Big Brother is Piggybacking Off You

Businesses have six months to comply and if they don’t, they could face fines and citations. The ordinance also states that each business will be responsible for purchasing and posting the cameras. [More]

And I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free…

Then again, it doesn’t look like self-control is a solution in Democrat enclaves

[Via Steve T]

That’s the SECOND Biggest Problem

“The biggest problem in GOP fundraising is that we don’t treat donors well”- It rings true to me. We’ve endured three years of abusive Republican text and email solicititations after a single donation through WinRed. [More]

Donate through WinRed and money gets apportioned out to this.

And this.


[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Lucky Enough

F/Lt Mike Shaw stated “Here is another example of a CPL holder not being able to handle their emotions because traffic was slowed due to a crash. This suspect lost their cool, grabbed an accessible hand gun and put others at risk. We are lucky he didn’t pull the trigger.” [More]

“Another”! It’s Dodge City out there! Despite the suspect not having been tried yet while the MSP spokesflack essentially pronounces him guilty.

Because only the “Only Ones” can be trusted with guns, right, Lt. Mike?

[Via Jess]

Oh, the Humanity!

Gun fanatic challenging Uvalde congressman for his seat is seen in resurfaced 2022 video promoting Nazi rifle as the ‘original ghetto blaster’ [More]

If she’s not careful, Maryann Martinez, Texas Bureau Chief, is going to get so worked up she’ll pop her Rapex.

Daily Mail, from that snotty part of Europe whose @$$ we saved. Twice.

[Via Jess]

Challenge to Illinois Assault Weapon Ban Includes Militia Considerations in Right to Arms

“If courts continue to operate under the misimpression that the right to keep and bear arms protects only neutered firearms like break-barrel shotguns and bolt-action hunting rifles, the Second Amendment will offer little but a parchment barrier against tyranny,” the GOA petition correctly observes. [More]

It’s a necesary legal hurdle to clear if gun owners ever hope to challenge the constitutionality of the National Firearms Act.

The Boyfriend Loophole

The bar worker fatally stabbed in an Irish pub in Queens over the weekend was a “sweet, innocent girl” from Ireland whose boyfriend attacked her, police sources and witnesses told The Post on Sunday. [More]

My spider-sense starts tingling when I see half-a-dozen different accounts of this story and none of them I’ve found so far identify the “boyfriend.”

The Wrong People

The now 49-year-old father of 12-year-old twin girls focuses on the bad guys who end up using the guns, he said. “Guns are not the problem,” said DeVito, who plans to retire next month. “I’m an advocate of the second amendment. At the end of the day, the problem is guns ending up in the hands of the wrong people.” [More]

And there’s only one solution to that. The one nobody wants to acknowledge.

[Via Jess]

‘A Conservative Guy’

Egads, there are guns, too! “Everyone is walking around with guns there,” one former Floridian told NBC. “I consider myself a conservative guy, but if you want to carry a gun you should be licensed, there should be some sort of process.” [More]

What kind of extremist must anyone who disagrees with him be? (Disregard that I checked out his Facebook and the guy’s basically an Israel First copsucker from New York.)

NBC News is suddenly obsessed with Florida…?

[Via Michael G]

Who Will Judge the Judge?

El Paso judge orders release of migrants accused of ‘border riot’ … “It is the ruling of the court that all the rioting participation cases will be released on their own recognizance,” Acosta ordered. [More]

You gotta wonder if prosecutor Ashley M. Martinez wanted this outcome.

[Via Michael G]

We’re the Only Ones Cut Back Enough

Baltimore is now facing apocalyptic levels of policing shortages. Last week, THREE police officers patrolled a whole district of 61,000 residents. [More]

So what better way to divert attention from total incompetence than to gaslight everyone with a meme that those opposed to DEI “don’t have the courage to say the ‘N’ word“… ?

Now, when the city descends further into hell, anyone pointing that out can be condemned as racist.

[Via bondmen]

Brought to You By…

A U.S. judge on Monday ruled that the Mexican government could move forward with a lawsuit accusing five Arizona gun dealers of participating in the trafficking of weapons and ammunition to drug cartels across the U.S.-Mexico border. [More]

I see plenty of Republican “Yea” votes

[Via bondmen]


Landslide in Ohio Shows GOP Path to Victory [More]

Pick insincere candidates who will ignore their pasts and tell unquestioning MAGA loyalists what they want to hear?

Yeah, I don’t want to return Sherrod Brown to power, but I’ve got no fire in my belly for Moreno to do anything more than fill in a circle.

[Via bondmen]

RFK Jr. Would Put Gun Banner-Supporting VP Pick a Heartbeat from Presidency

She has described herself as a “progressive through and through” … She has donated to Democratic politicians such as Hillary Clinton in 2016, Joe Biden in 2020, Pete Buttigieg in 2020, and her local Congressman Democrat Ro Khanna, along with a slew of Democratic politicians across the country. In 2020, Shanahan co-hosted a fundraiser for Buttigieg. And she also supported Marianne Williamson’s long-shot 2020 bid. She donated $25,000 to the Biden Victory Fund in 2020. [More]

It’s tempting to think he’ll only be a spoiler hurting Biden, but some “conservatives” enamored of his Covid “vaccine” warnings, and some gun owners uninformed enough to believe his qualified 2A “assurances,” could make that sword cut both ways.

Tales Out of School

On Jan. 6, 2023, one of Zwerner’s first-grade students pulled a gun from his front hoodie pocket and fired a single round at Zwerner … In her lawsuit, Zwerner asserts that the school division’s negligence allowed the shooting to happen and alleges the assistant principal ignored several warnings the boy had a gun that day. [More]

An adult had reason to believe a six-year-old was armed and did not immediately go and personally find out and take care of it, and now the taxpayers are subsidizing his cowardice.

I wonder if a sufficient number of Americans will ever grok what they’re allowing public schools to do to their children — and to them — while they foot the bills.

[Via Mack H]

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