Operation Demoralize

“The media swarms and lies. Tells you it’s over, wants you to give up. Happens every single time.” Don’t fall for it. [More]

Think of it as a coordinated buzzkill. Just look at what all the  Google News hits on “red wave” are suddenly and in unison telling us, and then look at the same term on prior publication dates.

None of which means the Stupid Party isn’t trying its best to blow it.

[Via Michael G]

Pick a Side

@29 minutes in, Armed American Radio Daily Defense host Mark Walters talks about this WarOnGuns Placeholder piece by longtime correspondent Dave Licht.

I think I’ll do an article on this — just know that right now, there are already three in the queue ahead of it, so it’ll probably be a few days.

A Good First Step

A federal judge who was appointed by former President Donald Trump has ruled that a Texas law banning anyone under 21 from carrying handguns in public violates the Constitution. [More]

Excellent! Just don’t forget there’s still a ways to go

I’m wondering if the grabbers will appeal…

[Via Robert J]

Much Ado about Nothing?

Utah man charged with threatening Senate hopeful Evan McMullin with gun on campaign trail [More]

Evan McMullin? The guy JD Vance supported in 2016 over Trump?

“Our 2nd Amendment rights must be protected. We have a Constitutional right to keep and bear arms, which the government must ensure,” McMullin declared in his Principles for New American Leadership. “Healthy immigration is important to our future. We must secure our borders, enforce our laws and facilitate the legal immigration of those who will contribute to American prosperity, security, and culture,” McMullin continued.

Contradicting those “principles,” in 2020, McMullin endorsed open borders, pathway-to-citizenship gun-grabber Joe Biden.

I’m this close to calling in Tommy Lee.

Remembering that the accused is innocent until proven guilty and maintains he thought he was the one in danger and never pointed the gun, I found a guy on Facebook who has an exploitable profile that’s being piled on by the “progressive” lynch mob. And no, I won’t share the link unless I know for sure, but WoG readers should be able to find it on their own.

Shane! Come Back!

Ozzy Osbourne ‘fed up’ with US gun violence, moving back to UK [More]

The cultural loss will be devastating!

I haven’t been this broken up since Chrissy Teigen said she was quitting Twitter and “taking [her] talents” elsewhere.

I wonder how many people have been murdered by the gangs and cartels in Ozzie’s decades-long drug supply chain…

So… after he tried to strangle his wife, no feminists are going to join me in saying “Good riddance, you f***ing cowardly p**** of s***”?

[Via Sweet Babboo]

Timing is Everything

Oregon Safeway shooting: Multiple people dead after gunman opens fire at grocery store… The suspect opened fire in the parking lot with an AR-15 style rifle. [More]

Just in time for the ballot measure!

Note the suspect hasn’t been ID’d yet. My beef with gun advocates who say don’t “give him fame” is that by leaving him anonymous, interested parties can ignore/clean up internet tracks when they have someone who doesn’t fit an exploitable narrative.

I’m Back — Sort Of

I’ll be on limited duty here for the next few days as my main focus will be on finishing some articles. Thank you to everyone who respected my request to hold back on correspondence. I’m open for business again, but your continued forbearance in taking it relatively easy on me until further notice will be appreciated.

A Perfect Storm

Three major events in my life have converged and will require my undivided attention over the next few days. I’m sorry, but I won’t be able to even open the dozens of email tips sent in since the “close of business” yesterday, let alone do anything with them.

Please hold off on all emails, tips, messages, and comments until I can return. Otherwise, it will be a wasted effort on your part.

Sorry, that’s the best I can give you.  Life, huh?

I’ll announce when I’m back up and running.

Much Ado about Nothing

“Polymer80 is on the front lines of protecting the Second Amendment rights of all Americans right now,” Kelley told ProPublica. “That’s not a brag. It’s just the reality because we’ve become the whipping boy for emotionally driven government policy.” [More]

Say you could retrieve every gun involved here. How many crimes would be solved and killers would be taken off the streets if you could trace their serial numbers to their lawful owners?

