“If I thought the father was a threat, I would not approach the child,” he said. [More]
Non-lesbian women who go for the geld get exactly the “male” they deserve. Or a cat.
[Via Michael G]
Notes from the Resistance
Intestacy laws establish an order of priority for the inheritance of a diseased person’s assets. If the courts accept their position, it would skirt state law, which generally considers materials such as the manifesto a record of public interest… [More]
All this legal hoop-de-doo continues to obfuscate and delay. I still want to know why a Nashville Council member said “The vast, overwhelming majority of it,’ presented too much of a danger to the public.”
But that would require principled leadership focused more on results than on scoring media points.
And that allows the blood dancers to keep the focus on guns.
[Via bondmen]
Any guess on which one will still be standing? Looks like the “cancel culture” door swings both ways…
I’ve refused to shop there for years.
[Via Michael G]
California university hosts transgender ‘camp’ retreat for students to ‘explore’ their gender [More]
The parody lyrics write themselves.
[Via Michael G]
June is #Pride Month! We recognize the contributions our LGBTQI+ colleagues have made in their service to the safety and security of our nation. Learn more about the LGBTQI+ employees of ATF at http://atf.gov/about/diversity/celebrating-our-diversity. #WeAreATF [More]
All this and having to outsource white supremacy? You right-wing extremist Christian nationalists are gonna have to up your game if you expect to live up to everybody’s FBI-fabricated expectations…
In today’s conservative movement, nothing animates activists like the supposed liberal indoctrination of children. The religious right, in particular, espouses unhinged rhetoric about how youth are being “groomed” into trans- and LGBTQ ideology by Luciferian leftists. [More]
I wonder if Dickinson is an aptronym…
Target expects organized retail crime-fueled losses to jump by $500 million this year [More]
Maybe there’s something about “progressive” clientele and the value they place on property rights…
[Via bondmen]
Lauren Heike as Another Victim of Transsexual Violence [More]
The rejoinder will be “Look at all the ‘straight’ killers.”
They come from a much larger population. I wonder if anyone has compiled rates statistics and if they corroborate what some recent incidents seem to be indicating.
[Via Michael G]
Just remember: This is deliberate. [Watch]
[Via Doc]
The members of today’s Left have pushed liberty into nihilism, defining it as the right to live free from biological sex, family, tradition, and God—free from reality. They paint every inherited structure, every moral duty and social obligation, as a shackle that must be smashed, by government if necessary, so the individual can be made “free.” [More]
Damned oppressive physics…
The unasked questions: Cui bono?
And how can the protective layers be pulled back to root them out and drag them into burning sunlight?
Nonbinary Child of Massachusetts Rep. Katherine Clark Gets Probation for Assaulting a Cop – “allegedly struck a police officer in the face, leading to an assault and battery on a police officer charge, on top of charges of vandalizing property, tagging property, vandalizing a historic marker/monument, and resisting arrest” [More]
I wonder what would happen to a young, politically unconnected black man who punched a Boston cop…?
After all, “racial justice” is what Katherine says she’s all about.
[Via Michael G]
This is mental illness, which I know you’re not supposed to laugh at, but… [More]
It sure does cheapen the word “genocide.”
I guess it never occurs to some that the problem just might be them…?
“The death of Banko Brown … was nothing short of a lynching,” one speaker said. “And anyone that stands beside that is standing beside lynching. [More]
The lynch mob, which did not review the evidence the prosecutor did, equates self-defense with lynching. Who thinks they’d be this ginned up if the victim were a straight white Republican instead of a black trans?
[Via bondmen]
But there’s a catch: Scientists believe that chick embryos could potentially feel pain as early as day seven of their 21-day incubation period. That means that even with the most advanced in-ovo sexing, male chick embryos could still be experiencing suffering. [More]
But human babies, up until they cross the goal line (and even then), no problem to make them suffer the torture of William Wallace say Democrats…
The only way you could get them to demand a selective halt to abortions is if you could identify a genetic predisposition to LGBTQ and parents opted to terminate. Talk about raving lunatics bombing clinics then…
[Via WiscoDave]
Chelsea Clinton Advocates Child Porn in Schools [More]
Daddy’s little girl is all grown up.
I thought she was trying to distance herself from all that…
[Via Michael G]
NBC Fabricates Fake Trans Propaganda About Montana Mom Who Cared For Suicidal Daughter [More]
Don’t these people have some trucks to blow up? Or a 911 call to edit?
[Via Michael G]
MSNBC Legal Analyst: It’s a ‘Disservice’ to Cross-Examine Trump Rape Accuser [More]
That’s because “justice” demands due process be … uh … trumped by #BelieveWomen.
And it’s a hate crime to not acknowledge trans “women” — or those who just identify as such — as real women.
Which means we have to #BelieveBiologicalMales, of which Trump is one?
[Via Michael G]
According to a local news report, the Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD) is expected to make public the manifesto that Audrey Hale left behind and is currently reviewing it in collaboration with the FBI for the purpose of public release. [More]
And if they hold stuff back…?
[Via Michael G]
And can I read anything into this supportive email?
Ctrl and scroll to enlarge and read
Penny joined members of the group who showed up carrying flags with swastikas and yelling homophobic slurs, prosecutors said. [More]
I wonder how many of them were CIs prodding the lowest of the low-hanging fruit to do something stupid…? Or how many getting this story from the DSM realize that Nazis are creatures of the collective?
Illegal aliens who are LGBTQ ‘may not be detained’ under Democrats’ new bill – Democrats said current detention rules strip aliens of their humanity and due process [More]
And just accommodating this isn’t good enough. You have to embrace it if you don’t want us to destroy you. Which we’ll get around to eventually regardless…
[Via Michael G]