Into the Grey Zone

There aren’t just democracies and dictatorships. There are many countries occupying a grey zone, where elections happen but harassment of the press and the opposition allows the regime to keep a vice grip on power. You can’t help but think that’s where Trump wants to take us. [Watch]

This liar again. Talking to this liar.

Talk about projection writ large…

[Via Jess]

Correlation ≠ Causation

Yesterday’s school shooting was devastating. But remember, because we organized and acted, we passed legislation in 2022 making major changes to American gun laws. And this year, mass shootings have dropped by a whopping 20% from last year. That’s a big deal, and reason for hope. [More]

Now flesh that out for us. Show your work, your data, and the equations used to reach that conclusion.

You know, prove it.

Can anyone truly be ignorant enough to believe an in-your-face logical fallacy like this without even looking at, let alone understanding the evidence? And if they know he’s lying about this and voted for him anyway, what does that say about them?

What an @$$hole Chris Murphy is.

[Via Jess]

Murphy’s Law

Either that or more “Only Ones”…

And speakling of Murphy’s Lies… uh… law, here he is talking to the head of the White House Office of Gun Violence prevention, who shows is seasoned grasp of what’s going on with this bit of inanity:

“There was no federal law that actually made it a crime to straw purchase or to engage in firearms trafficking…”

Liars and emasculated dolts presume to define your rights.


What can I say but “Chris Murphy”?

I should go back and retitle this Damned Lie/Truth.

The Undiscovered Country

“Fact is, most mass shooters are engaged in a suicide attempt,” he continued. [More]

Fact is, so is everyone who believes they can force armed free men into surrendering their rights to lying Marxist pussies like Chris Murphy.

He’s just trying to talk Republicans into committing suicide by backing citizen disarmament treason.

[Via Jess]

Murphy’s Law

Senator Chris Murphy went head to head with Senator Ted Cruz in the latest senate showdown, opposing a common sense bill proposed to increase school safety. Armed Attorneys Richard Hayes, Emily Taylor, and Edwin Walker discuss the proposed bills and why Senator Murphy and other Democrats are opposed to compromise even when faced with legislation that could keep our children safe. [Watch]

It’s easy to understand when you realize Murphy is a ghoul who wants more dead children’s blood to dance in and advance his citizen disarmament agenda.

[Via Jess]

I Wish I Could Say He Was Wrong

“It also suggests that we have seen a paradigm shift in this country, that now Republicans see the anti-gun violence movement as being more powerful than the gun lobby,” Murphy said. [More]

And Vichycons like Bill Lee and the “bipartisan” Quislings aim to prove him right.

Republicans as a party just don’t seem to understand that ultimately, they need Americans who will not disarm more than we need them.

[Via Jess]

Derailing the Training

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) on Sunday conceded that a federal ban on assault rifles is unlikely because of a lack of congressional support but pushed for lawmakers to consider a bill that would require training before purchasing such a weapon. [More]

It’s past time to let the GOP know that if they expect to keep the voting charade going another year they’d best get their Vichycons under control to stop this in its tracks.

Because the ultimate reality is, Republicans need people who will not disarm more than people who will not disarm need them.

[Via Dan Gifford]

Murphy Floats Defunding Police Who Won’t Violate Second Amendment

What Murphy is doing is extorting law enforcement that refuses to waste resources enforcing edicts that clearly violate the Supreme Court’s Bruen ruling, like the Oregon sheriffs who have gone on record as refusing to go after Measure 114 magazine ban defiers. And not just them, but also on non-Democrat-dominated political jurisdictions, as exemplified by the growing number of “Second Amendment sanctuary” cities and counties (what lying, race-baiting Democrats smear as “Civil War Flashpoints”). Add to that states that not only won’t enforce infringements, but that have enacted their own laws to override them, and are fighting in court to have them upheld, like Texas suing ATF “for unlawfully prohibiting firearm silencers.” [More]

If only the Founders had foreseen the potential for centralized tyranny and established a federalist system with delegated and reserved divisions of power… oh, wait…

Never Underestimate Their Power to Blow It

Republicans likely will give Biden gun control [More]

I wish I could definitively say they won’t, but with some of the names he cites…

Still, even Chris Murphy says now is not the time. Then again, since when has anyone with a brain believed anything he said?

[Via Michael G]

Holding Out for More

On Wednesday, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz went to the Senate floor to seek unanimous consent for his proposed school safety bill, but it was blocked. Senator Chris Murphy, Democrat of Connecticut, objected to the Cruz legislation and criticized him for not being serious. [More]

That means it doesn’t ban guns, so he’d rather more children be slaughtered until he gets a bill that does.

[Via Jess]

Not Taking Any Chances

Sen. Chris Murphy urges Biden to not get involved in bipartisan gun talks [More]

What better evidence do we need that the Democrats realize the Doatard-in-Chief is an incompetent joke who screws up everything he does and says? And how is their knowing that and not acting on it not treason?

Kind of like the citizen disarmament they’re plotting…

Hopefully, Hunter’s latest outrage will provide the needed derailment distraction to expose them for the goddam elitist hypocrites they are.

[Via Michael G]

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