Rough Around the Edgewater

With only one dissenting vote, the city of Edgewater has officially banned the open carry of firearms, with at least one city council member attempting to tie the carrying of guns to white supremacy… At a June 7 meeting, Councilmember Hannah Gay Keao — who doubles as a Mom’s Demand Action gun control activist — suggested language be added to the ordinance stipulating that gun violence can be mostly attributed to white supremacy, a trait at least one other council member then connected to right-of-center political ideology. [More]

So that explains Chicago, DC, Baltimore, St. Louis…

And don’t worry: She doesn’t want to allow concealed carry, either.

These people just open their mouths and spew and it doesn’t matter what erupts. They have a ready audience of cultists ready to lick it up and gulp it down.

Naturally, she also demands power.

[Via Michael G]

30 Days or Else

Sorry. That’s extortion. At this point, it has become appropriate to tell them to go **** themselves. And if half a dozen show up to protest, watch that deemed newsworthy.

Looks like a private group. With 2.8K “members,” my bet is there’s some serious AstroTurfing going on.  What are they trying to hide?

And they don’t appear to be strong enough supporters to all sign the online petition.

This appears to be the guy auditioning for national exposure.

[Via bondmen]

Today, on Black Lives Matter Theater

If this doesn’t convince you that you and I should be disarmed, nothing will.

And while we’re at it, let’s hear it for the NFL’s “commonsense gun safety”  influence!

[Via Michael G]

Home on Derange

The Sentinel’s staff, however, are still furious. They say that being called “Nazis” and “fascists” helped set the tone for their relationship with the ranch. [More]

Pointing out the truth is hardly a furious reaction. That reaction is coming entirely from the other side.

I promote The Sangre de Cristo Sentinel all the time, and if the Tenacious Unicornholers want to do their ranching thing and protect their privacy with rifles, I’ll be happy to leave them unmolested (unlike what their Antifa heroes do to those they target). Just be advised if you want to join them, you’ll first need to clear it with Dr. Cornwallis.

Coming Soon, To a Neighborhood Near You

The Break Down of The First Known ATF FRT Confiscation [More]

I continue to shake my head at the number of gun owners who don’t grok the basics. And I’m not surprised that they rolled on the next guy.

That said, I don’t think it’s fair to judge ATF Special Agent Chuck Donahoe until you’ve goose-stepped a mile in his jackboots.

[Via Jess]

A Huge Success!

Together they created Richmond’s first drive-thru gun buyback program where people drove up with their unloaded guns in their trunks for officials to evaluate. [More]

If people like widows who know nothing about guns want to participate, how do they safely determine they’re unloaded? And as for the contention that “research into whether the efforts led to a reduction in gun violence remains unclear,” how many more decades and thousands of events need to be observed and analyzed before we have a testable hypothesis? And before proponents can honestly claim “success,” huge or otherwise?

On top of everything else, it appears you and I paid for it.

[Via Jess]

None Dare Call It Treason

The op-ed advocates doing away entirely with the Constitution. Why? The authors don’t quite put it this way, but the reason is that the Constitution fails to establish a pure democracy by plebiscite, and makes it difficult to use a transient majority to effect radical change. [More]

Then those who would rule us and who control all major means of communication wouldn’t need to just ignore it anymore.

It figures The New York Times would publish such a subversive screed. As for the ivory tower Harvard and Yale apparatchiks, when useful idiots are no longer needed, that which they’re helping bring into being generally finds a suitable place for “new people.”

[Via Michael G]

Just Deserts

Think The FBI Deserves The Benefit Of The Doubt? This Laundry List Of Corruption Should Make You Think Again [More]

Let’s just say I think they deserve full due process after being frog-marched to booking and having their assets frozen.

I heard an interesting factoid the other day, that the FBI considered It’s a Wonderful Life subversive, with elements of communist propaganda techniques, which is pretty ironic seeing as how Jimmy Stewart later starred in the blatantly propagandistic The FBI Story, going after domestic commies. And that guy was a mixed bag– no doubt about it, he put himself on the line in WWII, but then was persuaded to undermine RKBA along with some other names that may surprise those who don’t already know.

