A Real Role Model

Nick Cannon has fathered ANOTHER child! Hollywood star who rails against monogamy expecting baby number NINE with Abby De La Rosa while pregnant Bre Teisi prepares to give birth to baby number eight. [More]

All these “stars” I’ve never heard of… At least he can afford his– for now.

Yeah, the problem in “the community” is “systemic” something, alright…

Maybe another “gun control” law will fix the results.

Coming Soon, to an Asylum Near You

The city of Portland, Maine, raised property taxes on Monday in order to provide more housing for asylum seekers and homeless people, WGME reported Tuesday. The plan will cost the city $9 million, which has increased property taxes by 4.8%… [More]

Prepare to reap the vibrancy!

And as former DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson has declared, the millions of illegal immigrants in this country have  “earned the right to be citizens … An earned path to citizenship for those currently present in this country is a matter of, in my view, homeland security to encourage people to come out from the shadows.”

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue” …

I mean, I have that on good authority

Let the Punishment Fit the Crime

Three of the six suspects charged in connection to the fatal drive-by shooting of a 9-year-old girl in 2018 faced a Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas judge for sentencing on Wednesday morning. Dyshawn Bonner, Damaris Paris, and Timothy Greene were all sentenced to 10 years in prison. [More]

In a world serious about stopping this kind of intolerable savage crap, they’d have been taken care of already, with public viewing.

Consider the Source

Asks the obnoxious reject restricted on guns

And the guy who made sick excuses for child sexual abuse allegations:

But I will say that whatever wrongs might lurk in his past, if anybody has attempted to redeem his sins through a life well-lived, that would be Michael Pfleger.

Curious, what our gatekeepers consider a photo that requires a warning lest anyone exposed without one suffer the vapors…

[Via WiscoDave]


Another ‘Mostly Peaceful Protest’

So if they can go after Trump for inciting the 1/6ers, who will call for “reciprocity” for Dem inciters?

I can’t wait to find out more about the idiot–any bets he’s “for” disarmament laws?

[Via Jess]

UPDATE: He’s been ID’d. I wonder if “they” have had time to erase his social media tracks?

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word ‘Conservative’ Is

Former Obama spin artist Dan Pfeiffer wrote this in one of his regular articles for the glossy left-wing rag Vanity Fair: “the conservative media dwarfs the progressive media in size and scope.” [More]

When you remember “conservative” is a relative term based on time and place, he’s got a point.

[Via Michael G]

Closing the Civil Disobedience Loophole

“What I’m interested in is keeping guns out of the hands of those who, by current law, are not supposed to have them,” he said. [More]

What, like any one of us caught defying an infringement?

What a f-ing weasel.

Guns & Gadgets says they have 60 votes.

Assuming no “snags“…

[Via Jess]

Hunter Biden’s ‘Naked Gun’ Suggests 2nd Felony Firearm Transfer Violation

The point, of course, is equality under the law and no special privileges for the elites and their relatives. [More]

More than one gun means more than one 4473.  Meanwhile, the “Authorized Journalists” and gun grab groups and politicians are doing a media blackout while “progressive” apparatchik trolls try to sabotage it on social media by changing the subject or attacking with transparent Alinsky Rule 5 ridicule.

UPDATE: It appears I am contemptible for calling this to people’s attention.

End of Argument

Donald Trump owes this guy a YUGE apology.

And don’t get me stated on NRA.

Nigerian Massacre Enabled by Same ‘Laws’ Being Demanded for U.S.


Unsurprisingly, the murderers who carried out the slaughter weren’t slowed down for an instant by the citizen disarmament edicts. [More]

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops agreeing with CAIR on citizen disarmament must show we’re more united than divided, right? I know these guys are counting on it!

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