We’re the Only Ones Nonspecific Enough

Student accused of Ontario school shooting plot found support for extremism online, police say… Ramirez declined to identify those internet sites. “We do not want to go into more specifics as we do not want copycats going to those sites or giving those sites attention and cyber traffic,” she said. [More]

Criminals might abuse it so we have to ban it for everybody? Where have we heard that before?

[Via bondmen]

On Being Necessary

Those Forgotten and Ignored 13 Words: Why We Need Our State Second Amendment Militias Back in Force and Effect [More]

Some of us have been saying that for a while, and wondering when the “gun rights groups” are going to give it some of the attention they devote exclusively to “self-defense.”

I have another Firearms News article coming out soon on efforts to ban “private paramilitary” activities.

[Via bondmen]

Granite Staters: Today’s Five-Minute Activism

HB1050 is a restriction on Second Amendment rights, creates precedents for further restrictive measures, and impacts individuals’ rights to self-defense without adequately addressing the underlying issues related to firearm misuse. It creates an sneaky avenue for so-called ‘red flag’ attempts and is a backdoor gun registry attempt. [More]

Show me a “commonsense gun safety law” that isn’t a fraudulent power grab proposed by self-serving traitors and backed by useful idiots.

Ask Republicans if they’re interested in keeping their majority. And I wouldn’t waste my time on these traitors.

Just Think of Them as Commiesense Influencer Safety Laws

As reported earlier today, the lawsuit challenging the state’s ban on firearm marketing to youth, known as Jr. Shooting Sports Magazines v. Bonta, got a boost with the announcement that the State’s request for an en banc panel review of our favorable ruling in a lower court was denied, thus securing our injunction win. [More]

Nobody thought totalitarians would just stop at the Second Amendment, did they?

It’s telling, the literature and imagery they DO want young people exposed to.

[Via Jess]

A Taxing Proposition

Today the Illinois Appellate Division reversed a lower court decision that had dismissed a legal challenge to the Cook County tax on firearms and ammunition sales. [More]

That case has been going back and forth for years. I’d reserve words like “huge” for the final decision, whenever that is.

[Via Jess]

The Revolution is Complete

“Change the definition of ‘crime,'” he continued. “If you get to define what conduct is going to be made criminal, you can predict who the criminals are going to be. … They made the laws to criminalize our culture, Black culture.” [More]


And I see Faux News is doing it’s part. Right down to lowercase “w’s.”

Waiting in the Wings?

Rogan says Democratic Party is ‘setting up Gavin Newsom’ for 2024 presidential run amid Biden scandals [More]

He’s got all the right credentials to burn the house down:

California budget crisis worse than Newsom projected, as state watchdog warns deficit could reach record $73B – California governor appears to have underestimated state budget crisis

And burning the house down will be a big deciding factor among the same demographic whose choices invite unplanned pregnancy.

GRNC 2024 Candidate Evaluations

“Remember in November” candidate evaluations estimate where candidates stand on gun issues by comparing their views with those of a control group of gun owners. As noted below, a “4-STAR” candidate agrees with control group on at least 90% of gun issues, a 3-STAR agrees on least 80%, a 2-STAR on at least 70%, a 1-STAR on at least 60%, and a 0-STAR candidate agrees on less than 60% of gun issues. [More]

If you’re from there, use this as a guide and do your own due diligence.

The Outlaw Life

A new law allowed gun owners to keep assault weapons if they disclosed them. Illinois county registration rates ranged from 0.5% to 1.8%. [More]

Salt of the earth people you could leave your doors unlocked around… and they’ve had enough.

Come and take them?

[Via Jess]

So Much for Being Neutral

The Berger Action Fund, one arm of liberal Swiss billionaire Hansjörg Wyss’ philanthropic empire, gave tens of millions to one of America’s most prolific Democrat-aligned dark money groups. [More]

Remember when John McCain shilled for “bipartisan campaign finance reform” to keep citizens from pooling their resources to make their voices heard?

[Via Michael G]

Somos los Únicos lo Suficientemente Ilegales

Police in the U.S. arrested a Mexican state police officer linked to the mass killing and incineration of 16 migrants and three human smugglers in 2021. Police found the fugitive hiding in Kyle, Texas, in an attempt to avoid prosecution in Mexico. [More]

And he’s not the Only One!

Meanwhile, the treasonous Democrat plan is to keep the border open and let Mexico sue U.S. gun makers.

[Via bondmen]

Cui Bono?

However, this week saw a particularly confusing moment when, after calling the anti-crime program ShotSpotter “racist,” Johnson asked the company to extend its contract beyond the upcoming Democratic National Convention. [More]

But he seemed so adamant

I wonder what “per$uaded” a change of heart to break a campaign pledge and extend racism… ?

Forget it, Jale. It’s Chi-Town.

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Ignoring Enough

The tape and resulting investigations further highlight the argument that police and the Army were sufficiently warned that Card was suffering from mental health issues long before the October shooting, per the AP. [More]

So “If you see something, say something” is just a meaningless slogan?

And naturally, the demands are more infringements against those of us who behave ourselves just fine…

[Via bondmen]

An Innocent Man

He said he thought the firearm might have belonged to an officer. He allegedly said he picked it up and was going to give it to an officer but was taken into custody shortly after. [More]

That would be enough to give me reasonable doubt.

Besides, marijuana? Why should he be punished and Hunter Biden get off?

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Obvious Enough

“At this point in our investigation, this incident does not appear to be a murder-suicide and both deaths are being investigated as homicides,” the Colorado Springs Police Department said in a statement on social media Friday evening. [More]

I thought a suicide was a homicide

In any case, someone’s gonna get it for a weapons policy violation.

[Via bondmen]

Related UPDATE

So was this also a hate crime?

And I’m sorry, but wasn’t everyone involved a little old for dorms…?

[Via Michael G]

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