Could’a Been a Contender

In this video I discuss two important Second Amendment case that are up for Supreme Court consideration next term which could help stop the ATF’s current actions. [Watch]

All SCOTUS needs to do to allow ATF to continue usurping legislative authority is…nothing.

Then, of course, the case could be made that any legislative authority contradicting “shall not be infringed” is a usurpation in itself.

[Via Jess]

Render Unto Seizure

More than 15K “red flag” gun seizures since 2020, but AP claims the law is “barely used” [More]

Speaking of “barely used,” how about the presumption of innocence until proven guilty?

And as long as we’re talking “woefully low” and “too small a pebble to make a ripple,” I wonder if anyone has compiled verifiable figures proving a documented number of saved lives attributable to “red flag” confiscations.

[Via Jess]

The Wait is Over?

… Commonwealth Court Judge Patricia McCullough issued a preliminary injunction against the Pennsylvania State Police in Firearm Owners Against Crime – Institute for Legal, Legislative and Educational Action, et al. v. PSP Commissioner Evanchick, in relation to its non-compliance with 18 Pa.C.S. 6111.1, by failing to provide instantaneous or otherwise immediate responses to firearm background checks. [More]

Guy looks like more than his hat is too tight

You gotta wonder what kind of monkey wrenches the state will try to throw into the works before September 12 and what kind of surprises they have planned for after…

All Writs Now, Baby, It’s All Writs Now

Attorneys representing the Second Amendment Foundation and its partners in the case of Jones v. Bonta, challenging a California law restricting the rights of young adults to purchase long guns, are asking the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for an “All Writ” enjoining the state from enforcing a new state law that penalizes plaintiffs in cases contesting state gun laws. [More]

Why should arrogant tyrants who ignore the Second Amendment with impunity have any respect for the First?

Gunmakers Could Take a Stand & Stop Arming the Disarmers

It’s past time gun manufacturers stopped acting like neutral parties, willing to reap the benefits of RKBA activism as long as they don’t have to take a stand. It’s not inappropriate to publicly ask those companies what their position is, and to favor and patronize those that stand with American gun owners (and publicize those who won’t).  [More]

Or our “gun rights leaders” could just do nothing and continue turning a blind eye…

But Wait! There’s More!

I think my prototype needs some work. Perhaps add a shoelace…?

Due to the upcoming Amnesty Registration of Pistol Brace weapons, photos of the weapon being registered will be required to prove the weapon does utilize a pistol brace in its configuration and would qualify for an amnesty registration. [More]

And if you act now…

I’m kinda leaning this way

How do you copyright an OMB report…?

[Via Bluesgal]

Temporary Relief

U.S. District Judge Charlotte Sweeney, a Biden appointee, issued a temporary restraining order (TRO) on Tuesday against Boulder County. It stops enforcement of the county’s ban on the manufacture and sale of assault weapons, which include the popular AR-15, and ammunition magazines capable of holding more than ten rounds. [More]

So what’s it take to get a PRO?

[Via Jess]

Jojo Krako Permitting

Challenger to NJ’s unconstitutional law granted carry permit (kind of). [More]

So the “historical understanding” is that flintlock pistols were to be kept unloaded and locked in the back of the carriage and you could not have them where the “authorities” declared off-limits …?

Just like the old days…?

Who’s infringin’? We’re forbiddin’!

Suveillance Nation

The country’s largest wireless carriers not only know where you are every time you make a phone call or use your data connection, but they routinely hold onto that location information for months and in some cases years, providing it to law enforcement whether you like it or not, according to carrier letters made public last week by the Federal Communications Commission. [More]

Maybe that’s why they call them “cell” phones…

In a Constitutional system, you could make a case for Fourth AND Fifth Amendment violations without looking too hard. Then again, why should rulers who trample the Second with impunity worry about that?

Radical Push on Card Companies to ID Gun Store Purchases Goes Mainstream

Now, using “time tested” techniques of assigning “social credits” to those who promote the Party line combined with the threat of public “struggle sessions” for those to be humiliated and purged, the mainstream card companies have been put on notice: Start snitching on gun owners or be “canceled.” [More]

Economic fascism for citizen disarmament is being used as a stepping stone to communism, all with open-eyed complicity by the Democrats.

Pick a Side

@29 minutes in, Armed American Radio Daily Defense host Mark Walters talks about this WarOnGuns Placeholder piece by longtime correspondent Dave Licht.

I think I’ll do an article on this — just know that right now, there are already three in the queue ahead of it, so it’ll probably be a few days.

A Good First Step

A federal judge who was appointed by former President Donald Trump has ruled that a Texas law banning anyone under 21 from carrying handguns in public violates the Constitution. [More]

Excellent! Just don’t forget there’s still a ways to go

I’m wondering if the grabbers will appeal…

[Via Robert J]

Much Ado about Nothing

“Polymer80 is on the front lines of protecting the Second Amendment rights of all Americans right now,” Kelley told ProPublica. “That’s not a brag. It’s just the reality because we’ve become the whipping boy for emotionally driven government policy.” [More]

Say you could retrieve every gun involved here. How many crimes would be solved and killers would be taken off the streets if you could trace their serial numbers to their lawful owners?

