We’re the Only Ones Politicking Enough

Former Capitol Police officer warns that ‘nothing is preventing’ another Jan. 6 [More]

Yep, Republicans are traitors and need Democrat Harry to disarm, them, vote in a pathway to citizenship, and continue the genocide of the preborn.

Funny, this is labeled as “news,” not an in-kind contribution political ad…

[Via bondmen]

Behold, a Marvel in the Darkness*

Democrat scaring constituents to vote for gun control.

I witnessed a miracle this afternoon. To quote my 19-month-old granddaughter, “Wow.”

You may be able to convince yourself that such a perfect alignment of relative sizes and distances is the product of random chance rather than design and order, but the odds of that are so improbable as to be indistinguishable from magical thinking.

At the height of totality, there was a bright red dot @ 195° which I understand could have been either a solar prominence or light making its way through a lunar surface irregularity.

What a show of a lifetime.


Extended Break

I’ve got to go prep the pot roast I’m making for dinner tonight and then I’m setting up for the eclipse.

I still have dozens of email tips from the weekend I haven’t even looked at yet, and more coming in today. I’ll try to get to the ones that I can when I get back, but I’m afraid I’m overwhelmed.

Tomorrow I need to focus on articles and will get to emails when I can.

More Than They Can Chew?

Colorado Legislators Ditch Plan To Ban Guns in Dozens of ‘Sensitive Places’ – The amended bill applies only to schools, polling places, and certain government buildings. [More]

I don’t suppose it occurs to them that limiting the number of soft targets increases odds at those locales?

[Via cydl]

Choice of Battleground

Around 700 protestors showed up to protest his appearance, chanting slogans like ‘no justice, no peace,’ ‘Kyle is a killer,’ and ‘lock his ass up.’ [More]

I’m debating going next Tuesday.

Outside can be dangerous enough. That it’s inside the KIVA Auditorium makes avoiding expected trouble problematic.

I’m not confident promoters have thought through all the potentials.

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Misidentifying Enough

Arizona woman claims wild case of mistaken identity put her in federal prison [More]

They don’t have fingerprints?

[Via Michael G]


Arizona woman falsely arrested won’t have to go to court to prove her identity – Federal judge dismissed her case following an ABC15 Investigation [More]

And now she sues the taxpayers.

The Wrong Question

‘Why would he have a gun?’: More details about Martini Bar fatal shootings at CityPlace Doral – Investigations continue on 2 dead, 7 injured after argument prompts fight, shooting, police-involved shooting [More]

Yeah, make it about the gun.

If you want to give us details, tell us more about Jamal Wayne Wood.

[Via Jess]

No New Thing Under the Sun

The Mrs. spent a good part of the weekend as a volunteer signing visitors up for the Great Lakes Science Center Total Eclipse Fest. One of her co-volunteers tried to sell her on the desirability of the Ohio Convention of States Project.

My feelings on the Con-Con con are pretty well established. I asked her to send a link to her well-meaning but misguided new acquaintance, protection, if you will, from being blinded by bright ideas.

Speaking of not being blinded, I’m in the totality path and, clouds willing, intend to put on the exclipse glasses, position an Adirondack chair, light a maduro, and take a long afternoon break, cloud cover permitting, so expect that to affect posting here.

The Spirit of Aloha

Another victory for Alan Beck.

Chucks and Balances

Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer said he will strike back with legislation after a court in Texas said it won’t agree to his demand to change how it assigns cases — a seemingly technical issue, but with significant implications for how some major cases are decided. [More]

In other words, so much for separation of power. The repulsive tyrant-in-waiting knows he’s out of bounds so he intends to lay claim to new power. If Republicans are dumb enough to let him.

Get into the weeds at Volokh Conspiracy and Four Boxes Diner.

[Via Jess]

Ready for ‘Mass’ Shootings?

…attempts to alter an individual’s immutable gender are ultimately misguided attempts to play God. [More]

What’s that saying about a broken clock getting the time right?

Boy, if they thought the premeditated baby killers were dangerous

Let this vengeful faction get cooking and watch demand for another Vatican goal reach fever pitch.

The Ruala Do Not Carry Water!

The more things change, the more they stay the same:

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