We’re the Only Ones Courteous Enough

The laminated cards, which typically bear an image of an NYPD badge and the name of one of the city’s police unions, are not officially recognized by the police department but have long been treated as a perk of the job. [More]

So much for “equal protection”…

From the same union whose head threatened to execute you “if you lift a finger“…

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Youth Oriented Enough

Former SRO accused of sexually abusing Richland Two high school student in 2018 pleads guilty… Bradley’s wife became emotional in court, saying her entire family has been subject to ridicule. She told the court her husband has been unable to find work and has been ostracized by the local community. [More]

No “Thanks for the suspended sentence and probation with no time behind bars”…?

Well, after all, he was an Only One…

[Via Steve T]

Going with What Works

Both the White House and ATF have turned down multiple House Oversight inquiries into charges of ‘collusion’ with Chicago’s lawsuit against Glock [More]

Gee, when have we seen a Democrat administration stonewall House Oversight on gun-related scandals before…?

[Via Jess]

We’re the Only Ones Normal Enough

Defendant Hines … did not mention that Plaintiff’s mother had initiated the encounter by calling emergency services to express concern about a trespasser… and he stated—incorrectly—that Plaintiff had been charged with aggravated assault… Finally, he wrote that Plaintiff complied with the officers’ commands and told officers he had been afraid for the safety of his grandmother (apparently an erroneous reference to Plaintiff’s mother) [More]

And a “trained professional” being sloppily incompetent and incapable of filing an accurate police report is enough to disarm a citizen…?

Normal PD, eh? Where the chief can have a gun in his carry-on with no consequences?

Four Boxes Diner breaks the case down.

[Via Jess]

We’re the Only Ones Out of Uniform Enough

It claimed Smith attempted to end his part in a polyamorous relationship with Officer Eric Windler and his wife, after which he was ruthlessly targeted. The lawsuit noted that Windler and Smith’s wife maintained their relationship after Smith’s arrest and throughout the proceedings. [More]

They get the idea they can f_ other people from somewhere…

[Via Steve T]

We’re the Only Ones Saturating Enough

R.I. officer accused of peeing on woman during Kenny Chesney concert at Gillette [More]

Because he’s on “regularly scheduled leave/time off,” it’ll be a while before he gets back to doing it to citizens he pulls over. Besides, he was just supporting the Rhode Island Police Chiefs Association’s “Saturation Saturday.”

After all, it’s not like he’s been convicted of anything.

Now imagine you getting drunk and p!$$!ng on an “Only One.”

[Via Steve T]

We’re the Only Ones Heinous Enough

Officer Javar Downs of the @LMPD was arrested today after he allegedly stole $4K he seized from a suspect being booked into jail. Additionally he was one of 3 officers who didn’t turn on their bodycams during the arrest of Scottie Scheffler. [More]

Kinda makes you want to go right out there and Back the Blue, doesn’t it?

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones On a Roll Enough

Kandiyohi County deputy charged with DWI after rolling squad car multiple times [More]

That’s some superior training. I could do a reverse 180 in my day but never learned to master a roll. Doing it more than once is a whole ‘nother level!

Flatten. Talk about an aptronym. Almost as good as Lt. Feeley.

F-in moron. Tell me his colleagues are surprised he has a drinking problem and said nothing as he went out there every day and endangered the public.

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Wrongdoing Enough

Senator Ron Johnson has accused federal law enforcement of mishandling the investigation into the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, stating that they are doing “everything wrong.” [More]

That’s like saying Gunwalker was a “botched gun sting.”

Everything they’re doing is intentional Everything they’re doing is directed.


[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Planting Enough

Former Alabama police officer agrees to plead guilty to planting drugs before bogus traffic stop [More]

Again with “former.” The only reason is because the stupid, evil bastard got caught. And 40, eh? So he’s been preying on victims for how long?

Tell us again about badge heaviness, George.

[Via Steve T]

We’re the Only Ones Self-Exonerating Enough

A multi-year criminal investigation under former Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva into the agency’s inspector general — a probe that a legal advisor for the county called “not legally viable” — was based largely on unfounded accusations that state and federal prosecutors repeatedly turned down, documents reviewed by The Times show. [More]

We have investigated ourselves and found no evidence of wrongdoing.

This malcontent must be a cop hater.

[Via bondmen]

I’m Just Surprised She Didn’t Invoke the 5th

Defiant Secret Service Director Stonewalls Lawmakers at Oversight Hearing [More]

We expected anything else?

Meanwhile, the execrable “Red Jamie” exploits the opportunity to demand disarming you and me…

That CNN headline could be read another way…

Cheatle: Trump assassination attempt ‘most significant operational failure’ in decades

[Via Michael G]

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