Disgraced gaming executive Steve Wynn will pay a fine of $10 million and will agree to never again have any involvement in Nevada’s gaming industry… [More]
Hopefully, he’ll now keep his rich, corrupt, and predatory @$$ away from our RKBA.
Notes from the Resistance
Disgraced gaming executive Steve Wynn will pay a fine of $10 million and will agree to never again have any involvement in Nevada’s gaming industry… [More]
Hopefully, he’ll now keep his rich, corrupt, and predatory @$$ away from our RKBA.
WEF Launches ‘Mark of the Beast’ CBDC Microchip To ‘End Gun Ownership in America’ [Watch]
Tommy Thompson feels vindicated.
[Via bondmen]
Companies like Microsoft, Apple and Amazon have contributed to China’s remarkably rapid development of artificial intelligence capabilities — all at the expense of American interests and security. [More]
So, Microsoft, Apple, and Amazon strengthen the Republic’s greatest foreign military threat while undermining “the security of a free State”…?
This AI Watches Millions Of Cars Daily And Tells Cops If You’re Driving Like A Criminal [More]
Brought to you by rope-selling capitalists who are starting to worry if they can control what they’re unleashing.
King Soopers, which is a subsidy of the Kroger Company, told CBS Colorado it has “security measures in place to help prevent crime and deescalate such confrontations to minimize the risk to our associates.” [More]
Some lickspittle corporate flack actually got cowardly management approval for that. After it was the employee’s action in ripping the foil off the license plate that allowed police to catch the slugs.
You wonder what the hell these corporate gutless wonders are prepared to do about it if the answer is “No.”
Ironically, the main impediment to any of this happening is what the Founders knew to be “necessary to the security of a free State,” an armed citizenry capable of organizing and repelling “enemies foreign and domestic,” the very people these myopic billionaires in their arrogance and hubris are helping to finance AstroTurf citizen disarmament edicts against. [More]
Cake isn’t what the collectivist mob intends to eat.
Good Guy with Gun Shoots, Stops Armed Vegas Attacker [More]
Billionaire hotel/casino owners surrounded by armed security don’t want you to be able to do that.
[Via bondmen]
Just horrible, horrible people. [More]
Indeed. Your special honorees certainly are.
This is what the Dodgers and their idiot “fans” are giving aid and comfort to:
NYC drag marchers chant ‘We’re coming for your children’ during Pride event – Controversial group Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence attended event
In this case, believe them.
“This is hilarious. The boss of Raytheon, one of the US top weapons manufacturers, says the company has ‘several thousand suppliers in China and decoupling . . . is impossible.’” [More]
Say, gang, I’ve got a swell idea! Let’s force that same dependency on America’s entire supply chain!
Any questions about why those bringing this about, like their masters, don’t want us armed?
Hey, who’s up for dying for “gun-free” Taiwan?
Republicans have absolutely zero evidence of any wrongdoing by President Biden. [More]
Everybody realizes if they wear Levis they’re giving aid and comfort to this enemy… ?
On Friday evening, the Los Angeles Dodgers will honor the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,” a charitable drag group that dresses like nuns, at its annual “Pride Night” celebration game. [More]
They sure wouldn’t dare insult Islam this way.
Interestingly, Tommy LaSorda was a devout Catholic. So was “the team’s first owner in Los Angeles, Walter O’Malley.”
What remains to be seen is if the “fans” value their bread and circuses über alles. That and if any Catholic players will refuse to take the field and participate.
I’d think with all the federal and state workplace harassment and discrimination laws they’d have a case.
The guns will be collected anonymously, unloaded and stored in a locked safe. They will be turned in to Cleveland Police Department’s 4th precinct headquarters every day. [More]
Brandon can accept transfers without background checks? And with “prohibited persons” on staff? Does ATF know about this?
Hey, they don’t have a “No Guns” sticker on the door, do they?
I didn’t imagine there was much demand for Fois Gras and Cuisses de Grenouille among the gang bang set…
[Via JG]
Bank of America Turns Over Information on Gun Owners to the FBI [More]
Bastard snitches.
I’m wondering if lawsuits by customers and then by shareholders might be in the cards…
And if there’s ever a change in administrations, criminal prosecutions…
George Soros Hands Control to His 37-Year-Old Son: ‘I’m More Political’ [More]
That means he’s going to be more hands-on directing the family’s Democrat investments.