[Via GP]

Tangentially-Related UPDATES

FBI Agent Pleads Guilty to Destroying Evidence to Frame Pro-Trump Political Prisoner [More]

If anyone can make me rethink my position on crucifixion, it’s evil ambitious functionaries like this.

[Via bondmen]

Gun-Owning Useful Idiot Beto Supporter Finalists

Which is why all the “gun pundits” celebrating “diversity” without factoring in voting patterns are fooling themselves and their followers. If owning a gun was all it took, we’d have no better pals than David Chipman and Lon Horiuchi.

And speaking of idiots

[Via Jess]

Risk-Free Usurpation

…Securities and Exchange Commission, chairman Gary Gensler remains undeterred in expanding the agency’s power beyond its constitutional boundaries. [More]

And the government continues to get away with in-your-face illegitimate power grabs with all means of civil redress being cut off. What’s that phrase everybody on the left freaked out over when Sharron Angle mentioned it?

Oh, yeah, “Second Amendment solutions…”

Funny, how Budowsky so admired the guy who said this

And thanks again, NRA “Political Victory Fund”! Frickin’ duplicitous sacks…

We’re the Only Ones Chronic and Habitual Enough

Crying Capitol Police Officer Aquilino Gonell HUMILIATED AS HE IS CAUGHT IN LIE AFTER LIE UNDER OATH! Likely Committed Perjury at January 6th Criminal Trial! [More]

Sir Wilfrid sure keeps busy these days.

It’s telling that the committee will not allow proceedings to be recorded to keep the public from forming perceptions outside of a managed narrative.

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Taxing Enough

Louisiana Sheriff Loses Tax Lawsuit Targeting Smith Angus Farm [More]

I see the sheriff bills himself as a “Republican”… I guess he stuck a wet finger in the air to see which way the wind was blowing, but at heart, we know what he’ll always be.

And he’s done one other thing that may be actionable:

Washington Parish Sheriff’s Office limited who can comment on this post.

How is that not a First Amendment violation?

[Via Michael G]

Without a Trace

Boxes of paper records fill nearly every corridor of the ATF’s National Tracing Center, where agents are struggling to keep up with surging requests from local police. [More]

Still singing the same old song

What they want, of course, is a national registry database traceable to legal purchasers that will by design exclude the illegal ones. Who but a deplorable hate-filled racist Nazi white supremacist could be against that?

[Via Jess]

Speaking of Unity and Healing…

Statement by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on The White House “United We Stand” Summit [More]

Life imitates art.

Defining you as hate-filled domestic enemies requires we disarm you. In order to pass more “laws” on that, the Democrat Machine is pulling out all the stops before November.

All the stops…

[Via Jess]

The Empire State Strikes Back

New York State Senate blocks citizens on Twitter, an unconstitutional move to crush dissent [More]

If you can eviscerate the Second Amendment with impunity, why would the First worry you? And it’s just fine, of course, with Twitter, which does the Democrats’ bidding in a fascist public/private partnership workaround. Besides, policy violations only result in expulsion for those deemed enemies of the regime.

FBI ‘Nail Gun Shooter’ Perfect Suspect for Administration Supporters to Exploit

Why the J6 “insurrectionists” did not come armed has still not been explained and remains as confounding as why a suspect armed with an AR-15 would bother shooting into an FBI field office with a nail gun. But that’s not as important to those who would tar half their countrymen with the brush of traitor. [More]

One way to chill criticism of the FBI is to conflate anyone who does with violent, hateful, and dangerous domestic extremists who need to be disarmed.

A Little Something for the Fudds

The Firearm Industry Fairness Act would mean that “the family hunting rifle is not taxed at the same rate as an assault weapon, and would ensure that the firearm industry, like other industries in America, takes responsibility for the safety and misuse of its products,” Maloney said in a statement. [More]

Until someone, say, Carolyn Maloney, decides they’re “sniper rifles“…

There ain’t no deals with Polyphemus. He’ll eat you when he damn well feels like it.


[Via Jess]

We’re the Only Ones Recruiting Enough

…Johnson was appealing to the people the government has painted as terrorists and they without hesitation went to help him to help get the officers out. He didn’t fear appealing to those guys. That sort of blows up a lot of the narrative that has been pitched against the Oathkeepers. [More]

Has anyone called on him to testify under oath?

[Via Michael G]

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