[Via 1Gat]

The Importance of Being Ernst

The senator is requesting that Garland provide details about the ATF investigations, including how the organization establishes probable cause to conduct these visits, as well as whether they obtain a warrant. She also called on the ATF to reveal how many “knock and talks” they have conducted since the ramp-up began in late July. The letter requests that Garland responds within 30 days. [More]

And if he doesn’t? Or just sends back some weasel words that paint the JBTs as heroes out there protecting us from racist domestic extremists? Hell, Eric Holder told a Republican Congress to go **** themselves and he’s still out there being in-your-face about everything.

This is more like Ernst trying to bolster/reestablish gun creds with the uninformed and those with short memories.

[Via Jess]

Requiescat in Pace

The Arizona Citizens Defense League sadly announces the passing of its founding President and chief lobbyist, Dave Kopp. Dave succumbed to a 12-year battle with cancer on Wednesday, August 24th. [More]

A champion has passed. Let us remember him with gratitude for his willingness and ability to bear those loads on our behalf that so many will not. Let us reflect on the qualities of character he personified and strive to exhibit them ourselves.

Connected Insiders Signal Contempt and Lethal Intent for ‘Traditional Americans’

Talk about an inside player with connections to the major players in both parties. He has basically had access to everything. And in his “professional” opinion, Republicans are more dangerous, more violent, more extreme, and more contemptible than, ISIS or Al Qaeda. That’s to say more terroristic, and if that’s to be believed, more deserving of coordinated black ops search and destroy targeting and drone strikes, and more incarceration under Patriot Act “rules.” [More]

Yes, of course, they want to take your guns. And it’s got nothing to do with “commonsense safety” unless you’re talking about for tyrants.

Past Time if You Ask Me…

We need the South Carolina Republican Party to censure Graham for his sell out. [More]

This is for more than just “registered Republicans” and Palmetto State gun owners because what this guy does affects us all. The email option isn’t the only way to reach them. Pick one that works for you. And include others.

I’m starting with the head of the party.  And GOP National. And NRA

Like so

Gun-Owning Useful Idiot Beto Supporter Finalists

Which is why all the “gun pundits” celebrating “diversity” without factoring in voting patterns are fooling themselves and their followers. If owning a gun was all it took, we’d have no better pals than David Chipman and Lon Horiuchi.

And speaking of idiots

[Via Jess]

Risk-Free Usurpation

…Securities and Exchange Commission, chairman Gary Gensler remains undeterred in expanding the agency’s power beyond its constitutional boundaries. [More]

And the government continues to get away with in-your-face illegitimate power grabs with all means of civil redress being cut off. What’s that phrase everybody on the left freaked out over when Sharron Angle mentioned it?

Oh, yeah, “Second Amendment solutions…”

Funny, how Budowsky so admired the guy who said this

And thanks again, NRA “Political Victory Fund”! Frickin’ duplicitous sacks…

The Empire State Strikes Back

New York State Senate blocks citizens on Twitter, an unconstitutional move to crush dissent [More]

If you can eviscerate the Second Amendment with impunity, why would the First worry you? And it’s just fine, of course, with Twitter, which does the Democrats’ bidding in a fascist public/private partnership workaround. Besides, policy violations only result in expulsion for those deemed enemies of the regime.

A Little Something for the Fudds

The Firearm Industry Fairness Act would mean that “the family hunting rifle is not taxed at the same rate as an assault weapon, and would ensure that the firearm industry, like other industries in America, takes responsibility for the safety and misuse of its products,” Maloney said in a statement. [More]

Until someone, say, Carolyn Maloney, decides they’re “sniper rifles“…

There ain’t no deals with Polyphemus. He’ll eat you when he damn well feels like it.


[Via Jess]

A Plan Comes Together

ATF’s New ‘Ghost Gun’ Rules Are as Clear as Mud – The ATF used a lot of words that invite lawsuits and leave industry insiders baffled. [More]

That’s by design. Make things so complicated nobody can figure them out and be willing to take investment risks. Plus, fedgov has unlimited resources to tie challenges up in court for years and/or until the Democrats can pass bulletproof legislation.

[Via Samuel W]

Someone’s Gotta Do It

Two gun rights organizations filed federal court lawsuits Thursday challenging bans on semi-automatic weapons and magazine ammunition restrictions adopted by two Colorado cities after the state allowed local municipalities to enact tougher gun control measures than called for by state law. The lawsuits against Boulder and Louisville by Rocky Mountain Gun Owners and the National Foundation for Gun Rights follow two others the groups lodged against the state and county over similar gun control measures. [More]

Think SAF’ll ever make peace with Dudley?

[Via Jess]

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