Who Will Judge the Judge?

This puts journalists in an interesting position. If I reach out to the neighbor for her side of the story, a judge can jail Jeremy. In essence, a judge in Florida is restricting the right of the press to get to the heart of a story through threats of removing the liberty of the subject of the story… One of the worst things the judge has done to Jeremy and his girlfriend is to restrict Jeremy’s movements on his own property without hearing the facts of the case…Worse, his Second Amendment rights have been removed with no evidentiary hearing to decide if he is actually a threat. Meanwhile, he says he’s been threatened by the neighbor and her associates with all manner of bodily harm. He is also prohibited from hiring security due to the injunction, as he cannot be around anyone with guns. [More]

That would be Judge Craig C. DeThomasis, a DeSantis appointee.

At least we know where to turn up the heat.

[Via WiscoDave]

It’s a Big Club and You Can’t Have It

Attorney General Bonta Appeals District Court Decision Overturning a 100-Year-Old Law and Allowing “Billy Clubs” [More]

It’s not his money and there’s always plenty more.

Democrats don’t even want you to have a stick.

[Via Antigone]

Two Can Play That Game

House Republican Pushes Harris To Invoke 25th Amendment On Biden [More]

Of course, there’s not a chance in hell…

And the real action is coming from the other side.

The man I personally observed a few weeks ago was classic Trump, and on top of his game. You tyry talking as long as he does and not flub something up. Democrats and the media, but I repeat myself, are taking misstatements he’s always made and blowing it into a countermeasure against Joe Biden’s very real dotage.

[Via Jess]

California to Outlaw Chairs?

California argues that, under the Gun Control Act, a receiver or frame can be considered a firearm because such pieces are “designed to or may readily be converted” into functional weapons. [More]

Shoot, I can instantly convert all kinds of things into a functional weapon.

The state calls ghost guns the “weapon of choice” for gun traffickers, gangs and political extremists, and says the Golden State has had to incur significant costs to regulate the guns because ATF is not doing so.

Talk about a term of convenience!

[Via Jess]

Gotta Serve Somebody

The two letters show opposite assumptions about reality and the role of governments. The NY letter assumes guns are bad, and ordinary citizens should not have guns, because ordinary citizens do bad things with guns. The letter from the 28 states assumes government is subordinate to the people, government must defend the nation, and an armed population aids the government in defending the nation against all enemies. These two assumptions about reality are in direct conflict. [More]

Like Mike always said:

We are, in fact, two countries divided by the fundamental difference of principle on the question: Does the government serve the people, or do the people serve the government?

Democrats, Media Gaslighting to Demoralize Republicans

Well, the South Carolina votes are in. And Trump garnered 60 percent of the vote in the Palmetto State on Saturday, which is to say he lost nearly 40 percent of Republican primary voters in a deep red state. (It’s worth noting that South Carolina has an open primary, meaning Democrats and independents can vote as long as they didn’t vote in the Democratic primary.) [More]

So he didn’t “lose nearly 40% of Republican voters” and the “59 percent of Haley voters in South Carolina” were primary voters, not necessarily Republicans.

A key here is nepocow Meghan McCain replying “NO PEACE, BITCH!” to Kari Lake. Once it’s down to Democrats and Lincoln Project “Republicans,” some of us will have no political vote.

The Vichycons, desperate for even a drained swamp to dwell in, literally would rather give it all up to the Democrats to maintain what the real illusion is here– that they are anything but soulless useful idiots, evoking nothing so much as the “love of money is the root of all evil” truism, and pretty much deservedly hated by everybody.

What they don’t understand is there is a core of us, and if they keep pushing we’ll find out how large it is, that will not disarm, regardless of who “wins” an election.

In other words, ultimately, we don’t need “moderate” Republicans. They need us.

And It Continues?

Comment left under a post:

It would seem that your site has disappeared from my web browser. Had to go a very circuitous route to find you today. Thought I might have been in the public library in Cleveland, where your site is blocked by the libraries there………… Johny Gee

This after my weekend adventure?

I’ll check it out when I get better from this cold that I came down with. Hudson’s library is part of the CleveNet system, and if I can’t access it I may have a First Amendment claim.

Order in Illinois Gun/Magazine Ban Case

You can see that Stephen McGlynn is implicitly saying that he totally, totally disagrees with the ruling of the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, and while he’s not calling those judges morons, he’s basically saying, shall we say, they’re clearly wrong on the law. [Watch]

Nothing to stop the rest of us from calling them what they deserve…

[Via Jess]

The Prodigal Daughter?

Once a prominent backer of the leftwing senator Bernie Sanders, on Thursday she was greeted by far-right activists with a standing ovation and a group of supporters brandishing gold letters that spelled T-R-U-M-P. [More]

Really? There was a heartfelt recantation, along with apologies and pledges?

Or is it just Trump supporters go wild if you tell them what they want to hear?

[Via bondmen]

A Working Class Hero is Something to Be

Left-wing anarchist made plan to kill 50 politicians – Student Jacob Graham, who said he wanted ‘to stand up for working classes’, is convicted of preparing terrorist acts [More]

Something tells me young Jacob never worked a day in his life.

So was to too much Lenin or too much Lennon?

[Via Steve T]


I just remembered a line that made me laugh from Family Guy:

John Lennon said love is the answer. He also said “No
thanks, every hot woman, I’ll take this woman crawling out of the well from ‘The Ring’ who none of my friends like.”

A Way to Make It Harder

Dettelbach, in the AP interview, declined to comment on the specifics of Card’s case, which an independent commission in Maine is investigating. But he said it is clear that the nation needs to make it harder for people “that everyone agrees should not have firearms, who the law says are not entitled to have firearms, to get them because it’s too easy to get them now.” [More]

But we already know a way.

It’s just that there’s this “due process” thing those who would rule us don’t want to have to follow…

[Via Jess]

Related UPDATE

Herer’s a first step in the right direction, but as long as they’ve got to be let out before they can be declared safe with certainty, expect plenty of lapses.

[Via Edmund M]

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