Only Racists Think the First Amendment Applies to Individuals Anyway

Democrat Introduces Legislation to Make White People Criticizing Minorities a Federal Crime [More]

And it’s as heavy as 10 boxes!

We won’t even be able to discuss “mythical falsehoods such as ‘replacement theory.’”

Does this mean I won’t be able to say her constituents are even stupider than she is?

[Via Michael G]

Yes, They are Coming for Your Guns

In HB101, which was filed today by Representative Andrea Romero, if you own a semi-automatic rifle you would have to destroy it or surrender it to the state by July 1 of this year or you would be committing a felony. The bill also makes it a felony to own a magazine that holds more than 9 rounds. [More]

At some point, there have to be stiff sanctions for in-your-face defiance of the SCOTUS ruling or they’ll just keep pulling this sh!+.

Just Like the Founders Used to Do

Prohibiting a person from knowingly wearing, carrying, or transporting a firearm onto the real property of another unless the other has given certain permission to the person or the public generally; and prohibiting a person from knowingly wearing, carrying, or transporting a firearm within 100 feet of a place of public accommodation. [More]

So forget a “No Guns” sign on the door. You won’t even be able to drive onto their parking lot and leave your gun locked in your car unless there’s a sign inviting it.

[Via Jess]

How Can You Tell John Idleburg is Lying?

While I am a believer in our Constitution and our 2nd Amendment, I firmly support the ban on assault-style rifles and I truly hope our federal government follows to ban them nationwide. Since our Constitution and the 2nd Amendment were formed, firearms have become much more sophisticated and much more deadly. Our Founding Fathers were not loading .223 rounds into their muskets. They were not using firearms designed to disintegrate human bodies. As I said following the Highland Park mass shooting, these weapons of war do not belong on our streets. They’re used to kill our police, used to kill innocent people, and used to inflict maximum carnage on their victims. [More]

The hand on the Bible is always a good clue.

Some of the cud-chewers in “Comments” certainly have the government they deserve.


Never mind that this is illegal under current federal law. But who cares, right? [More]

[Via President Non_Fudd]



Since the subject here is infringements on the right of the people to keep and bear arms, why not go one better and look back to when you were born?

There are a few things more stupidly obnoxious than aging “liberals” who are smug about their ignorance, but they merit special calling out because they have imposed it on younger generations depending on them for adult leadership. “Thanks” to them, we have the equally ignorant, ubiquitous, and bigoted “OK Boomer” response.

And then there’s this moron:

No, you wouldn’t. Because if you were truly interested, you’d already be on top of it instead of passing off ignorant snark and calculated misrepresentation as informed cleverness.

Which makes you one of these.

Use Your Imagination

We at the Colorado State Shooting Association (the NRA’s state association) have obtained a draft copy of the transparently tyrannical “Assault Weapons Ban” that politicians are preparing to introduce in the Colorado State House… It’s as bad as you could possibly imagine. [More]

I dunno… I can imagine pretty bad, and with the lessons of history, who needs to?

But as long as we’re invited to imagine, I’d like to fantasize about how deliberately undermining that which is “necessary to the security of a free State” could be a capital offense.

Deal with the Devil

Now, a district judge has awarded a summary judgment against a Maryland Catholic hospital for refusing to remove the healthy uterus of a patient who identifies as male. But there is an unusual twist here that may not apply in other such cases being filed all over the country. St. Joseph’s is owned by the University of Maryland Health System, meaning it is a public hospital. [More]

Well, there’s your problem right there. What did they think would happen when they sold their souls?

[Via Michael G]

Washington State Pile-On

The Assault on Our 2nd Amendment Rights [More]

I could spend time quibbling with that characterization, but the priority here is understanding the areas of attack:

  • HB-1240 has a long list of weapons that will be banned under this legislation.
  • HB-1178 – Concerning local government authority to regulate firearms.
  • HB-1143 – Concerning requirements for the purchase or transfer of firearms.
  • HB-1144 – Enhancing requirements for the purchase or transfer of firearms.
  • HB – 1240 – Establishing firearms-related safety measures to increase public safety.

They’re all over at the above link, plus Washington Gun Law details them out and points out the urgency for action. [Watch]

[Via Jess]

And There Was War in Heaven

His talk at McGill University in Canada titled “The Sex vs. Gender (Identity) Debate In the United Kingdom and the Divorce of LGB from T Event” ended abruptly after about 100 demonstrators “stormed the room … unplugged the projector and threw flour at the speaker, and the walls inside the faculty building were vandalized as well”… [More]

Thanks, Mensheviks. Us Bolsheviks will take it from here.

[Via Michael G]

Code Red

Florida’s new agriculture commissioner proposes ban on Merchant Category Codes for gun, ammo purchases [More]


[Via Jess]

If at First You Don’t Succeed

It looks like Roxanne Persaud is trying to resurrect her bill to limit ammunition for “assault weapons.” (There’s nothing I could find about this yet on her website or social media feeds, or the NY State Senate’s legislative search feature.)

Remember when she tried in 2015 for “rational ammunition control”– with Tucker pal Eric Adams at her side raving about “blood-soaked carnage” and “When terrorists seek – and succeed – to take advantage of our loose laws to murder innocent people”? And how, after attempting to pass an edict so enforcers could use up to lethal force to eviscerate the right to arms that she played the victim and called NRA’s announcement picture (above) a threat proving NRA is dangerous and violent?

That’s just what Americans who won’t surrender their birthright need– a refugee from Guyana dictating to them what they may and may not own. I wonder how her native land’s prohibition on homosexuals acts would play with her current constituents — and if she’s so damn “progressive,” why she’s not leading the charge for reforms there?


Senate Bill S929
2023-2024 Legislative Session
Relates to the sale of ammunition for assault weapons [More]

[Via Jess]

Stroke of the Pen, Law of the Land of Lincoln

With the stroke of his pen, Governor JB Pritzker made Illinois the ninth state to ban assault-style weapons. [More]

No surprise there.

So how soon until we see that challenge we’re told groups are “gearing up for“?

UPDATE (Via President Non_Fudd)

IL State Police sent this out to all IL FFL’s last night

And if you disobey, they’ll be happy to bring up to lethal force to bear to ensure that you comply.

Not all agree:

More at Mom-At-Arms.

Making You an Instant Enemy of the State!

HB50 was filed today by Representative Caballero. Under the proposed legislation, owning a magazine that holds 10 or more rounds would make you a felon the moment the law goes into place. The bill even includes a $1.5 million appropriation to “carry out the provisions of the act.” [More]

When communists are in power, they assign the treasonous domestic enemy label to you.

I Got Them Lügenpresse Blues

Liberal media are trying to protect the feds from the much-needed House weaponization committee [More]

Hence my continued use of “DSM.”

Duranty/Streicher Media.

Funny, how real national socialists want to smear anyone calling them what they are as Nazis to scare them out of using it.

[Via Michael G]

Meanwhile, Over at the Birthplace of Liberty

Disgusting. Inexcusable. Shameful. This is what Democrats reduce once-great cities and cultures to. And rather than being thrown out and prosecuted for criminal negligence, those responsible are secured to advance themselves politically.

Anybody see anything or anyone worth fighting and dying for?

That’s part of the plan.

That Mr. Adams, him plenty smart fella.

Funny, how we who try to live up to that are designated the enemy by the destroyers.

[Via Jess]

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