Hoist with Their Own Petard

Two days later, a bunch of these assholes find out actions have consequences, and after a decade of having it used against them, the right has finally figured out how to use cancel culture themselves. Some of these assholes are now getting outed, and fired by their employers who don’t want the PR nightmare of fucking psychopaths working for them. [More]

Turnabout seems like more than fair play to me.

Which bring me to an idea I had when I saw this pinned tweet from Kathy Griffin:

Remember how many venues dropped her like a hot potato for this?

My guess is it wouldn’t be hard at all to find the X pages for each of the upcoming venues, post it on their feed, and very publicly ask them if they’re ready for the outrage coming their way.

An Open Secret

The programme can now reveal the information was compiled as part of a secretive project aiming to identify millions of gun owners in America who could be targeted with pro-gun rights messages in the lead-up to the 2016 election campaign. [More]

They’re trying to ID gun owners…? Really…?

Unheard of, this business of political campaigns soliciting special interest constituencies!

What the DSM is really trying to do here with this new narrative talking point is sow dissent and advance the meme that the wannabe low-hanging fruit patsy was registered a Republican — without mentioning he donated to a hardcore Democrat operation exploiting PA’s closed primary.

[Via Jess]

Trump Assassination Attempt Brings New Urgency for RNC to Affirm Support for 2nd Amendment

Giving Trump and the Republicans all the ammo they need to defeat gun grabber arguments is well within the skill set of the newly formed Gun Owners for Trump coalition… [More]

We’ve got to do more than hope his resolve is strengthened. There are people who can help him not just repel attacks on our rights, but promote and advance them with the independents both sides are competing for — if he will let them.

Life in the Bubble

‘I Didn’t See That Coming’: ‘Daily Show’ Correspondent Shocked ‘Black Folks Do F*ck With Trump’ [More]

For all their posturing as urban sophisticates, DSM personalities really are just a bunch of ignorant provincial bigots.

We know what they’re really like– we’ve seen what they say and weigh that against reality. They just know what they’ve been told we’re like, and are conditioned to automatically tune out anything conflicting with the narrative.

That’s an advantage. We’re not shocked by what we expect.

It’s also frustrating as hell, that anyone can be this thick.

[Via bondmen]

The Sport of Whores

All the times Trump’s VP pick JD Vance has attacked him [More]

I went through his pros and cons here and ended on a note of concern:

Firearms News made three attempts to ask Vance if he would be willing to answer some detailed questions about [being a Never ] and about the legislative agenda gun owners should expect to see him pursue. He has chosen not to respond.

You could ask “Who am I?” and you’d be right, but a national magazine reaching a core voting demographic should not be so easy to dismiss. I also worry about who will be picked to replace him, especially since the GOP candidate who will be opposing Ohio’s Democrat communist gun-grabbing senator Sherrod Brown is another “reformed” Never Trumper who laughed at gun owners and asked:

“What kind of gun do you need to have a hundred bullets in it?” Moreno asked. “And are you going to eat a deer that has a hundred bullets in it? Can’t there be some common sense that says that one [gun] is probably out, right, without infringing on someone’s rights? Can’t we have universal background checks?”

If Vance is elected, his replacement will be picked by the bipolar Gov. Mike DeWine.


Accept This Truth: Democrats Would Vote for a Cabbage

“And now I want to hand it over to the president of Ukraine, who has as much courage as he has determination. Ladies and gentlemen, President Putin” [More]

Doesn’t matter.

American women will burn the house down to keep the Dotard-in-Chief OR get them their first woman president and abortion.

Turn your nose up at polls if you like– this is no time for false confidence, especially as the RNC douses fire from bellies and makes the TINVOWOOTers case for them.

From the Newsraper of Record

New York Times columnist John McWhorter has shown us this again recently by wishing someone would assassinate Donald Trump. [More]

And remember: Trump is just an avatar for the voters who support the promises he so imperfectly delivers on. If Trump is “a hideous pig of a man,” what must a rabid MAGAite be? And we know what such dehumanization allows.

This genocidal provincial bigot would prefer we all were eliminated. By somebody else, of course.

Considering the source’s “text, history, and tradition,” who’s surprised?

And why do Bill Clinton’s Rules of Engagement come to mind?

