This is CNN

CNN Tries and Fails – Again – to Make Florida’s Stand Your Ground Law Controversial [More]

So a 42-year-old with a violent criminal history threatens an armed 79-year-old with a chainsaw, who responds appropriately, and that’s reason to disparage”Stand Y0ur Ground”?

The only thing controversial is why anyone still watches CNN.

Tangentially-related UPDATE

Or that more people don’t sue

[Via Michael G]

A Numbers Game

CNN Claims There Have Been ’83 School Shootings’ This Year [More]

Lemme guess: They’re using the Gun Violence Archive, which The Gun Writer, Lee Williams documents:

[A]ccording to Bryant’s all-inclusive definition, there were 417 mass shootings in 2019. The FBI says there were 30, because it uses a much narrower and more realistic definition.

Change my mind.

[Via bondmen]

Out of Both Sides of Her Mouth

Just like she believes in the Second Amendment and wants to ban guns!

[Via Jess]

Dingell’s Rant on Trump Internment Camps Highlights Evil of Citizen Disarmament

To stop a Hitler, who wouldn’t need not just the semiautomatics Democrats are trying to ban, but real “weapons of war”? Just like the Founders intended…? [More]

If you truly believed Trump was a Nazi dictator bent on setting up camps, who in their right mind wouldn’t want to be armed?

Laying the Minefield

George Stephanopoulos recently appeared on CNN with host Abby Phillip and advised the network on going after Donald Trump in the first debate. This is the political director of ABC News advising another media outlet on how to take down a candidate. That is not the role of people in media. [More]

“Journalistic ethics” — Good one!

[Via Michael G]

Save It for the Judge

Trump classified docs judge expands hearing to consider ‘unlawful’ appointment of special counsel Jack Smith – Judge Aileen Cannon will allow amici to make arguments [More]

You’d better believe she’s a target and the Democrats are furiously digging for something … anything to destroy her with.

Catty CNN is planting the “incompetence” seed.

I’ll take Mark W. Smith’s read on this over Tierney Sneed’s and Hannah Rabinowitz’s, any day…

[Via Jess]

With Republicans Like Vichycon Tony…

If it quacks like a Democrat

And see, here’s the thing. This is another Avatar situation. It’s not just Herrera he’s calling a neo-Nazi.

Cashing in On Loyalty Rewards

CNN is promoting the journalist Natasha Bertrand, who wrote the 2020 Politico report on intel officials who called the Hunter Biden laptop Russian disinformation. In other words, instead of paying a price for pushing disinformation, she is being rewarded for it. [More]

Well, yeah, because otherwise, she wouldn’t have been a team player.

This is CNN.

[Via Michael G]

Parroting the Narrative

CNN’s Kayyem: Trump Is Utilizing ‘Threat of Violence’ to Rally His People [More]

Chris Matthewshoaxers

Never let a meme go to waste…

I mean, the DOJ and FBI have put a lot of effort into it…

So… no one’s interested in exploring eleciton interference…?

[Via bondmen]


She led the National School Walkout after the Parkland mass shooting. Then she left America [More]

And STAY out!

Meanwhile, CNN/Aol repeats the Big Lie:

Firearms are now the No. 1 killer of children and teens in America, surpassing motor vehicles accidents, which had been the leading cause of death among youth until 2020.

Got truth…?

[Via Jess]

Enemy Inside the Gates

Everyone should read this oped by NRA member, former gun salesman and AR-15 owner DC police Officer Michael Fanone on why we need to ban the sale of weapons like the AR15 [More]

Here’s what the “Only Ones”/DSM combo Quisling says:

I’m also a card-carrying member of the National Rifle Association. [More]

Then he ought to be expelled for cause:

Association Bylaws, Article III, Sec. 11, “Involuntary Termination of Membership and Disciplinary Proceedings” states in part:

“Any individual or organization member may be suspended or expelled for good cause, including, but not limited to, any conduct which is contrary to, or in violation of the Bylaws of the Association.”

Public anti-gun advocacy is in direct conflict with Article II, Purposes and Objectives, section 1:

“To protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, especially with reference to the inalienable right of the individual American citizen guaranteed by such Constitution to acquire, possess, collect, exhibit, transport, carry, transfer ownership of, and enjoy the right to use arms, in order that the people may always be in a position to exercise their legitimate individual rights of self-preservation and defense of family, person, and property, as well as to serve effectively in the appropriate militia for the common defense of the Republic and the individual liberty of its citizens;”

Additionally, Article III, “Membership,” section 1., “Eligibility,” requires that the member “subscribes to the objectives and purposes of the Association.”

But no worries– Fairfax didn’t have the guts to do it to Michael Moore so they won’t do it here.

[Via Jess]

This is CNN

“Christiane’s false reporting caused my family unimaginable pain and suffering at a time when we could least bear it,” Rabbi Dee said in the Jerusalem Post. “This type of terror journalism perpetuates the conflict in the Middle East… The real cycle of violence is a comment like this followed by a terrorist atrocity and them more of the same.” [More]

About what we’ve come to expect from her. Along with Soros ties.

Told ya.

[Via bondmen]

Skinfolk But Not Kinfolk

Trump-Endorsed Daniel Cameron Wins Kentucky GOP Primary for Governor [More]

He must, as President Biden reminds us, must not be black. And seeing as how Republicans are white supremacists, I’ll leave you with the words of a “progressive” and inclusive CNN pundit describing him:

Uncle Tom. Step & fetch Negro. The end

You bully bigots and Trump cultists!

[Via Michael G]

Who Better to Heed Than Propagandists and Turncoats?

Former gun industry executive: I saw with ‘my own eyes’ how NRA ‘radicalized’ gun debate [Watch]

That’s funny. From what I saw, they’ve continually had to be dragged in.

The ones who “radicalized” it were the ones demanding we surrender our freedom aided and abetted by Juda$e$ like Busse.

Note all the supportive comments from self-described “gun owners.” Aside from having no proof of that, even if some are, it’s part of a larger divide-and-conquer strategy. Watching and agreeing with CNN on guns should tell us all we need to know about their priorities.

[Via Andy M]

The Lottery Odds Loophole

Pro-gun conservatives continue to stress that most gun owners are responsible, reasonable and law-abiding. [More]

If we weren’t, you’d know it. This whole business of “He was a law-abiding citizen until he wasn’t” is just the way these liars try to swindle the thoughtless into accepting disarmament for everybody.

So it should be easy for them to prove it through a tough but fair licensing process.

Ditto for stupid DSM apparat-chicks!

And when they behave irresponsibly with a weapon that they know full well was designed to kill, then we must hold them fully accountable – including with criminal charges and serious jail time. Truly reasonable, responsible and law-abiding people would accept no less.

Yeah, no problem with that once suspects have been given full due process and found guilty. But every time we point to Soros prosecutors putting known predators back into the general population, her lot calls us “antisemites.”

And using “Boomers” to disparage individuals and disregard who they are solely because they fall within a larger group they had no control over is flat-out bigotry.

Right along with “white privilege” and other Marxist lies.

[Via Roger J]

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