Jordan Peterson Ordered by Canadian Court to Undergo Reeducation [More]
At least there’ll be music…
The treatment has shown remarkable results:
[Via Michael G]
Notes from the Resistance
Jordan Peterson Ordered by Canadian Court to Undergo Reeducation [More]
At least there’ll be music…
The treatment has shown remarkable results:
[Via Michael G]
ChatGPT has ‘systematic political bias’ towards the left: study [More]
That and hallucinations…
[Via Michael G]
Popular Leftist Talking Head Blames Muslim Opposition to Trans Madness on — Guess Who [More]
Damn MAGA Republican Trumptards…
[Via Michael G]
The Washington Post’s New Hire Shows Media Will Never Hold Themselves Accountable [More]
What…? The DSM is filled with unethical left-wing hacks…?
And oh, look: She’s a gun-grabber cheerleader, too!
Hold the presses!
[Via Michael G]
State Reps. Quang Nguyen, R-Prescott Valley, and Selina Bliss, R-Prescott, on Monday requested a “Senate Bill 1487” investigation, named after the process’s initial bill filing, from Mayes as to whether the city’s decision to ship 500-600 seized firearms to the Ukrainian Arsenal of Liberty is legal. [More]
Everything I said when the Council approved this still applies, particularly about Democrat “generosity.”
And everything I said about Miami applies too, particularly about ITAR and citizens protecting OUR border from foreign invaders.
On a side note, what’s with Ducey’s “9,000 pounds of surplus tactical equipment”?
Where are they getting these units of measurement from?
[Via WiscoDave]
New York State Public Library Bows to Bullies, Cancels Appearance by Author Jack Cashill [More]
Because real reporting is offensive, wrong-thinking is punishable, and who better to decide what we can be exposed to than Marxists with their snouts in the public trough?
Besides, they have other priorities.
That’s what happens when the prohibitionist busybody hens take over.
I juxtapose this against an email I just received from the “Society of Professional Journalists” touting their convention in Las Vegas next month, where heady matters of DSM interest will include “Diversity in Your Reporting and Newsroom” and a featured luminary will be honored for being “the first Latina sideline reporter for ‘Monday Night Football.'”
Is it really unfair to wonder how many of the attendees could pass a high school algebra class — or start a lawnmower?
[Via Michael G]
While trying to get some background on the tyrannical MD official who weaponized the red flag law to deploy armed enforcers to disarm a citizen she had a zoning dispute with, I ran across an online paean to well-heeled, “progressive” women. Page 58’s tribute to Frida Kahlo tells us much by what it doesn’t say:
She was a radical communist slut.
The overprivileged useful idiot cows honoring her would be among the first to populate the lime pits when they’d lived up their usefulness.
Webb subsequently filed for an Extreme Risk Protective Order (“ERPO”) to have Willey’s firearms and ammunition confiscated, alleging threats, which Willey steadfastly denies. The complaint accuses Webb of committing perjury resulting in seizure of Willey’s firearms and ammunition and forcing Willey to endure a humiliating involuntary mental health evaluation. The lawsuit alleges Willey’s constitutional rights were violated for nearly two weeks, after which his firearms were returned. [More]
Red flags can be weaponized? Who knew?
I’d say Webb and her cronies deserve a whole lot more scrutiny and exposure.
Charlotte Pride Says No One Will Win 2023 Harvey Milk Award After Convicted Pedophile Winner’s Past Unearthed [More]
Yeah, well, as much as leftists want to whitewash it:
In 1964, in his early 30s, Milk began a relationship with Jack McKinley, a theatrical stage manager who was 16 years old when they met in New York.
[Via Michael G]
Coincidentally, this just came across the transom this morning:
[Via WiscoDave]
According to a biography of Wyss written by a sister, Wyss’ goal is not to bend laws to his business’s advantage but to “[re]interpret the American Constitution in the light of progressive politics.” [More]
Undermining what is “necessary to the security of a free State” by foreigners is an act of war. Undermining it internally is an act of treason.
[Via Michael G]
Children’s hospital director claims ‘infinite’ genders, trans kids can identify as ‘Tootsie Roll pops’ [More]
This is what you have to believe to be an acceptable Democrat. And if you don’t champion it, you’re a Nazi!
Chuck? You’re up:
Internet sleuths identify cyclist who set fire to Trump signs at Raleigh home [More]
Good. Now adjudicate him a felon.
And drag his employer into the scandal if they don’t do the right thing.
