Adventures in Total Government Care

A Minnesota county agreed to pay a $12.2 million settlement to a man who was jailed on suspicion of drunken driving but ended up losing both his hands and suffering a heart attack, a stroke and skin lesions all over his body, allegedly due to the inaction of officials in the county jail… [More]

Bet that f****r’ll never drive drunk again!

Just think of the areas in YOUR life that could use more government control!

[Via Steve T]

Says the Would-Be Tyrant Who Wants Our Guns

Hillary Clinton: “There Needs To Be A Formal Deprogramming” Of The Trump Cult Members [More]

Assuming the struggle sessions don’t work, that’s a lot of people to Arkancide…

I see foreign national (British/Iranian) Christiane Amanpour continues nailing the subversive role that pleases her masters so well.

What have I been saying all along about Trump being an avatar for the citizens who believe in the agenda he campaigned on?

Thing is, Hillary knows this will enrage millions. She’s hoping some low-hanging fruit goes off the deep end and does something horrific, knowing full well most “conservatives” who end up smeared by conflation will continue to behave peaceably. If Trump said this about Democrats they’d throw him in the hole.

This is dangerous and the lowest form of politics. And it’s part of a DOJ/media-coordinated narrative plan leading for the elections and beyond, that is, it’s that seditious conspiracy they project onto their opponents.

Thank God the Founders, in their prescient wisdom, ensured the Second Amendment would be there for Posterity to call upon when any form of government bec[ame] destructive to [Liberty’s] ends…


‘Next victim. Star pitcher for the Dodgers,’ a text Lindsey Hill sent to a friend before she ever even met me. ‘What should I steal?’ she asked another, in reference to visiting my house for the first time. The answer? ‘Take his money.’ So how might that work? ‘I’m going to his house Wednesday.’ she said, ‘I already have my hooks in. you know how I roll.’ Then, after the first time we met, “Net worth is 51 mil” she said. ‘b-tch, you better secure the bag,’ was the response. [More]

Red Queen laws, anyone…?

[Via Michael G]

No Downside We Can Think Of…

Latinos in Ohio earned a total of $22.8 billion in 2021, according to the report that was produced by the Latino Donor Collaborative, a California-based nonprofit organization and think tank, in collaboration with Arizona State University. [More]

All those flags certainly make a statement.

Assuming you can trust numbers from an agenda group with horses in the race and no clear way to identify who bankrolls them, how much of that was sent out of country via wire transfers?

And while everyone is waxing eloquent about all the marvelous benefits, let’s see a realistic assessment of added costs to measure what we’re really talking about– and not just economic.

And what report would be complete without analyzing how they vote, and why the Democrat-endorsing Columbus Dispatch didn’t see fit to include that?

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.

[Via JG]

The Definition of Insanity

New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham has tested positive for COVID-19 again, reportedly for the third time in 13 months. [More]

So she’s been lying about that, too?

And she still wants to dictate a renewed gun ban after the district judge extended the temporary block?

Is this dumb commie broad ever right about anything?

[Via Jess]


New Mexico Shooting Sports Association has a lawsuit update analysis.

William Tell Overture

Swiss writer who called journalist ‘fat lesbian’ sentenced to 60 days in prison, LGBTQ groups applaud decision [More]

Latter-day Swiss betray their forebears and once more bow to the tyrant’s cap.

It’s gone from civil rights to civil rule. At least when it all blows up we’ll know “progressives” side with the totalitarians.

Safety First!

A former Lyft driver appeared in St. Louis Circuit Court on Monday and admitted to the 2019 kidnapping and rape of a young woman. [More]

Thank goodness company policy protected him!

“We have a strict no-weapons policy, violation of which can result in a permanent ban from Lyft’s service,” Lyft senior manager of communications Alexandra LaManna said in an email to The Post. “The safety of the Lyft community is our top priority, and we have worked hard to implement policies and procedures to ensure its safety.”

Funny… I don’t see anything in Biden-Harris administration appointee LaManna’s LinkedIn Education and Experience profiles that show how she’s qualified to issue such a proclamation…

Could it be that “spokespeople” are just paid bull$h!++er hacks?

Kinda like someone else we know

[Via bondmen]

Instant Karma’s Going to Get You

Philadelphia Journalist Who Mocked Concern Over Violent Crime In Democrat Cities Shot Dead In Home [More]

Not really related but somehow seems apt: Years ago a friend told the story of his high school shop teacher who had lost his finger on a band saw, and when explaining to the boys in class how it happened cut off another one.

[Via bondmen]

On a Bender

“We can put a man on the moon … but we can’t have the technology to keep killing machines out of schools,” Bender said. “Or out of uncertified hands,” Cameron added matter-of-factly. [More]

After checking out her Facebook page, it’s more than obvious why the “real reporter” chose hers to be the viewpoint promoted.

[Via JG]

Ushering in a New and Golden Age

St. Louis aldermen are set to introduce more gun control bills at their meeting Friday. The bills would create the offenses of “unlawful possession of firearms” and “unlawful transfer of weapons.” [More]

In other words, federal and state laws that are already being broken now?

Think how much safer the city will finally be after they adjourn!

It’s like they go out of their way to elect grifting morons there.

[Via bondmen]

A Mugged Liberal

Jason Billingsley, suspected of killing Forbes ’30 Under 30′ tech CEO Pava LaPere, 26, linked to knifepoint sex attack a WEEK earlier: 6ft 4, 305lb ex-con was let out despite history of sex offenses and violent crimes [More]


La Pere was best known for her visionary leadership and unwavering commitment to fostering inclusivity [More]

What would a woman need to stop an attacker that size?

Baltimore… isn’t that the city where Democrats are gearing up to elect a known criminal…? Who’s anti-gun…

[Via bondmen]

At Least This Time the Taliban Bought the Buddhist Statues First

Culver City buys controversial gun store [More]

The only controversy I remember is when they let us set a table up outside to invite customers to our Westside Firearms Association (later NRA Members Council over my opposition) meetings and an occasional car of “progressives” would drive by and scream obscenities at us.

[Via Jess]

No Legitimate Sporting Purpose?

Browns QB Deshaun Watson and TE David Njoku both got fined $13,659 for this celebration where they pretended to shoot guns. [More]

So antis don’t really believe in sport shooting either, and Fudds are fools for believing that they do?

They should have just taken a knee and bellyached about their grievances.

I wonder if American men who cheer on this NFL crap realize the message they’re sending the string pullers.

[Via bondmen]

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