What Can Brown Do to You?

UPS issues new rules for shipping firearm parts – serial numbers now required – UPS demanding compliance with new federal rule that’s not in effect. [More]

Democrat Senators extorting compliance not with laws, not with rules, but with their wishes, is naked, in-your-face tyranny.

Not standing up to that is naked, in-your-face cowardice, that is, the face of most of today’s corporate America.

Who’s on First?

It is a First Amendment case known as Junior Sports Magazine, Inc., et al, v. Bonta. Joining SAF in the motion are the California Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc., the CRPA Foundation, Gun Owners of California, California Youth Shooting Sports Foundation, Redlands California Youth Clay Shooting Sports, Inc., and Junior Sports Magazines, Inc. [More]

So there’s more to this than a “sick marketing ploy“?

I can’t wait for them to win and see NRA take credit!

I’ll also rest my case on maintaining all the “single issue” excuses offered up here are a load of transparently evasive hooey.

Ask the Experts!

Why did Independence Day event at Dogwood Dell go on as planned? Stoney, experts weigh in [More]

You incompetents got lucky when a citizen had to alert you to a situation ultimately created by government design in the first place.


The Richmond Police Department has refused to share crucial evidence to verify its claim that a mass shooting was planned on Independence Day. The arrests made in connection to the reported plot have turned into an international incident. [More]

I think it would be hysterical if the anonymous “hero snitch” turned out to be an “Only One” who wanted to fast-track his way around a warrant.

[Via Mack H]

All or Nothing

After Highland Park massacre, Illinois Democrats vow sweeping aim at guns: ‘Everything has to be on the table’ [More]

Of course. “Commonsense gun safety laws” is just a cover for incremental infringements toward the end game.

They want it all.

That’s why they’re called “totalitarians.”

How about “No”?

We will not disarm.

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Libertarian Party of California Demands California Attorney General Held Accountable for Gun Owner’s Data Breach [More]

Good luck with that in an irreversibly Democrat state, turned that way over the last 30 years by the very thing you guys advocate:

3.4 Free Trade and Migration

We support the removal of governmental impediments to free trade. Political freedom and escape from tyranny demand that individuals not be unreasonably constrained by government in the crossing of political boundaries. Economic freedom demands the unrestricted movement of human as well as financial capital across national borders.

Well, we know what that ensures.

Care to take the challenge?

And They’re Not ‘Restricted for Law Enforcement or Government Use Only’?

Wait ’til they find out about the special riot control ammo used on social justice protestors. And the highly lethal kind available to civilians.

[Via WiscoDave]

An Open Dialog

Some Shortcomings of Open Carry [More]

He makes some good points.

So do some of his critics. The angry and rude hostility that comes out in some of the responses though, when people believe they are anonymous and therefore not accountable, makes me wonder how many behave like that face-to-face.

For the record: I have written to Mike DeWine and the two governors before him in my state, Ohio, to get the “Only Ones” trained to stop threatening and assaulting open carriers. But I don’t personally open carry for the same reason I won’t rack a shotgun slide to “scare away” an intruder.

None Dare Call It Treason

California’s New Gun Control Law Designed To Bankrupt The Gun Industry [Watch]

Colion Noir expands on the latest Golden State gun and speech grab.

The ambitious Newsom can get away with that with an industry basically comprised of rope-welling capitalists.

And as Edwin Vieira Jr. noted in Kolbe v. Hogan:

This reliance on a permanent private market for firearms guaranteed that most militiamen, through their own efforts, could always obtain firearms suitable for both collective and individual self-defense, and forestalled tyranny by precluding rogue public officials from monopolizing the production, distribution, and possession of firearms.

The wannabe totalitarians are engaging in more than tyranny. Deliberately undermining “the security of a free State” is treason.

[Via Jess]

Scared Schiffless

“BREAKING: Schiff files amendment to NDAA that would conceal any info collected by the U.S. military for use in congressional investigations or court proceedings. Massive attempted coverup of enormous proportions and preemptive power grab to prevent GOP oversight next year… [More]

So much for being subordinate to civilian authority. With a blank check like that, what orders won’t the standing army obey?

What do authoritarians always ask us?

If you’re not doing anything wrong, what have you got to hide…?

[Via Michael G]

New York, New York, It’s a Wonderful Town

Man jailed for murder by left-wing DA for stabbing attacker in self-defense [More]

You ever get the feeling the wrong people are on trial?


GoFundMe deletes page for NYC bodega clerk who fatally stabbed attacker [More]

I have to tell ya, Curtis Wells using that platform concerned me because GoFundMe’s self-created woke rep discourages people who don’t want to give them their cut from contributing. I need to find out if he has a fund set up that accepts contributions another way.

[Via Michael G]

‘Investing’ in Astroturf

The Giffords PAC is using Congress’ bipartisan gun deal to fuel ads supporting Democrats and attacking Republicans who voted against it. [More]

They’ll pick races where they think it will be close, so gun owners who live in those states and districts are responsible for knowing what the score is with their reps and making sure good deeds don’t get punished.

Hey, I see they’re backing the guy who shot [pulled a gun on] an unarmed black jogger and the guy who obstructed a police investigation into child abuse! Nice to know the quality of the company they keep remains consistent.

Looking the Bruen Gift Horse in the Mouth

What’s not to celebrate? By all means, let’s do. Realistically. Let’s just not forget we’ve got a long way to go to “shall not be infringed” and it’s important to understand that some of the opinions from the majority will be more helpful toward getting there than others. [More]

Along with the admitted good come some exploitable (and unnecessary) concessions that Democrat states are already taking full advantage of, and that will take years to wrangle through.

You are Cordially Invited to an Old-Fashioned Struggle Session to Confess Your Crimes

The chair of the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Reform on Thursday said she has requested that CEOs of three gun manufacturing companies appear before Congress to testify at a hearing later this month on gun violence. [More]

Carolyn Maloney is the head inquisitor?

“Requested” not “summoned”? I’d tell her I’ll show up right after the Republicans get another crack at Eric Holder.

Actually, I’d probably just send her a goatse link (and if you don’t know what that is, do yourself a favor and don’t look it up, or if you have to, add the word “Wiki” to your search).

[Via Jess]

Welcome All Destroyers!

We talked about this yesterday.

More information has (unsurprisingly) come to light:

Potential Virginia Mass Shooters Were In US Illegally, One Deported Multiple Times, Police Say


Just don’t call ’em “invaders,” OK? That really triggers the domestic enemies for some reason.

[Via Michael G]


PICTURED: Huge arsenal including two rifles, a handgun and 232 rounds of ammunition – seized from non-US man who plotted July 4 shooting in Virginia [More]


The trainee is learning what it takes to get ahead in the business, isn’t she?

And this just in:

Richmond Police Say They Stopped a July 4th Shooting Planned by Two Guatemalan Illegal Immigrants

[Via Mack H]

Still Crazy After All These Years

Unfortunately for them, there’s nothing in the Constitution about a right to dance naked in strip clubs, contraception, marriage or sticking a fork in a baby’s head. [More]

Except for that last bit which introduces a whole ‘nother set of issues, it seems like she still hasn’t learned that it’s not the function of the Constitution to define all rights.

[Via Michael G]

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