A recent spot-on Stonetoss creation comes to mind:
[Via bondmen]
Senate Majority Leader @SenSchumer is negotiating with the NRA to pass his priority bill – the SAFE Act, a cannabis banking legislation – with Section 10 added as a sweetener for the NRA-backed Senate Republicans. We appreciate @SenJackReed working to modify the bill to ensure that regulators can warn banks about risky customers – like gun retailers. Congress should not be negotiating with the NRA, a terrorist group that is pushing its any guns to anyone everywhere agenda. Guns are the #1 killer of our children & gun deaths have increased 50% since the Sandy Hook shooting tragedy. [More]
That’s OK. I don’t authorize anyone to negotiate on my behalf with hate groups.
Especially when it involves naked tyranny.
These people are quickly becoming my favorite guntard group — every time the bigger ones start to sound like they’re “commonsense” and “moderate,” just share something these fanatics post to show how any “compromise” will never be enough.
They’re so cartoonishly over the top, I’m starting to suspect Po Murray of being our gal in the gun ban camp…
[Via Jess]
KDJ’s ‘Gun Myth’ Fact-Check: Liberals Vs. Americans, Part 1 [More]
When someone engages in half-truths, lies of omission, outright lies, misinformation, disinformation, and gaslighting, all to swindle you out of your rights, it’s fair to ask yourself what kind of cud-chewing moron would fall for it.
[Via Michael G]
If they removed something, I can’t tell what it is. Sure be nice if they told me what I’d done that offends them and puts me in jeopardy of being kicked out.
I mean, I thought I’d learned my lesson after wishing everyone a contemplative Bill of Rights Day…
The lawsuit, brought Tuesday by the nonprofit group Everytown for Gun Safety and exclusively obtained by NBC News, names multiple defendants, including YouTube and Reddit, online spaces where the shooter was allegedly radicalized… [More]
If trying to radicalize is the crime, where do I go to plead guilty?
Figures, the “legal authority” they consulted is the “distinguished” Robert Spitzer, who never saw a gun he didn’t want to grab.
Figures he’d also eviscerate the First Amendment…
I’d like to see the defendants countersue the useful idiot plaintiffs as individuals.
[Via Bluesgal]
I said what I said [More]
Spoken like someone who has never created a penny’s worth of wealth… Leave it to a career snout in the public trough to say government will pay for everything!
Constituents in Pennsylvania’s 2nd Congressional District are doubtless bigoted, self-entitled, and dumb enough to vote for him over any Republican.
Funny, for someone who presumes to represent “workers”…
[Via WiscoDave]
UTSA teaching assistant ousted after threatening to ‘murder’ and ‘rape’ conservative personality … After sharing the message on Twitter, users quickly identified the teaching assistant from other social media accounts. Campus Reform has chosen not to publicly name the individual because their identity could not be independently confirmed. [More]
The link they provided goes to a page that no longer exists.
Far be it from me to tell anyone to check it out over at the Wayback Machine…
If that is him, my guess is St. Clair could take him.
Leave ‘neutrality behind,’ Soros-funded UT Austin journalism program says – Tech giants Google and Facebook are among financial supporters [More]
Hey, it’s not like they actually observed journalistic ethics back when they still pretended they had them…
“The morals of trousered apes” … I like that.
[Via Michael G]
Montana Judge Sides With Activists In ‘Children’s Climate Trial’ [More]
And Montana’s useful idiot voters side with the judge.
[Via Michael G]
January 6 political prisoner Ryan Samsel has been held in prison without trial now since January 2021. [More]
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial…
Opposing a tyrannical regime that would do this is very different from being “anti-government.”
That so many social media “progressives” laugh at this and call these political prisoners “traitors” shows that with some, reconciliation is not only impossible, but who would want it?
[Via bondmen]
Tangentially-Related UPDATE
33 years = cruel and unusual punishment AND state-perpetrated domestic terrorism.
And AP = DSM.
[Via Michael G]
Illinois Woman Charged For Allegedly Threatening To Kill Trump, Youngest Son [More]
I’m thinking pay-per-view cage match with online betting…
[Via bondmen]
UW-Milwaukee tells students polyamory has many ‘benefits’ like extra pets, or ‘petamours’ [More]
So PAPs (Pet-Attracted Persons) area thing now, and anything less than enthusiastic approval will be a hate crime?
I can’t wait ’til someone brings a horse to the library to introduce children to Nag Queen Story Hour. And just think of how leadership by example from the top could enhance our military readiness!
Dr. Cornwallis is wise beyond his years.
[Via Michael G]
Hawaiian Electric knew of wildfire threat, but focused instead on mandated shift to renewable energy – Hawaiian Electric is facing scrutiny over whether its power lines started the Maui blaze [More]
That’s some carbon footprint the Opposite Day “progressive” environmentalcases mandated.
Meanwhile, via Michael G:
Exclusive: Is The Government of Hawaii Lying About The Missing and Dead on Maui?
Vultures all, the looters, the land speculators, the rope-selling economic fascists, and especially the government…