A Plan Comes Together

U.S. HAS 5 MILLION MORE ILLEGAL MIGRANTS THAN IT DID IN 2020- A diagram showing the exponential increase in illegal migration since Biden took office. The total number of illegal migrants in the country has almost tripled in that time. [More]

Here’s the plan.

And more are on the way.

The important thing is,  this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.

Meanwhile, Across the Pond…

TERROR RISK Britain’s terror threat ‘highest since 9/11’ as insider warns of ‘real risk’ of attack with record levels of ‘chatter’ – Politicians have been told that the Israel-Hamas war has been used as a ‘recruitment advert’ by terror groups [More]

One glance at this and I gotta side with Tommy Lee.

And “No.”

Beating Around the Bush

Why former President George W. Bush is winning… the post-presidency – At a time when faith in government is exceedingly low, Bush has re-earned the public’s respect [More]


Spoken like the globalist Swamp apologist desperate to torpedo MAGA that you are, Jared Cohen.

Faux News certainly is reflecting its NepoMurdoch management these days

Downhill Racer

“Mental health is already downhill,” said student Loran Jackson. “Why would you even try to put a gun in their hands when they’re mentally not thinking all right?” [More]

The only one in this story mentally not thinking all right appears to be you, Loran.

And the “goal would not be to take another human life,” Virginia, and if you decide to carry, take that language out of your vocabulary lest it come back to haunt you. The goal is to stop an attack, to live.

[Via Jess]

Slavery 2.0

America’s $125 MILLION ‘guaranteed income’ giveaway: Huge rise in taxpayer-funded programs offering no-string handouts of up to $36,000 – including D.C. scheme used by mom to buy $6K luxury Miami vacation [More]

Raise your hand it you’re suprised by this outcome.

There’s a word for one group of people taking the fruits of another group’s labors by coercion.

Here’s an illustrative viewpoint:

The DC program was funded by Democrat Mayor Muriel Bowser…

It was her money?

Here’s the thing about collectivist Democrats– notice how they all trumpet their “generosity” for self-glorification?

Nobody Knows the Trouble He’s Seen

“In truth, the entire United States should, by default, become the property of the descendants of slaves,” Howard said. “But since you do not have the ability [or] the courage to do it, let’s try this in court… We’re gonna bring you down.” [More]

You’re welcome.

Doesn’t this entitled, impulse-controlled lottery-winning stage prop have a woman to beat the hell out of or something?

The Department of Pre-Hate Crime, Eh?

Justice Minister defends house arrest power for people feared to commit a hate crime in future [More]

With camps? Tell me there’ll be camps!

They imported this themselves:

Virani’s roots are in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India although he was born in Kampala. Virani is a multilingual Ismaili Muslim who came to Canada as a refugee from Uganda after the expulsion of Indians from that country.

This is just his way of saying “Thanks” to the people who took his family in.

So… guess who will (and who won’t) be commiting all the potential offenses.

‘Shoulder Thing That Goes Up’ Redux

ATF Director Displays Ignorance About Basic Firearm Topics During Pro Gun Control Segment [More]

It’s hardly the first time.

They’re all like that.

And not just about guns, but about purpose, and about delegated powers, and about freedom.

[Via Kid Sister]

Related UPDATE

WATCH: Chris Bort—the acting chief of the ATF’s Firearms Ammunition Technology Division—struggled at disassembling a Glock style handgun during a made-for-tv scaremongering interview with Steven Dettelbach, the director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms on CBS News. [More]

Some would call that carrying on a tradition.

[Via WiscoDave]

Kraken Central

Due to the irregularity of this current 2020 Presidential Election, this is a crowdsourcing tool for organizing anomalies and legal issues. Our desire is that more of the election process would be made transparent so there would be unquestionable confidence in our voting systems. [More]

I really don’t mean to sound negative about a potentially valiant effort. I just wish I had reason to believe it will make a difference.

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Instrumental Enough

Hours after he posted the joke, a SWAT team descended on Bailey’s Louisiana home. According to court documents, officers with guns drawn ordered Bailey to his knees. He was placed in handcuffs, told he was under arrest, and instructed that his next Facebook post should tell readers “not to f*** with the Police.” [More]

The law of the instrument writ large.

[Via bondmen]

Obama Judge Cooper Shows Big ‘But’

Cooper wrote that he “recognizes the paramount importance of a free press in our society” and the critical role of confidential sources in investigative journalism. But the judge said the court “also has its own role to play in upholding the law and safeguarding judicial authority.” [More]

I know Mike and I were committed to being jailed before revealing our sources. You’re just going to have to trust me when I tell you that people have no idea what went on behind the scenes of this, and the fears that went with it.

[Via bondmen]

Do You Believe in Magic?

