Got Repeatable Results?

A release from Mayor Jones is touting a 15% reduction in overall crime in the city of St. Louis last year compared to 2023. Jones says the 150 homicides in the city last year were the lowest number of murders in the city of St. Louis since 2013, and represents a 43% decrease during her administration. [More]

Now prove a direct correlation between that and anything she did, as opposed to that’s just the way it worked out and a rise can come at any time.

[Via bondmen]

Bring It, B!+che$…

Analysis: Nearly Half of Federal Employees in the Swamp Plan to Resist Trump, Poll Finds [More]

With only 6% showing up for work, how much damage can they do?

They’ve apparently Dunning-Krugered themselves into believing they’re more irreplaceable and vital than air traffic controllers. And now they want to test the guy who crushed it in TV ratings for firing people…?

What a great way to reduce the size of wasteful government!

[Via Jess]

Our Greatest Strength

As Violent Venezuelan Gang Plagues US, Biden DHS Issues Deportation Protections for Migrants from Venezuela [More]

Add to that terror exemptions, and a picture of treasonous maniacs bent on destroying their countrymen emerges. But we knew that when they showed they wanted to disarm us.


Tangentially-Related UPDATE

Biden Admin Will Remove Cuba From List of State Sponsors of Terrorism [More]

So… they’re officially less of a threat than we happy few…?

[Via Michael G]

President Trump Can Lead in Fight Against State-Level 2nd Amendment Infringements

“What are you going to do about it, President Trump?” [More]

First, we neeed to realistically look at what he CAN do. Then we need to realistically look at what he WILL do and use every means at our disposal to get his ear and try to keep him on course.

None Dare Call It Aiding and Abetting

Biden DHS exempted thousands of immigrants from terror-related entry restrictions in FY 2024 [More]

So, the blood will be on their hands when a “gun-free zone” in a deep blue city is exploited and the kneejerk reaction is to blame “lax gun laws.”

These people hate their country.

Your Terms of Surrender

House Bill 12 by Rep. Joy Garratt (D-ABQ) allows law enforcement officers to bypass the need for a “reporting party” and go straight to filing a petition for an extreme risk protective order based on information collected by the officers — allowing them to be the sole source and mechanism by which an order is issued. [More]

And there’s another that makes owning attachments a felony.

Obey or be destroyed.

From the People Who Would Benefit Politically from You Being Dead

SB25-003, Colorado’s newly filed “Assault Weapons” Semi-Auto Firearm bill will ban all rifles and shotguns that accept detachable magazines, along with many semi-auto pistols that accept detachable magazines. If enacted, the Colorado Attorney General would have the power and authority to further define the nuanced and often contradictory bill language. [More]

They’re just trying to help their goals along.

[Via cydl]

Schadenfreude X 2

Layla Law-Gisiko, president of the City Club of New York, which sued Gov. Kathy Hochul to implement the unpopular toll for motorists driving into Manhattan, said she was left bruised and battered after the Saturday afternoon attack at the 23rd Street station. [More]

So, someone who wants to “make gun control an absolute PRIORITY???!!!” found herself defenseless in a situation she wants to force more people into?

I’m trying to find some sympathy. I know I left it lying around here someplace…

I don’t suppose the French or Tunisians want her back…?

[Via Michael G]

It’s Only ‘Commonsense’

Now, in the closing chapter of Schmidt’s journey from judicial infamy to political ignominy, he has chosen to flip off Portland voters by attempting to illegally set up early releases for a rogue’s gallery of murderers, rapists, and thugs. [More]

So naturally he was endorsed by the more disarmed victims lobby:

[Via Michael G]

Speaking of Missing the Barn…

AN ACT Relating to protecting the public from gun violence by establishing additional requirements for the business operations of licensed firearms dealers [More]

Go after the people whose livlihoods already depend on proving — on demand — that they comply with the law… really?

[Via Jess]

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