Principalities and Powers

This is just another front in the War on Tradtional Americans.

Faith community” my… eye.

Ephesians 6:12 comes to mind:

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

And not to derail more important considerations, but when I heard the line about strip clubs staying open during Covid shutdowns while everybody else was being shut down, my first thought was to wonder where they wore the masks…

Maine AR-15 Class Canceled Because a Handful of Fudds and Prohibitionists Squawked

A handful of antis and Fudds repeating tired old lies was enough to get the Department to cave. As for their excuse that it was too soon after the Lewistown shooting, the question not being asked is what does a known nutjob going ballistic after being left alone by fearful authorities have to do with peaceable citizens and their lawfully owned rifles– and will the time ever come when prohibitionists don’t object to such training? If the maniac rammed his car into a group of people, would Maine cancel drivers ed classes? [More]

Ceding to prejudice, ignorance, and fear is no way to run a department.

Bringing a Snake to a Gunfight

This time, however, the store employee responded by drawing a firearm in self-defense, leading to a standoff that ended with Cook’s arrest as police arrived minutes later. [More]

On drugs? IQ 0f 60? Both?

As for the tolerant clerk, he’s further proof that moral people use the amount of deterrence necessary to stop aggression. Working nights because that’s what’s needed and having to deal with aggressive parasites, he showed admirable consistency of principles regardless.

No wonder lying communists call such people Concealed Carry Killers!

[Via Keith B]

Speaking of Malignant…

Oliver’s latest effort to honor his son is completely different. He is a consultant on a short film, “American Cancer Story,” a chilling look at both childhood cancer and school shootings. [More]

Comments turned off, naturally.

We’ve talked about this rights hater before. And again. And again, where it’s apparent he’s getting increasingly ghoulish. But it’s interesting that all the projects he’s involved in are high dollar and don’t look like they’ll actually change any minds or succeed, so by all means, antis, squander it on no bang for the buck efforts that make you feel good and do nothing else.

I am sorry for his “gun-free zone”-enabled loss. That does not give him claim to put me and those I love in the same vulnerable position.

[Via Jess]

The New Slavemasters

California lawmaker unveils ‘Genealogy Office’ to decide who’s REALLY descended from slaves and wins reparations payouts – Planned office to decide which residents get payouts, and who’s left hanging Recipients must be descendants of slaves of ‘free black persons,’ papers show [More]

They can tie them in with records going back beyond the Civil War, but asking for Vote ID is disenfranchising?

What if they were owned by these guys?

And can we sue the descendants of the original sellers?

Bonus points if you know the origin of the word.

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Calumniating Enough

At that hearing, a law officer “falsely told the judge that ATF had been watching Mr. Wilson for 13 months and then listed dates the ATF falsely claimed he sold drugs. The agent also falsely told the judge that the Government had Mr. Wilson on tape committing these crimes,” the lawsuit said. [More]

We know Wilson’s name. How come we don’t know the name of the incompetent badged thug, and what’s going to happen with him?

Why only civil charges for kidnapping/hostage-taking? And why wouldn’t a citizen have the right to use all necessary force to protect himself and stop them?

[Via Jess]

Acting In Character

Guns in the Home Statistics: The Effects of Firearms in the Home in 2024 [More]

I find this to be the most significant reveal about the increased likelihood of women being killed:

“If their partner has … a history of non-fatal strangulation, sexual assault, and a history of substance abuse.”

So, violent criminal households are significantly riskier environments … ?

I Resemble That Remark

Just Another Boomer Fudd.

That’s from a comment left under my latest AmmoLand piece. *

To be a “Fudd” — which does not apply to all hunters and sport shooters, just the ones who throw owners of other guns under the bus — is a conscious decision that it’s fair to judge people on.

To be a “boomer” is a circumstance of birth, and to disparage individuals for that embraces collectivist thinking. It’s no different than being a racist. It’s ignorant and hateful, and on top of that hypocritical.

As noted before

Be your turn in the barrel soon enough, pal…

* (And same screename notwithstanding, it’s not by our WarOnGuns Correspondent.)

Bidenschwein, Bidenschwein, Every Morning You Greet Me

A Google search of the term brings up various images (search at your own risk) depicting the former president as, well, a pig. With a swastika armband. That suggests the characterization started online and was adopted later by people in the president’s orbit. [More]

The national socialists are projecting again, I see…

And remember: It’s not just Trump they’re referring to.

And they demand we surrender our guns.

Stealing It Right in Front of Us

Judge Allows Juror Who ‘Celebrated Trump’s Loss in 2020’ to Stay in Pool [More]

Does anyone really believe this is anything but a partisan plot to let Democrats steal the election because they’re pretty sure that “greatest threat” is too disorganized and perceives it has too much to lose by going kinetic?

[Via bondmen]

Option Play

Kansas City Chiefs star quarterback Patrick Mahomes is declining to weigh in on this year’s presidential race, urging voters in a new interview to do their own research before the election. [More]

Good advice.

It does make it fair to ask what kind of moronic citizenship malpractititoner an athlete’s or any celebrity’s political opinion — just because they’re famous — would influence, and I think I answered my own question.

Now ask why it’s deemed “newsworthy.”

The thought strikes as I read further down in the article for as influential as she is with her cult following, I couldn’t name one Taylor Swift song.

[Via bondmen]

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