WAYNE ROOT: “Do You Believe in Miracles?” Something Supernatural is Happening with President Trump. We are All Witnessing “The Trump Miracle.” [More]

Wayne Root? The running mate for the Lautenberg Amendment supporter?

I’m not seeing an advantage to confirming cult status.

If he does manage to get elected again, I don’t want unquestioning devotees, I want chains on Root’s Messiah.

[Via bondmen]

Mexico Pointing and Laughing with One Hand, Holding Out the Other

Mexican President Mocks Texas Efforts to Secure Border … [More]

While Mexico sues U.S. gun makers in an attempt to destroy them and choke the supply of arms to Americans.

At what point do our “leaders” start treating a corrupt hostile foreign power like a corrupt hostile foreign power, instead of empowering them to step up their attacks with welfare and prefential trade deals?

I keep forgetting– the rope-selling capitalists are greasing our guys’ political palms, too.

His Name was Duncan Lemp

…Duncan Lemp was wrongly killed in his own bedroom thanks to the same policies that President Biden champions for the nation. [More]

I’m not often left with nothing to add, but the brilliant writer James Bovard has pretty much said it all here.

This is the evil we face at the personal level from “our own” government.

Be outraged, be horrified, and be warned. This could have been me, this could have been you. And the DSM would have parroted the state’s narrative as the prohibitionists high-fived themselves on X and made small d!ck jokes.

Today’s Five-Minute Activism project after reading this: Share the link with everyone within your sphere of influence and urge them to do the same.

We’re the Only Ones Pathetic Enough

Jean Pierre Toussaint asked a federal judge to look at him, not as a criminal, but as a father of four and someone who had served Broward County for four years [and] “a very good person who made a mistake.” [More]

The whiny, choice-minimizing excuse-maker should have thought of the lifelong effects on his children before he decided to be a scumbag.

[Via Steve T]

A Sternly-Worded Letter

Maybe one of these days such letters will include “Who the hell do you think you are and under what legitimate Constitutionasl authority do you dare to even insert your subversive @$$ into private sales of arms between American citizens?” followed with an order to immediately surrender himself for trial.

[Via Jess]

The Rules of War

US Defense Secretary issues chilling warning on NATO’s looming war with Russia [More]


Revealed: how Putin plans to flood West with migrants [More]

The important thing is,  this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.

Besides, look on our works, ye mighty, and despair.

And sorry, ration books won’t include ammo.

Common Thread on Invasion, Guns

A federal judge is upholding new Arizona laws that would require registered voters to provide proof of U.S. citizenship in order for their votes to be counted. [More]

Why is this even an issue? Who but a genocidal dom…Demestic enemy would be against that?

And how many who would have it otherwise are “gun sense candidates”?

‘The Good Seaman Weathers the Storm He Cannot Avoid and Avoids the Storm He Cannot Weather’

A comment left under my latest AmmoLand piece on the couple victimized by latter-day “pirates of the Caribbean”:

In an effort to travel to Puerto Rico with my weapon, I have thought of boating there. That is why I contacted my state:

Keith Davis
Deputy Commissioner, Operations
Department of Public Safety
Jackson, Mississippi

I did this to secure weapon reciprocity between Puerto Rico and the State of Mississippi, as per the law of each entity.
Initially he did respond, but has not returned my last email and did not follow through on his promise.

So far, I have not traveled to Puerto Rico. I will not travel with out my weapon.

Until we change things in the minds of others who run these affairs, I am land locked.


With the passage of the Weapons Acts of 2020, Puerto Rico will now honor all state concealed carry permits once the NPPR Commissioner establishes memorandums of understanding (MOUs) with states and/or territories of the United States…

Here’s the Puerto Rico Concealed Carry Reciprocity Map. Mississippi being yellow means “Yes with restrictions,” which under States That Have Restricted Reciprocity with Puerto Rico” says “(permitless carry, at least 21 years old).”

You might want to tell Keith Davis and MS DPS “Thanks for nothing.”

As my shameless CYA disclaimer, I guess I have to add that I’m the last person in the world you want to take legal advice from, because when I don’t like gun laws, I’ve been known to endorse breaking them. Just publicly admitting that, where LE can (and does) read it, should be warning enough.

Item last, and tangentially related, I wish I’d remembered this when I wrote my article, but it’s been years and I didn’t, I call your attention to “How Gun Control ‘Worked’ in Jamaica” by longtime colleague Tina Iwalani Terry.

Supreme Court Back-and-Forth on Bump Stocks Creates Nail-Biter Anticipation

This pretty much defined the day. Those expecting a Second Amendment defense decrying Chevron deference overreach instead heard the justices trying to grasp competing definitions of “function of a trigger” along with scenarios unlikely to persuade judges who equate “common use” with widespread commercial popularity. [More]

You were expecting a slam dunk…?

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