Ye are Many — They are Few!

Our Entire Civilization Is Structured Around Keeping Us From Realizing We Can Do This [More]

Gosh, do you think that might have something to do with tyrants incessantly pushing citizen disarmament?

I don’t know why they think they have to, seeing as how they have nukes and everything…

I know: Let’s ask Jamie Raskin!

[Via bondmen]

Nothing to See Here

Agents investigating President Joe Biden’s son “opened an assessment which was used by an FBI headquarters team to improperly discredit negative Hunter Biden information as disinformation and caused investigative activity to cease”… [More]

So basically, “gun control” is about surrendering ours to people who systemically misdirect and lie to us in order to maintain and grow their political power, and it has nothing to do with safety or “common sense,” and anyone who is willfully deluded and believes otherwise is exactly the type of useful idiot they’re counting on?

[Via Michael G]

But No One’s Talking about Taking Your Guns

State Representative Wendell Gilliard (D-111) announced that he will pre-file legislation to ban many commonly-owned rifles, shotguns, and handguns that law-abiding citizens use for self-defense and sport, and require current owners to surrender them. [More]

Well, he won’t personally

At least he states up front what he’ll “allow” us to keep.

[Via Jess]

The Cognitive Dissonance … It Burns

“The fight over abortion rights is tied to the “great replacement” theory and fears that white people will become a minority,” she tweeted. “That fear never left the anti-abortion movement which, at its core, has always been about upholding white supremacy.”[More]

Maybe they’ll be the ones to finally take the challenge.

And it doesn’t occur to these dopes that white supremacists want minorities and Democrats to have more abortions?

With “progressives,” every day is Opposite Day.

Spider & the Fly

Free Tibet! (Part 1) [More]

The Anticommunism Action Team shows what is happening right now to people who are powerless to resist tyranny.

Never give up your guns.

Any American who demands his countrymen give up theirs is either a criminally negligent incompetent at citizenship or an evil domestic enemy who knows exactly the kind of tyranny he is salivating to unleash.

Panama Red and Brazil Nuts

On July 6, teachers-union activists began protests … The leadership of the construction workers union are militant leftists… [More]

Thanks, Jimmy Carter and the Senate!

And as long as we’re heading south:

But with just over two months before the first round of voting, opinion surveys widely show Brazilians think they’d be better off without Bolsonaro. Frustration over the spiraling cost of living has propelled Lula to lead the race by more than 10 percentage points. [More]

And what will be one of the first things Lula does when he’s back in power…?

Meanwhile, Over at the Department of Shoulder Things That Go Up

Rep Cicilline on stabilizing braces: “When attached here, it turns this weapon into an automatic weapon. It becomes a bump stock, and so it will allow that to essentially be fired like an automatic weapon. That’s the danger.” [More]

And you could cook a deer from the inside!

[Via Michael G]

An Uncollectable Win


A right delayed… and until they’re stopped, they’ll keep inventing new ways to deny and continue kicking the can down the road to nowhere.

This is what preemptive surrender Republicans don’t get. Democrats fight every inch of the way. They don’t give, they take. And then come back for more.

Windbag Control Freak Blows Hot Air but Shows Hand

                                                                               There’s something about cultists…


It’s instructive to see that the goal really is total disarmament, but the creepy punk is just whoring for headlines here and knows this isn’t going anywhere:

Cosponsors: 72 Cosponsors (72 Democrats)

Prognosis2% chance of being enacted according to Skopos Labs

Figures he and his fellow seditious conspirators put the term “Equal Access” in the title of a bill designed to make guns too expensive for “those people.”

In the Spirit of Bipartisanship

Republicans got tougher sentences, Democrats got more gun control, and both got to pretend they were doing something to prevent mass shootings. [More]

The difference being, by removing another obstacle, the Democrats have succeeded once more incrementally advanced toward their totalitarian goal and the dumb @$$Republicans have “succeeded” once more in demotivating a core constituency in advance of an important election.

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