We’re the Only Ones Cannibalized Enough

Thousands of guns sent off by North Texas local law enforcement agencies to be destroyed were first stripped of parts that were then sold online by a private company. [More]

I’m waiting for the same folks who invented the terms “ghost guns” and “zombie guns” to seize on “Frankenstein guns.”

Oh, wait– they already have.

[Via Jess]

Today’s Low-Hanging Fruit Recipe

Mercurio is accused of writing to an unnamed FBI source that he was set to “stop close by the church, equip the weapon(s) and storm the temple, killing as many people as possible.” [More]

Just add provocateur to low-intellect loser and stir vigorously for rave headline results!

[Via Jess]

Going Whole Hogg

So we can have TEC-9s…?

Is anybody ever going to ask him to list every “gun control” law he demands at which point he won’t ask for any more?

And as long as we’re in a debating mood, I wonder if “libertarian” Spike Cohen would like to take my challenge to see if he is ultimately preferable to Hogg…

Finland’s Government Support for Civilian Shooting: A Step in the Right Direction the U.S. Should Take

“Well, the reservists are ready and willing, if Russkies are coming. They will be a big help for the regular army,” Saro declared. “If there will be new shooting ranges opened, the main reason is just to be ready and practice. It is pretty similar to our Civil Guard that was active before the wars. Then, besides reservist and military, there are hunters.” [More]

Yes, there’s plenty wrong with their “gun control” laws. That doesn’t mean we can’t learn from what they do right.

So Much for Background Checks

Surveillance video from Colorado demonstrates how a 10-year-old nonverbal autistic kid is treated by a teaching aid in a society succumbing to savagery… After Jones was arrested this month, the Littleton Public Schools released a statement, saying Jones was hired in August after ‘satisfactory reference checks and after passing a thorough background check’. [More]

I’d call her a beast and speculate on public reaction if races were reversed, but I don’t want Democrats to think ill of me.

[Via Michael G]

Since When Is It About Reality?

ATF Report Undermines Left’s Hysteria Over So-Called ‘Gun Show Loophole’ [More]

True, but we’re dealing with the “If it saves one life” people, and the cud-chewers who buy into that are neither interested nor capable of thinking things through.

[Via bondmen]

Speaking of National Security Threats…

19 Retired Generals, Admirals, and Former Top Defense Officials File Supreme Court Brief Against President Trump’s Immunity Bid, Claiming Trump’s Act “Threatens National Security” – Here Is the List [More]

They’re the ones David Hackworth dubbed “Perfumed Princes,” the ones who through purges and promotions set the stage for rot.

We’ve met some of these Benedict Arnolds before, like the execrable Michael Hayden. He and Peter Chiarelli have another bit of oath-breaking in common.

[Via bondmen]

Look on the Bright Side

Black Lives Matter fraudster, 23, who organised demo that saw Colston statue toppled in Bristol and used £70,000 of donations to fund her lifestyle including £5,800 on Uber rides is ordered to pay back just £1 [More]

I’d rather have fraudsters put money received from suckers stupid enough to support them plowed back into the economy on self indulgences than put to work against us.

[Via bondmen]

A Perfect Test Laboratory

Don’t be shy now.. gun grabbers are very brave sitting behind their security estates with armed guards to protect them whilst they spew this weird ideological BS through their laptops. I’m offering you the chance to stand up for what you believe in and the opportunity to put your theory to the test. [More]

Instead, violence monopolists here demonize the “law -abiding” and conflate attempts to petition for redress of grievances as attacks by violent, racist extremists.

Knowing this is what they’ll end up with if they succeed.

[Via WiscoDave]

Sleight of Mind

Chuck Schumer Says ‘Impeachment Should Never be Used to Settle Policy Disagreements’ [More]

While everyone is focused on his hypocrisy, the bigger lie getting less notice is that invasion-facilitating treason is a “policy disagreement.”

Always be mindful of red herrings and wrong questions.

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Camera Shy Enough

ATF has not released footage from Body Worn Cameras (BWC) the agents are required to use… The second video shows agents approaching the front door of the home where one officer applies what appears to be tape to obscure the doorbell camera on Malinowski’s home. [More]

A Jeff Cooper quote comes to mind:

I have been criticized by referring to our federal masked men as “ninja” … Let us reflect upon the fact that a man who covers his face shows reason to be ashamed of what he is doing. A man who takes it upon himself to shed blood while concealing his identity is a revolting perversion of the warrior ethic. It has long been my conviction that a masked man with a gun is a target. I see no reason to change that view.

[Via Jess]

Certain Types of Gun Owners

Many Americans who recently bought guns open to political violence, survey finds – Study of 13,000 Americans finds particular risk among certain types of gun owners, including those who carry weapons in public [More]

Yeah, you can tell by the rampant homicidal lawlesness of those millions of NRA members.

Figures The Hero of Medicine is behind it.

And that “real reporter” agenda propagandist Ed Pilkington would present a blatant publicity piece as “news.”

[Via Jess]

Their Fudd Guns and Every Other Popular Implement of the Sportsman are the Privilege of an American

We are losing machine guns, folks, and we’re losing them every single day, and they’re never coming back most likely. [Watch]

As long as lawyers representing us continue to treat “in common use” as what’s commercially permitted instead of what’s deployed with, he’s right.

[Via Jess]

Passing the Hat

Robert Kerr Elementary School in Durand, Michigan, encouraged students to wear hats of their choice for a “hat day” event two years ago. The daughter of Adam Stroub, who filed the lawsuit on her behalf, wore a black hat featuring a white star, an image of an AR-15, and the phrase “Come and Take It,” a set of symbols frequently used to support the right to bear arms. Michael Papanek, a behavioral specialist at the school, noticed the hat and alerted school principal Amy Leffel, who asked Papanek to contact her parents and ask them to bring another hat for her to wear. [More]

Did anyone come in one of these?

Schools have dress codes. I’d file this under “Pick your battles more wisely.”

The real issue is public schools.

[Via Jess]

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