Fitting the Profile

Mass shooters overwhelmingly fit a certain profile, say Jillian Peterson and James Densley, which means it’s possible to ID and treat them before they commit violence. [More]

Fine, but in all their Department of Precrime advocacy, they’re a little light on full due process and still seem trapped in the mindset that passing edicts against tool possession will stop a determined maniac.

[Via DDS]


Total Lawfare

Brooklyn subway shooting victim sues Glock for ‘recklessly’ marketing guns [More]

I’m wondering when one of these companies is going to countersue for legal costs and whatever else they can think up, including getting parasite lawyers censured for frivolous complaints.

What does it take to file a bar complaint against them?

[Via Jess]

And… They’re Coming to Take Me Away, Ha Ha…

Mental health advocates push back against GOP focus after shooting [More]

Who’s up for some totally triggering vintage Napoleon XIV?

I have an AmmoLand piece in the queue on the dangers to liberty of nice young men in clean white coats chasing after people with butterfly nets…

[Via Mack H]

Dimming the Lights

Prosecutors said Johnson was intentionally brandishing his weapon at five officers conducting rooftop surveillance, while the defense said he was only using his flashlight to see who was up there. [More]

Maybe he was, but all things considered, it sounds like he’s lucky they didn’t light him up.

Why this is a federal case is another matter altogether.

After the Storm

Outages, road closures expected in Hudson due to broken trees and utility poles [More]

The power just came back on an hour ago after about 10 hours of being out. The National Weather Service alert from last evening said “severe thunderstorms” with “80 mph wind gusts,” and what I saw looked at least Category 1. I have a lot of trees on my property and so a lot of branches that need to be picked up, and found out about the big one after the fact– the storm was so intense we never heard it split off and fall.

I don’t claim to be a photographer, but at least my finger isn’t in any of these:

To give you an idea of the scale, the high point to the left is around 6′.

The split is about 20′ up.

Looks like it had some kind of internal rot going on that weakened where the separation started…

I expect productivity here will suffer as I deal with this. There are probably a lot of news tips I won’t be able to get to, so go easy on me.

Telling It Like It Is

We have fathers who aren’t home. We have emasculated our men. Our children are at stake. You notice that these shooters, they have had family problems. The Parkland shooter – 37 times police were called to his home. It’s not the gun. [More]

I like the way Sears talks.

[Via Mack H]

Can We All Get Along?

The harm to African Americans that started with slavery persists to this day through systemic discrimination that requires California to make “comprehensive reparations” and extensive reforms in housing, education and the justice system, according to a sweeping report released Wednesday by a first-in-the-nation state reparations task force. [More]

What are your options when your government tells you your very existence is an offense?

[Via Geordan]

‘Safety’ First?

I request that these committees review what steps previous legislatures have enacted, what resources the State has made available to local school districts, and make recommendations to the Legislature and the Executive Branch so that meaningful action can be made on, among other things, the following topics to prevent future school shootings:
School safety
Mental health
Social media
Police training
Firearm safety [More]

OK, Governor, flesh out what you mean by that last one.

[Via Lane]

Alert – Commerce Publishes New Rule Requiring Congressional Notification for Semiautomatic Firearm Exports

Today the U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) published a Final Rule adopting a new requirement for Congressional Notification for certain semiautomatic firearms exports under the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). The final rule will become effective on July 18, 2022. [More]

Another in a series of alerts I try to keep readers apprised of…

Life in the Tardocracy

Jackson Lee: There Was ‘Seismic Increase of Carnage Across America Using Automatic Weapons’ after Assault Weapons Ban Expired [More]

Were they “as heavy as 10 boxes“?

No, of course, it doesn’t have to make sense or be true, and of course, no “fact-checkers” will challenge it. The object is to get it out there influencing the ignorant. That and to induce them to hate you.

[Via bondmen]

A Father/Son Business

Prosecutors: Father, son charged with selling silencers had 105 firearms, 13,800 rounds of ammo at home [More]

Citing those has everything to do with scaring and prejudicing the readers.

Tracing things from the indictment to the guy’s website to his other website to his previous website, it looks like he was doing things because of his beliefs.

In any case, he evidently wasn’t doing things very cautiously if the goal was to get away with them. Here’s what Prince Law has to say about solvent traps.

If you were his customer, I’d be calling a lawyer and determining exposure and vulnerability about now.

[Via bondmen]

What Kind of Violence?

More than 30 people dead from gun violence over Memorial Day weekend across US [More]

Tell us about the lifestyles and choices of the people involved in committing the violence, and about what perpetuates, enables, and makes such outcomes inevitable.

No?   Just call it “gun violence” and act like disarming normal Americans will do anything but create a deeper victim pool?

[Via bondmen]

Small Wonder

Richard Small is a self proclaimed “NRA Republican” and long-time gun owner who says the Uvalde, Texas, shooting made him question why he owned an AR-15-style gun – a gun that has been used in multiple mass shooting in the US. [Watch]

How convenient.

I wonder who this quisling is and how he all of a sudden has become the go-to guy for the grabbers to hold up as a “reasonable” NRA member.

My guess is if you pull the thread you’ll find a Lincoln Project apparatchik.

In any case, I’d say the Bylaws qualify him for expulsion from NRA, but if they didn’t have the integrity to do it to Michael Moore, they won’t want to touch it.

[Via Jess]

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