Ender Affirming Care

The state of Florida never provided medically necessary gender-affirming care to Duane Owen — causing her enormous suffering and violating her right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment for the more than 30 years she was in state custody. [More]

I wonder how much enormous suffering, rights violation, and cruel and unusual punishment this monster inflicted on the women he raped and murdered.

The ACLU certainly is showing us what it’s all about, and based on the ratioing, the more people see it, the better it appears to be.

[Via Michael G]

The Persecution Complex

The County Attorney and law enforcement have charged Walker with violating MN 609.667 because his privately made firearms do not have serial numbers on them – despite not being required under federal law – and, in our opinion, not needed under Minnesota statutes. The judge in the case has disagreed. [More]

His mother has started a legal defense fund.

You can find out more by selecting “Case Search” for

Case Number: 71-CR-22-923

(Case Title: State of Minnesota vs Matthew Walker Anderson)

I’d love to tear into this but my plate is full and it will be a few days–hopefully, someone will be able to give us more information before then, and maybe convince one of the gun groups to provide legal assistance.

[Via WiscoDave]

Fourth Generation Lawfare

There is a nefarious group that calls itself The 65 Project that has as its goal to intimidate lawyers into not representing Trump or anyone associated with him. They have threatened to file bar charges against any such lawyers. [More]

Pretty elite for terrorists

I wonder what they eat for breakfast.

[Via Michael G]

Who Will Judge the Judges?

Third Circuit, En Banc, Range v. Lombardo: Not All Modern Felons Lose Second Amendment Rights … Several judges dissented. [More]

Which ones?

Who nominated them?

Who voted to confirm them?

I could go find out but it would take time I don’t have right now.

It would be nice if there were a website that provided judicial ratings and a way to hold those who enabled them politically accountable. It would be even more useful if it also politically scaled and rated inferior court judges running in “nonpartisan” elections and showed who backs them so their partisan allegiances could be inferred.

I guess I’m talking something like Ballotpedia on steroids. Too bad the name “Judicial Watch” is taken, although come to think of it, they’d be the perfect ones to take this on.

Consistent with Inconsistency

Illinois’s legal brief seeks to defend their recently-enacted “assault weapons” ban by arguing that the lethality of these semi-automatic firearms means that they may be banned consistent with the 2nd Amendment. Mark Smith discusses this lethality argument here. [Watch]

Because the last thing you want to do when fighting armed attackers is kill them!

Be sure to also open up Illinois’ brief and Smith’s review on Beccaria, linked under the video.

[Via Jess]

How Do You Get From Here to There?

“We have already recognized in Heller at least one way in which the Second Amendment’s historically fixed meaning applies to new circumstances. Its reference to arms does not apply only to those arms in existence in the 18th Century… just as the First Amendment protects modern forms of communications and the Fourth Amendment applies to modern forms of search, the Second Amendment extends prima facie to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding. Thus even though the Second Amendment’s definition of arms is fixed according to the historical understanding that that general definition covers modern…modern instruments that facilitate armed self-defense. [Watch]

Exactly right. What I’m having trouble connecting the dots on is this:

What is that burden that the government has to bear? The government has to come forth to prove that the arms that they want to ban are not in common use.

Ignoring the first 13 words and focusing exclusively on self-defense leaves the door open to saying post-’86 machine guns are not in common use. It also means that new technological developments that the government reserves for itself will never be.

That is what I’d like to see Mr. Smith elaborate on. I believe he’s one of the few who could.

As an aside, I think the first Republican presidential candidate who promised to nominate him if any Supreme Court openings happen would gain a huge advantage with gun owners.

[Via Stephen I]

The Irony is Lost

The state has been relying on “expert witnesses” who are attempting to prove that early firearms do not have the capacity of modern firearms. Why you need “expert” witnesses to prove this is hard to understand. But the notion that our constitution only protects things in existence 200 years ago is odd when the argument is taking place in a courtroom filled with computers and flat screen TV’s, fed by the internet, and protected by metal detectors. [More]

Add a Catch-22 on “ripeness” and you get a feel for what they’re up against.

Meanwhile, the Republicans continue to hold fast on denyng a quorum, so “Attaboys” to them.

Time for a Change

Yesterday, the state presented an “expert” witness who hilariously claimed that it takes 5 seconds or more to change a magazine. This false and absurd statement was made in an effort to convince the court that low capacity magazines will protect people in mass shootings by giving them time to run away. [More]

A moron presenting himself as an expert testifying that an abomination bent on slaughter would nonetheless obey magazine restrictions did not result in his being laughed out of the courtroom? Who is this guy?

One for the Gipper

A federal judge on Tuesday rejected a request to block a new Washington state law banning the sale of certain semi-automatic rifles…[More]

Thanks, Ronald Reagan!

Your legacy lives on.

[Via Jess]

Related UPDATE

The dolt actually said they “allow a shooter to fire as fast as they can pull the trigger, unlike previous guns.”

[Via WiscoDave]

The Democrat Loophole

U.S. COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE THIRD CIRCUIT: No Loss of Second Amendment Rights for Welfare Fraud, since there’s no history and tradition of stripping the right to arms for such nonviolent regulatory crimes. [More]

Except for when he’s in prison paying it all back through labor, including arrest costs, court costs, and room and board…

They did make him do that, didn’t they?

[Via Michael G]

An Age-Old Question

Attorneys representing the Second Amendment Foundation and its partners in a federal lawsuit challenging the prohibition of handgun sales to young adults have filed a reply to the federal government’s arguments supporting the ban. The case is known as Reese v. ATF. [More]

What must the grabbers think of those they think old enough to vote Democrat?

Terror Tactics

This is economic terrorism, literally terrorism, creating fear among the workers and forcing the corporations to sell the things you want, not sell the things you don’t.” [More]

What a great way to describe lawsuits against gun manufacturers!

[Via bondmen]

The Nutty Professors

Five University System of Georgia (“USG”) professors filed suit to block a 2017 statutory amendment that removed public colleges and other public postsecondary educational institutions from the statutory definition of “school safety zone.” [More]

I’m wondering which fields in academia don’t require being an obnoxiously self-righteous leftist moron to get tenure.

[Via Michael G]

Tangentially-Related UPDATE

I rest my case.

[Via 1Gat]

Playing the Brace Card




It looks like everybody’s members are covered, just like FPC’s.

Anybody up on what’s going on with NRA’s action?


Here’s the GOA Order:

Use Your Words?

As a condition of his plea agreement, Bartlett apologized in court Tuesday and admitted that his words were hateful. [More]

Don’t fall for provocations, especially if armed. Assume everyone has the means to record you. And realize that Chicom-inspired struggle sessions to punish “wrong thinking” are now the law of the land.

[Via bondmen]

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