[Via Michael G]

Avoiding Guns in Presidential Debates Won’t Last Forever

Influencers need to be able to prepare Trump to debate on the right to arms and to coach him on what the correct responses to questions should be. [More]

No matter who the Democrat candidate turns out to be, Trump needs to learn to talk 2A, and it’s up to “Gun Owners for Trump” to demand his ear.

(Note: This doesn’t mean I’m back.)

Poll Dance Competition

‘We will co-fund a poll together, the two of us in October, and whomever is least likely to beat Donald Trump will withdraw,’ … [More]

Or the Democrats could just decide there are more traditional ways for power players to deal with problematic Kennedys….

That he’s throwing this Hail Mary just shows whose chances he’ll hurt most. What I can’t believe is there are still some idiot gun owners falling for his equivocations.

[Via bondmen]

An Octagon Divided

Trump floats UFC-style migrant league amid border crisis… “But actually, it’s not the worst idea I’ve ever had”… [More]

True enough

Just what the country needs. More division.

More distracting bread and circuses, more gladiators…

A citizenry with redirected, trivial, and misinformed priorities is incapable of fulfilling its end of the deal in “form[ing] a more perfect Union.”

As the Coat Turns

Trump says he wants foreign nationals who graduate from US colleges to ‘automatically’ receive green cards [More]

Here we go pandering to the cheap labor Republicans like the Grover Norquist/Michael Bloomberg partnership.

And, of course, once here, they’ll stay, apply for citizenship, marry citizens, have birthright babies and all vote pro-gun Republican, right?


And don’t forget the cheap foreign farm labor!

Tell me again how his banning bump stocks was brilliant 3D chess.

And about judges

Once more the election is his to blow, and it looks like he’s doing a bang-up job of it. Or maybe I’m just not smart enough to recognize this latest gambit that will all be revealed in time…

I don’t frequent forums but my attention has been called to this post on AR15.com.

It brings to mind a recent Firearms News piece where I worry that unless advocates have his ear to impress on him the seriousness of our concerns, he’s going to keep saying and doing stupid and destructive $h!+ that betrays his base and takes all the wind out of their sails.

So I’d rather have Biden?

Is that even the right question to be asking at this point?

Anybody Want to Buy a Bridge?

Who Is Really To Blame For The ATF Bump Stock Ban Rule? [More]

Donald Trump and the NRA.

There’s a totally fabricated after the fact face-save ploy that it was really brilliant 3D chess designed to save us meme that’s suddenly circulating is utterly without corroborating evidence.

You don’t gamble with someone else’s stakes.

Get back to me when you have memos and emails from the decision makers proving me wrong and I’ll apologize.

3D Bump Chess?

Very important to understand that strategic decision by Donald Trump and the NRA to basically sign off if you will on doing a bump stock ban through executive order, I didn’t like it, I was not happy about it, but I understood the strategy sometimes one has to lose battles to win the war, that is how the real world works… [Watch]

Really? A plan comes together? That’s what you’re going with?

So, I guess, “Take the guns first, due process later” was another genius move they just couldn’t tell us about?

And envisioning Inspector Clouseau pretending his screwup was intentional to save face is just me not being smart enough to understand what the grownups are doing?

[Via Jess]

Soft Pedaling

He most strikingly softened his language about immigration… Mr. Trump said he thought it was “wrong” that people who made sacrifices to come to America and attend top U.S. schools should have to go home to their countries, one of the people said. Another person who was in the room recalled that Mr. Trump made the point that the high-skilled immigrants who received an American education could either be successful in the U.S. or in their home countries. He said that the best and the brightest were needed to help America, this person said. [More]

Maybe he can answer the challenge.

So what else is he going to go soft on?

Speaking of Real $h!+ Reporting

‘Total lie’: Trump campaign, GOP lawmakers blast report claiming he called Milwaukee a ‘horrible city’ – Multiple Republicans in the room said the former president was taken out of context [More]

I wonder how many of these people will bother to inform everyone they’ve misled.

Still… the original assumption had a point…

[Via WiscoDave]

Laying the Minefield

George Stephanopoulos recently appeared on CNN with host Abby Phillip and advised the network on going after Donald Trump in the first debate. This is the political director of ABC News advising another media outlet on how to take down a candidate. That is not the role of people in media. [More]

“Journalistic ethics” — Good one!

[Via Michael G]

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