‘No Notoriety’ for Mass Killers Also Means No Independently Verifiable Information

By NOT identifying the mutant, we are dependent on what ‘officials’ and their approved media megaphones tell us, cutting off independents from doing their own fact checks. [More]

Yeah, trust the government and narrative parroting media– what could be withheld?

Ohio Guns to Gardens Event Raises Questions of Safety and Legality

How is handing a firearm to a volunteer not an illegal transfer that has not been subjected to a background check? Will you have an FFL on premises? Do you know what an FFL is without looking it up? Will law enforcement be overseeing things? To what extent? [More]

Will we have a repeat of the “gun law” violations we’ve seen at earlier events or have sponsoring radio stations’ legal departments made sure this won’t blow up in their faces?

USA Today Shows Trademark ‘Ethics’ in Story on Vets ‘Furious’ about Trump/Arlington Incident

It went from “veterans” to “some veterans” in the blink of an eye, making it fair to ask, “Which veterans?” [More]

Why isn’t their campaign ad masked as news featuring Democrat operatives considered an in-kind contribution?

‘Apocalyptic Luxury’ Bunkers Could Become a Deniability Trap

It sounds more like a mad dystopian Hollywood fantasy than it does serious people grasping realities necessary to survive. [More]

“You, go. The trophy wife can stay,” the armed private security detail head growled. “Say, is this 30-year-old Scotch?”

Gun Prohibitionist’s Ultimatum Warrants Appropriate Gun Owner Response

We’re not interested in negotiating our rights that you and your fellow travelers have no claim to. Come and take them. [More]

An impotent peacenik dolt lays down the terms of surrender.

Author Offers Unique Insights on Fascism, Second Amendment, and More

[T]he first stop in understanding what the framers and ratifiers thought the 2nd Amendment means should be what they actually said it means in the debates and in the newspapers. [More]

“Right” means right. “People” mean people. “Arms” mean arms. “Shall not be infringed” means shall not be infringed. And no, he hasn’t forgotten the first 13 words.

97Percent’s Executive Director Rips Mask Off ‘Non-Partisan’ and ‘Objective’ Facade

We’ve seen it all before, Astroturf groups funded by elites that ostensibly spoke for ‘reasonable’ gun owners. [More]

It shouldn’t neeed to be explained that both sides can’t be accommodated when their goals are antithetical, and that anyone relying on cognitive dissonance is a gaslighting swindler.

Back in Stock

ATF Returns Bump Stock After Five Years [More]

Glad to see more noticing. I do have one as yet unsatisfied concern with an assumption:

Oh, I get the rationale for doing it that way. Congress was in the process of passing a much more restrictive measure and a lot of Republicans were signing on in the wake of Las Vegas. This minimized the damage.

As I said in my piece:

Prove that’s what [Trump] did. Show us the contemporaneous evidence that was always his intent, and he could predict the outcome, so it was OK to put so many at risk without their knowledge or consent.

I’m not going to make excuses for the inexcusable.

[Via Herschel]


Supreme Court Decision Forces ATF To Return Bump Stock After 5 Years! [Watch]

[Via Jess]

Ultimate Fudd Walz Represents Worst of ‘Enemies Inside the Gates’

Also unexplored is what Walz told NRA to get their endorsement. People with sincere, core knowledge-based freedom principles don’t abandon them in favor of emotion-based demands for coercive prohibitions against allies they’d pledged allegiance to. A release of his questionnaire would be instrumental in showing just how much the guy is willing to lie for political power. [More]

It’s not the first time Walz campaigned in a camo hat. Any Fudd kapo dumb enough to vote for this fraud deserves to have his guns taken away.

(lev radin / Shutterstock photo)

ATF Returns Bump Stock to Rightful Owner After Five-Year Legal Struggle

This is a small but concrete example that we still have at our disposal the remarkable system bequeathed to us by the Founders and that we can still use the courts to our advantage, as frustratingly drawn out as that process can be. We won’t be able to do that anymore if apathy and cynicism turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy that cedes the power to appoint the federal judiciary to the Democrats, who will then be able to have the Bruen opinion reversed and any citizen disarmament edict they pass upheld. [More]

As long as we can still score wins by peaceable means you can’t legitimately say voting is useless. Don’t let a self-fulfilling prophecy make this the election that changes that.

Marxist-Raised Raskin Proposes Starting Civil War by Denying Trump Election Eligibility

While he’s the one bemoaning civil war if he succeeds in denying half the country its choice for president, he dismisses the Second Amendment being an ultimate check against tyranny as “a constitutional joke”. [More]

Red Jamie says turn in your guns. And no, you don’t get to vote on it.

Hopes and Praise for Vance Mustn’t Cloud Gun Owner Expectations

I don’t do this to subvert election chances or to get people mad at me. I do it because by viewing politicians with realistic expectations, gun owners will be in a better position to understand where, when and how they may disappoint us once we help them win power, and to insist the “gun rights leaders” endorsing them do everything they can to make sure it’s understood our rights are non-negotiable. [More]

I’m voting for Donald Trump and JD Vance. I want you to vote for Donald Trump and JD Vance. I just think we’ll all be better positioned for whatever happens after they win if we don’t vote for them blindly.

If Harris Picks Kelly for VP, Republicans Need to Follow the Money

If Kelly is the pick, here’s hoping Republican opposition researchers investigate all his business dealings, and loudly. [More]

That, and how long will it take Kamala to realize certain powerful special interests will consider him a more effective fit for the top job?

FOIA Request Issued to USPS to Determine Cause of Special AR-15 Delivery Delay

“This raises the questions of why the shipment was delayed and why it was completed so soon after that was reported,” the request notes. [More]

Funny, how quickly the shipment was back on track once postal inspectors were told there was a “missing” AR-15 in their system…

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