Billionaire warns of eerie fate for NYC over its rampant crime wave [Watch]
I’d pay him more heed if his idea of a Republican to support wasn’t Mitt Romney, and if he hadn’t supported Carolyn B. Maloney, Charlie Rangel, and Jerrold Nadler, if he hadn’t put on a fundraiser in 2006 with Michael Bloomberg for Senator Joe Lieberman, and if he wasn’t a “longtime”, “loyal”, and “high-level Clinton donor.”
Sounds to me like when the tumbrels come, he’ll have earned his place.
[Via Jess]
Any guess on which one will still be standing? Looks like the “cancel culture” door swings both ways…
I’ve refused to shop there for years.
[Via Michael G]
C’mon, everybody! Let’s suck off a confiscator today!
Some of the most wealthy and influential business leaders in the City of Chicago have unveiled an ambitious violence reduction plan. [Watch]
I didn’t see any demands for new citizen disarmament edicts, so have at it.
Still, I got ten bucks says throwing private reparations money at the noisiest rabble-rousers to shut them up and offering jobs to the unemployable won’t work. Any takers?
Being a billionaire do-gooder doesn’t mean you don’t live in an ivory tower– in fact, it guarantees it.
[Via 1Gat]
Ask if they’ll sign one of these:
I thought at first it might be an Ohio law thing about places that serve alcohol, but Giffords, of all groups, gives us an “out”:
Ohio also generally prohibits possession of firearms in establishments licensed to sell liquor in rooms or open air arenas where alcohol is being served on premises, although this restriction generally does not apply to people who are licensed to carry handguns or otherwise eligible for permitless carry, if they are not consuming alcohol or under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and if the establishment does not restrict firearm carrying.
I see some comments suggest carrying anyway and they’ll never know. I won’t for two reasons that have nothing to do with their property rights: First, anyone telling me up front they don’t trust me and would rather see me dead than armed won’t get a dime from me, and second, advertising up front that they’re a gun-free zone attracts dangerous scumbags I’d rather not expose myself and my family to.
ABC television network devoting two prime time hours to 1619 Project ‘documentary’ arguing for slavery reparations – There seems to be no end to the destructive propaganda emanating from the Walt Disney Company. [More]
And this does not bode well for the state of public sentiment and the likelihood of ’24 heralding a return to national senses…
[Via Michael G]
Georgia gun dealer Jon Waldman says his conscience won’t allow him to continue selling guns that could be used to target kids. [Watch]
What a sniveling traitor and media whore.
He only opened it in March 2021? And he didn’t think of any of his objections before doing that? And now he renounces everything in the most public way possible? I’m thinking $omething else is going on.
Every comment seems to be saluting him for having the courage of his convictions. But the video’s companion news report says he only got into the business because he thought it was “lockdown proof.”
So what’s he going to do with his inventory? Sell it to some other FFL who will then sell it to the public to “target kids”?
Anybody from Georgia Carry know this guy?
[Via 1Gat]
‘Beyond the financial, it’s personal’: Portland business owner frustrated with crime [More]
So, Michael Angelicho: Is that you on pg. 2 donating to a Democrat?
[Via Michael G]
The FOX 8 I-Team has found a high-tech system aimed at getting guns off the streets almost never leads to an arrest. We investigated since Cleveland City Hall spent millions of dollars to alert police to gunfire more quickly. [More]
They needed a whole “team” to figure that out…?
Good rule of thumb: When David Chipman pushes sh!+, it’s probably bull sh!+.
Even with “rebranding.”
Cleveland: At least we’re not Detroit.
Poll Shows How Radically Different Americans’ Opinions Are From Liberal Corporate Media Narratives [More]
You’ve got to admit, the mobs carting useful DSM idiots, rope-selling capitalists, and purged celebrities and One Percenters off in tumbrels would have a certain schadenfreude to it if it didn’t mean we’d also be up to our necks in it…
[Via bondmen]
While most Senate Republicans have made enormous sacrifices to defend your rights the House Republicans seem determined to move the Democrat agenda forward as quickly as possible. [More]
That’s what happens when glad-handing, rope-selling “capitalist” Vichycons like Kim Wallen can run without Republican primary opposition. It’s a Republican district: Are there no Republicans in it to fix that?
Target expects organized retail crime-fueled losses to jump by $500 million this year [More]
Maybe there’s something about “progressive” clientele and the value they place on property rights…
[Via bondmen]
Illegal immigrants get court dates scheduled for years in the future, allowed to stay in US in the meantime – Many migrants don’t have to appear in court for up to five years [More]
Give it another year and the wait time will double. Not that people whose first act in this country was to break its laws plan on showing up.
The politicians, officials, business interests, and string-pullers behind this state of affairs seem pretty unconcerned about personal repercussions, don’t they?
So do our “gun rights leaders”…