Your Agreement is Mandatory

Disagreement has become an extremely sensitive issue lately; it was once thought that debate was an essential component to a strong and healthy democracy, however, we are now told that it is extremely dangerous, in fact, it may soon be categorised as a form of domestic terrorism. [More]

So we can no longer “agree to disagree”?

We can no longer just tolerate, we must now endorse?

[Via bondmen]

History Repeats Itself

McNamara’s Folly: The Use of Low-IQ Troops in the Vietnam War [Watch]


Army is accepting more low-quality recruits, giving waivers for marijuana to hit targets [More]

And, of course, God forbid we allow anything resembling that which the Founders deemed “necessary for the security of a free State.”

Anybody else getting an enemies-foreign-and-domestic-are-in-charge vibe?

[Via WiscoDave]

Tantrum by the Terrible Twos

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls for supreme court justices to be impeached – The congresswoman says Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch lied under oath to Congress about their views on Roe [More]


Charlie Crist calls for impeaching Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh [More]

If anybody should be booted out, it’s these two oath-breaking totalitarian wannabes. Besides, I thought the protocol was they stuck to general terms and didn’t ask specific tough commitment questions in the job interview…?

“In recent decades a recurring Senate issue has been what kinds of questions are appropriate for Senators to pose to a Supreme Court nominee appearing at hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Particularly at issue has been whether, or to what extent, questions by committee members should seek out a nominee’s personal views on current legal or constitutional issues or on past Supreme Court decisions that have involved those issues. Usually, when Senators at confirmation hearings have asked Supreme Court nominees to comment on topical legal and constitutional issues, the nominees have firmly declined to do so. In those situations, the nominees typically have taken the position that answers to questions which convey their personal views would conflict with their obligation to avoid appearing to make commitments, or provide signals, as to how they would vote as a Justice on future cases.”

Which makes Susan Collins getting a private heads-up all the more objectionable.

[Via Jess]

I Confess This One Troubles Me

Ninth Circuit Panel Sends California “Assault Weapons” Ban Challenge Back to District Court, so the District Court can reconsider it in light of the Supreme Court’s new Bruen precedent. [More]

I don’t see where “self-defense” alone will cut it without a strong core purpose argument.

I do see this:

The firearms that the law in question prohibits are, in virtually every state of the Union, exactly the sorts of lawful weapons in common use that law abiding people possess at home for lawful purposes; and exactly what they would bring to service in militia duty should such cause be necessary.

Here’s the case history thus far.

If this goes to SCOTUS, and it probably will, we’ll see if any briefs expand on that, and then if the high court will hear it.

Friendly Fire

Portland Antifa ‘mistakenly’ attack pro-abortion pregnancy center during night of rage – Rioters smashed the clinic’s windows and spray-painted slogans on the property, costing the nonprofit at least $10,000 in damage. [More]

Great intel capability, morons. Shock and awe, dirtbags, shock and awe.

What I want to know is how does an “idea” attack anything?

[Via Michael G]

Full of Sound and Fury, Signifying What, Exactly?

The account was particularly powerful because of her proximity to power, with Hutchinson describing what she witnessed first-hand and was told by others in the White House. [More]

“And was told by others”? So all these headlines painting Donald Trump as a delusional, vengeful, and violent lunatic are over inadmissible hearsay?

So headlines that would be just as valid as the above would accuse the Democrats (and Swamp Republicans) and their media megaphones of upcoming election interference by poisoning public sentiment against not just him in 2024, but since he’s an avatar, against people who support the policies he campaigned on, and especially on candidates that he has endorsed who are running in November?


And from the Department of Did I Call That or What? comes this assertion in an email from

More than 100 MAGA election deniers have already secured their GOP nominations for the November ballot. They must be held accountable and prevented from corruptly seizing power.

What, by being elected?

We Could Tell You But Then We’d Have to Kill You. Which Isn’t Off the Table if You Defy Us.

Rand Paul Says Gun Control Bill Was Kept ‘Secret’ And Senators Not Allowed Time To Read It [More]

Where have we heard that before?

With the “red flag” provisions, that makes perverse sense.


And who’d have guessed the bill contains surprises that don’t appear to have anything to do with guns but plenty to do with pharmacy benefit manager lobbyists.

[Via Mack H]

Close Enough for Government Work

The California Department of Justice’s 2022 Firearms Dashboard Portal went live on Monday with publicly-accessible files that include identifying information for those who have concealed carry permits. The leaked information includes the person’s full name, home address, date of birth, and date their permit was issued. The data also shows the type of permit issued, indicating if the permit holder is a member of law enforcement or a judge. [More]

Aside from showing what total dolts these parasites are, and that any registration scheme makes listees exposed and vulnerable, the data could be useful in a civil rights action to show minority underrepresentation. After all, who’s more racist than anti-armed citizen “progressives”?

[Via WiscoDave]

Nothing to Lose

Cornyn, Other Republicans Push For Biden Administration To Expand Critical Race Theory In Schools [More]

Talk about living proof of Quigley’s assertion:

“The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy” (Georgetown University Professor Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope, 1966.)

It’s not like this rascal needs to worry about being thrown out anytime soon, and by the time he does, I’m sure he’s done plenty of favors that should pay off in future gigs. Meanwhile, it’s like these Swamp guys are doing their best to break up the wave for those who DO have to run in November.

[Via bondmen]

The Eye of the Beholder

On Thursday, June 16, 2022, we were informed of the deaths of two former Hartford Public School students. This is an unfortunate and tragic incident, and we are deeply saddened by the loss of members of our Hartford Public Schools community. We are prepared to provide proper support and resources for students and staff affected by this tragedy. Our thoughts are with our former students’ families, friends, and loved ones during this difficult time. [More]

Jeez, and I was gonna say “Good shoots!”

[Via bondmen]

The Short Answer

Repeal the Second Amendment: ‘No one has the absolute right to own any weapon they want’ [More]

No. Your move.

The shorter answer is two words and starts with “F.”

Some morons aren’t worth trying to educate on Cruikshank and Heller’s recognition of a preexisting right because you know they’ll just move on to the next idiot objection.

[Via Mike F]

From Hell’s Heart I Stab at Thee

Although the majority’s ruling impacts our century-old justifiable need requirement for carrying firearms, it does not change any other aspect of New Jersey’s public carry law. To be clear: Carrying a handgun without a permit is still illegal in this state, and all other requirements for obtaining a carry permit still apply. [More]

And like our totalitarian counterparts in California, we will continue to throw every obstacle that will take years to clear that we can think of in the way.

It’s called being a Faubus.

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