[Via 1Gat]

Gossip Line

Kathy Hochul: Talking to Your ‘Neighbors Online’ Now Part of Firearm Background Check [More]

I don’t suppose you’re entitled to see what they said, and maybe use the transcript in a libel suit? If so, do they need to be warned that anything they say can and will be used against them in a court of law?

[Via bondmen]

Tangentially-Related UPDATE

‘Good moral character’ requirement in NY concealed carry law has racist roots, 2A groups say [More]

All disarmament has always been about the ruling majority keeping a beaten minority submissive and obedient, enslaved, or dead.

[Via Jess]

We’re the Only Ones Blitzing Enough

During the Illinois State Police’s firearm enforcement blitz this summer, 295 people in southern Illinois were brought into compliance with Illinois gun laws. [More]

A blitzkrieg. How appropriate.

Disarmed by the latest confiscation made possible by FOID? No worries, ISP says you can always put your fingers down your throat and vomit!

Good thing for them they don’t have to try to get the guns from all those people who didn’t fill out no damn cards!

[Via bondmen]

Song of Solomon

The Solomon Islands government has reportedly threatened to ban foreign journalists from entering the Pacific nation if they are not “respectful” or if they engage in “racial profiling” in stories about the country’s ties with China. [More]

So my uncle who helped liberate them at great personal cost and then went on to fight the Chicoms would not be welcome there?

[Via Steve T]

Another Hate Cri… uh… Never Mind

Atlanta police got 911 calls: Someone was spray-painting swastikas on the rainbow crosswalk in the predominantly gay Midtown district. The LGBTQ community, not only in Atlanta, but nationwide, was prepared to launch a 24/7 media circus over this atrocity, but then police released surveillance video of the suspect, and suddenly the activists got so quiet you could hear the crickets chirping. [More]

Do you even need to click on the link to know why?

And now is as good a time as any to bring up a tangentially-related point. For an earlier post today I wanted to make sure I was spelling “Requiescat in Pace” correctly so looked up “RIP” on Google. This was the second hit:

Reflecting on how Google makes sure “Traditional American” sites are buried to make them unlikely if not impossible to find, and how non-“woke” ideology is demonetized or outright banned on those platforms, it’s curious to see the values they give top billing to. It’s also curious that I could go right to that video with no “potentially sensitive content” warnings.

The thought also strikes that this is all being done because those pulling the strings find it useful for everyone to accept that the biggest problems facing minority communities are systemic racism and white supremacists.

[Via Michael G]

The Importance of Being Ernst

The senator is requesting that Garland provide details about the ATF investigations, including how the organization establishes probable cause to conduct these visits, as well as whether they obtain a warrant. She also called on the ATF to reveal how many “knock and talks” they have conducted since the ramp-up began in late July. The letter requests that Garland responds within 30 days. [More]

And if he doesn’t? Or just sends back some weasel words that paint the JBTs as heroes out there protecting us from racist domestic extremists? Hell, Eric Holder told a Republican Congress to go **** themselves and he’s still out there being in-your-face about everything.

This is more like Ernst trying to bolster/reestablish gun creds with the uninformed and those with short memories.

[Via Jess]

Requiescat in Pace

The Arizona Citizens Defense League sadly announces the passing of its founding President and chief lobbyist, Dave Kopp. Dave succumbed to a 12-year battle with cancer on Wednesday, August 24th. [More]

A champion has passed. Let us remember him with gratitude for his willingness and ability to bear those loads on our behalf that so many will not. Let us reflect on the qualities of character he personified and strive to exhibit them ourselves.

Connected Insiders Signal Contempt and Lethal Intent for ‘Traditional Americans’

Talk about an inside player with connections to the major players in both parties. He has basically had access to everything. And in his “professional” opinion, Republicans are more dangerous, more violent, more extreme, and more contemptible than, ISIS or Al Qaeda. That’s to say more terroristic, and if that’s to be believed, more deserving of coordinated black ops search and destroy targeting and drone strikes, and more incarceration under Patriot Act “rules.” [More]

Yes, of course, they want to take your guns. And it’s got nothing to do with “commonsense safety” unless you’re talking about for tyrants.

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