Armed Racist Paranoid Xenophobe Vigilantes Threaten People Yearning for a Better Life

Californians are buying up guns after Border Patrol starts dumping thousands of migrants on streets [More]

And guess which group Rob Bonta’s keeping tabs on.

Well, hey, “our democracy,” right?

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.

Triangle of Madness

Triangle of Sadness director Ruben Östlund: ‘You should need a licence to use a camera – you need one for a gun’ [More]

All you need to know about this overprivileged hive insect:

[T]he double Palme d’Or winner talks about the power of the screen – big and small – and why the next generation will be Marxist

And here’s what his comrades have planned for his native Sweden.

These people just don’t think like anyone normal.

[Via Steve T]

Invasion USA

No worries. Joe Biden is thinking it over.

[Via Michael G]

Kick the Can

“Crime Hub” gas station in downtown to shut down in August… Puricelli told Fox 2 he’s not sure what will replace the gas station but is aware the property is hitting the market. [More]

Seeing as how the people who made the gas station a “crime hub” will still be around, don’t expect their behaviors to change. Or is the assumption they’ll just do it someplace else?

[Via bondmen]

Democrat Spokesman Adam Kinzinger

‘What We Will See Will Be Violence’: CNN’s Kinzinger Says Trump, GOP Is Rhetoric ‘Playing with Fire’ [More]

No doubt a bit of it. Now compare to what will happen in the cities if Biden loses.

It’s almost like collusion...

Not that this was hard to call

[Via bondmen]

♬ So Look for the Union Label… ♬


[Via WiscoDave]

Inmates Running Asylum

This month, two psychiatry residents at UCLA, Drs. Ragda Izar and Afaf Moustafa, hosted a talk in which they argued for the “de-patholization” of self-immolation. They said that self-immolation isn’t a sign of mental illness if it’s in resistance to colonization, homophobia, and white supremacy. [More]

This calls for a demonstration.

[Via Michael G]

Scofflaw Gets a Pass

Cops Seize E Jean Carroll’s Unregistered Gun After National Pulse Report. [More]

No outrage over this deliberate lawbreaking from her fellow Democrats…?

Not even a mention from any of the gungrab groups on their X feeds for this blatant violation of one of their keystone objectives…?

[Via Jess]

Standard Fare


I see some “gunfluencers” breathlessly celebrating the end of magazine bans, as if we’re dealing with an enemy that gives up, and as if Democrat judges won’t just ignore what they all know anyway.

And once more we’re seeing “in common use at the time” accepted as a popularity contest for “allowed” guns.

Anyone recall seeing that qualifier included in the wording of the Second Amendment?

[Via Jess]

That’s Why They Call It the Stupid Party

The dolts are bound and determined to lose to the pants pooper.

How many also voted for the Biden Gungrab?

So it’s safe to assume everyone trolling Biggs on this is for warrantless searches. As long as it applies to their enemies.

Of bigger concern: Is Trump trying to blow it?

A Temporary Respite

…we have received word from our attorney in the state case that the Oregon Appeals Court has denied the state’s request and as such, Measure 114, along with all its intended and very evil consequences remains “on hold” and not in force. [More]

Don’t uncork the champagne just yet:

But we are long way from having this nightmare behind us.

Now is NOT the time to relax.

Do You Come from a Land Down Under?

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said the responding officer who took down Cauchi was “certainly a hero” whose actions had saved many more lives. The officer was identified as Inspector Amy Scott. [More]

And how many lives were lost because Amy was the “Only One” with a gun?

But wait! There’s more!

Bishop and worshippers attacked in another mass stabbing in Sydney

Who do these people think they are?

Communist China…?

Crackpot ‘Journalism’

Legal Shield for the Gun Industry Is Starting to Crack [More]

No, it’s just that more lawfare-waging antis are piling on in defiance of clear law, confident that no one is going to hold them to account for their subversion.

But telling, that the headline is worded that way.

Why haven’t we seen a countersuit to knock one of them down bigly and give the others pause?

[Via Jess]

Great Grandaddy of ’em All…?

Drudge Report, the granddaddy of conservative aggregation, was down 81 percent; [More]

Well, now we know this report is a psyops lie. And if that’s what the public is being told is “conservative,” anyone to the right of it is a de facto raving rightwing extremist.

The timing looks like it’s intended to erode “Republican” confidence leading into the election.

If numbers ARE down, and I’m not just taking the word of agenda pushers for it, let’s take a look at how much of that is algorithm manipulation and suppression. And let’s also look at reading-averse traffic shifting over to video “influencers,” which is a trend I think gun owners need to be real careful with.

AP Puff Piece on New Biden Background Check Rule Hides Dangers to Freedom

Curious how much less “gun violence” there was in this country before Democrats started imposing all this “progress.” [More]

Once more we’re being lied to, and the biggest ally would-be totalitarians have in imposing their treachery are complicit Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists.

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