Career Management

“After a few minutes of conversation, we found out Rob is a huge 2A advocate and was interested in purchasing a few firearms.” [More]

I wasn’t aware of that, but I see this isn’t the first time.

Good. We can use all the high profile help we can get.

It’s nice to see he’s still working in an industry where “coming out” the wrong way can be the kiss of death.

[Via bondmen]

Asked and Answered

But the Second Amendment isn’t an inkblot on the Constitution. It means something. Can that possibly not include a right to own the gun that claims to be America’s bestselling rifle? [More]

Is it an arm?

Then the right of the people to keep and bear it shall not be infringed.

Anyone who says otherwise is just a liar.

[Via Jess]

FOIA Request Issued to USPS to Determine Cause of Special AR-15 Delivery Delay

“This raises the questions of why the shipment was delayed and why it was completed so soon after that was reported,” the request notes. [More]

Funny, how quickly the shipment was back on track once postal inspectors were told there was a “missing” AR-15 in their system…

The Arbiter of Reasonableness

Crooks, who was killed by security forces, used an AR-15 semiautomatic rifle, a powerful and, in the US, easily available weapon that in more reasonably administered countries would be off-limits to private individuals. [More]

For a European historian, this guy sure is forgetful.

[Via Matt L]

Maine AR-15 Class Canceled Because a Handful of Fudds and Prohibitionists Squawked

A handful of antis and Fudds repeating tired old lies was enough to get the Department to cave. As for their excuse that it was too soon after the Lewistown shooting, the question not being asked is what does a known nutjob going ballistic after being left alone by fearful authorities have to do with peaceable citizens and their lawfully owned rifles– and will the time ever come when prohibitionists don’t object to such training? If the maniac rammed his car into a group of people, would Maine cancel drivers ed classes? [More]

Ceding to prejudice, ignorance, and fear is no way to run a department.

Maine Responds to My FOAA Request on Cancelling AR Rifles Class

I got a series of emails from the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife regarding my Freedom of Access Act request for documentation leading to the decision to cancel an “AR rifles” safety class.

It looks like the sent me a lot of what I asked for but I’ll be going through everything this weekend to see and then writing a follow-up report.

Cancellation of Maine ‘AR’ Safety Class Opens Questions as to Motives and Legality

That leaves a potential conflict, as duly enacted existing law, which mandates “The commissioner shall establish a program for training individuals in the safe handling of firearms,” does not add a proviso saying “except for firearms that Democrats don’t like.” And the truth about that is all of them, as the Fudds will find out when they’re no longer needed. [More]

Who knew “commonsense gun safety” meant no training? My Freedom of Access Act Request attempts to find out who’d behind that bit of idiocy.

And I just sent it out this morning:

Spoken Like a True Oath-Breaker

“This bill would stop the sale of weapons similar to those I and many of the other veterans carried in Iraq and Afghanistan,” Helmer said. [More]

Yeah, can’t let the people keep and bear ARMS…

Not just a false authority, but a LYING false authority.

At least enough ratioers knowing better force him to way “similar” instead of “the same gun issued to me.”

Time was, one of our greatest “war heroes” was Benedict Arnold…

[Via Andy M]

The Squeaky Wheel

The state canceled a class on how to clean your AR guns after a handful of people complained to the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife that it was inappropriate in light of the mass shooting in Lewiston, according to a department spokesman. [More]

Because wanting to keep people ignorant about that is just “commonsense gun safety.”

Besides, any resultant “accidents” will only hurt “those people,” and can be exploited to blood dance in!

I was going to tweet this to them but I have an idea… lemme look into it before I say more.

[Via Steve T]

Bullet Points

Army Ammunition Plant Is Tied to Mass Shootings Across the U.S. [More]

Tied by whom, Ben Dooley of The New York Times, the “D” part of the DSM? What was the purpose of writing this article?

I wonder if you compared all ammo sold by Lake City to the civilian market to the number of those rounds used in acts of violence what the abuse rate would be, and how many “0s” would follow the “.” to come up with a percentage…

[Via Dan Gifford]

Blind Leading the Blind

Mayor Tishaura O. Jones on Tuesday announced plans to ban “military-grade” weapons on city streets, including the prominent AR-15 and AK-47 model rifles. [More]

An opportunistic leftist moron elected by the ignorant who focuses on that and suppresses addressing the real issues pretty much explains why she presides over a $h!+hole city where the violence will do nothing but get worse.

[Via Jess]

Related UPDATE

Here’s the AG’s letter to her.

[Via Antigone]

So Come on Down to Kapo Arms

Central NY man sentenced to prison for illegal rifle after gun dealer reports large ammo sales [More]

Is Master pleased with you, gunsnitch? Did he have something on you or were you just trying to suck up and curry favor?

I don’t see who the informant was from this.

[Via bondmen]

Automatically Lying

New Mexico’s Governor Claims An AR-15 Is An Automatic Weapon That No One Should Own [Watch]

She knows she’s lying. MSNBC knows she’s lying. It’s an old lie, one that “our side” has exposed ad nauseam, and one the grabtards use repeatedly and shamelessly in spite of that. The other lie is that We the People don’t have the right to own “every terrible implement of the soldier.”

The only people who don’t know she’s lying are those stupid enough to vote for her and to go to MSNBC to be informed, and in particular, Morning Joe.

[Via Jess]

More Than One Way to Skin a Cat

America has 20 million AR-15 style rifles in circulation, and more guns than people in the country [More]

No, of course, they don’t have the resources to go after them via the legal system.

Which doesn’t mean they don’t have ruthless plans to eliminate threats to totalitarianism another way…

[Via bondmen]

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