who want it all are on the warpath again, with useless Republicans doing what they can to either avoid or betray…


Eugene School Board To Turn Children Into Targets [More]

And the calculating, evil minds behind the hand-wringing useful idiots know exactly what they’re doing.

Another ‘Gun Sense Voter’

Anti-gun activist attempted to kill Justice Kavanaugh at his home…with a gun – Just remember who the crazy ones really are in the debate over guns. [More]

And Tom Gresham and The Federalist identify a prime inciter…

[Via President Non_Fudd]


What is the possible reason for Ruth Sent Us to take that picture and post it as a “special message” to Kavanaugh’s wife and children? [More]

Because they’re ruthless? (Funny thing is, “thanks” to publicly accessible online filings,  it only took me a few minutes to find some of the names behind this group and where they’re from. If someone not as nice as me wanted to play hardball in terms of publicizing meatspace locations, well, what is that saying regarding turnabout?)

[Via Michael G]

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