We’re the Only Ones Wrongdoing Enough

Senator Ron Johnson has accused federal law enforcement of mishandling the investigation into the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, stating that they are doing “everything wrong.” [More]

That’s like saying Gunwalker was a “botched gun sting.”

Everything they’re doing is intentional Everything they’re doing is directed.


[Via bondmen]

The Guttenberg Press

Parkland (MSD shooting) father minimizes Trump getting shot and mocks him [More]

My guess is he was an @$$hole before his tragedy.

I’m sorry for his horrible and unimaginable loss, but it’s not my fault. My natural human sympathy does not mean I will remain passive when he and other surviving family members attack my right to protect myself and my loved ones.

An attacker’s motivation never outweighs my right to repel him.

[Via bondmen]

In Plain Sight

Tell me this was just a series of unfortunate events.

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Udderly Ridiculous Enough

During a Donald Trump visit to North Carolina yesterday, a woman Secret Service special agent abandoned her post to breastfeed with no permission/warning to the event site agent, according to three sources in the Secret Service community. [More]

Now I want to see her try to stuff it back into the “holster” in a panic…

[Via Michael G]

And here’s another one sleeping on the job!

[Via bondmen]

Just Here for the Ratioing

With great audience comes greater responsibility [More]

Can you imagine being Thierry Breton?

Here’s what the Democrats and their media operatives didn’t want us to hear. Carve the time out to listen and share.

And no, fellas, even “legal” immigration as current law provides statistically works in favor of the Democrats.

His Heart’s in the Right Place. Will Head Ever Follow?

Trump asked at Mar-A-Lago presser if his view on AR-15 has changed following assassination attempt [48:43]

It’s about more than personal protection and I don’t believe the “Chicago has the toughest gun laws” assumption still stands.

I cannot stress stongly enough, Gun Owners for Trump need his ear. If they’re just there for show and he’s going to keep knee-jerking because he knows best, we won’t have a president who actually understands why “shall not be infringed” are the most important words for government to heed.

[Via several of you]

Marxist-Raised Raskin Proposes Starting Civil War by Denying Trump Election Eligibility

While he’s the one bemoaning civil war if he succeeds in denying half the country its choice for president, he dismisses the Second Amendment being an ultimate check against tyranny as “a constitutional joke”. [More]

Red Jamie says turn in your guns. And no, you don’t get to vote on it.

Anybody Smell Gas…?

Strategic Retreats for Long-Term Gains:
Smith compared the temporary concessions in the gun rights battle to strategic retreats in warfare. For instance, the controversial bump stock ban by Trump was a tactical move to prevent a broader legislative redefinition of machine guns, which could have had far-reaching negative consequences for gun owners. [More]

Prove that’s what he did. Show us the contemporaneous evidence he was giving a master class in 3D chess, that was always his intent, and he could predict the outcome so it was OK to put so many at risk without their knowledge or consent.

As for “gunfluencer” Rittenhouse

Hopes and Praise for Vance Mustn’t Cloud Gun Owner Expectations

I don’t do this to subvert election chances or to get people mad at me. I do it because by viewing politicians with realistic expectations, gun owners will be in a better position to understand where, when and how they may disappoint us once we help them win power, and to insist the “gun rights leaders” endorsing them do everything they can to make sure it’s understood our rights are non-negotiable. [More]

I’m voting for Donald Trump and JD Vance. I want you to vote for Donald Trump and JD Vance. I just think we’ll all be better positioned for whatever happens after they win if we don’t vote for them blindly.

I’m Just Surprised She Didn’t Invoke the 5th

Defiant Secret Service Director Stonewalls Lawmakers at Oversight Hearing [More]

We expected anything else?

Meanwhile, the execrable “Red Jamie” exploits the opportunity to demand disarming you and me…

That CNN headline could be read another way…

Cheatle: Trump assassination attempt ‘most significant operational failure’ in decades

[Via Michael G]

Checks and Balances

Donald Trump once donated to Kamala Harris campaign in California [More]

Hold my beer:

Trump Donations to Clinton Foundation Add to Gun Owner Concerns

It’s a big club and we ain’t in it.

I’m in a discussion on X with someone who claims there’s no difference, a subject I plan to address in greater detail later. My question to him:

Those of us who do recognize these things and are doing what we can with what’s immediately in front of us. The question to you is, besides pointing that out, what should we do with this immediate election coming up? What are you doing?

Consider it also my question to you.

Backstage Pass

Why was he allowed to go on stage until the “potential threat” was cleared?

The director resigning can’t be the end of this, not if they expect suspicions to be quelled.

[Via Gregory R]

Related UPDATE:

‘You cannot, in broad daylight, get onto a rooftop within, what looked like a couple hundred yards if that [of the president]. You can’t get in that position with a gun when there’s a president speaking. ‘It cannot be done,’ Alexander insisted.

A fair question: If there was a conspiracy, do those behind it have more power than those investigating?

[Via bondmen]

Hoist with Their Own Petard

Two days later, a bunch of these assholes find out actions have consequences, and after a decade of having it used against them, the right has finally figured out how to use cancel culture themselves. Some of these assholes are now getting outed, and fired by their employers who don’t want the PR nightmare of fucking psychopaths working for them. [More]

Turnabout seems like more than fair play to me.

Which bring me to an idea I had when I saw this pinned tweet from Kathy Griffin:

Remember how many venues dropped her like a hot potato for this?

My guess is it wouldn’t be hard at all to find the X pages for each of the upcoming venues, post it on their feed, and very publicly ask them if they’re ready for the outrage coming their way.

An Open Secret

The programme can now reveal the information was compiled as part of a secretive project aiming to identify millions of gun owners in America who could be targeted with pro-gun rights messages in the lead-up to the 2016 election campaign. [More]

They’re trying to ID gun owners…? Really…?

Unheard of, this business of political campaigns soliciting special interest constituencies!

What the DSM is really trying to do here with this new narrative talking point is sow dissent and advance the meme that the wannabe low-hanging fruit patsy was registered a Republican — without mentioning he donated to a hardcore Democrat operation exploiting PA’s closed primary.

[Via Jess]

Trump Assassination Attempt Brings New Urgency for RNC to Affirm Support for 2nd Amendment

Giving Trump and the Republicans all the ammo they need to defeat gun grabber arguments is well within the skill set of the newly formed Gun Owners for Trump coalition… [More]

We’ve got to do more than hope his resolve is strengthened. There are people who can help him not just repel attacks on our rights, but promote and advance them with the independents both sides are competing for — if he will let them.

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