Speaking of ‘Obstructions to Official Proceedings’…

Far Left anti-Israel Protesters Interrupt and Shut Down Tony Blinken’s Testimony in Senate Appropriations Hearing – No Mass Arrests, No Transfer to the Gulag, No indictments with 1512 Charges [More]

Well, it’s not like they’re Oath Keepers or anything…

[Via bondmen]


Biden released an executive order aimed at regulating the artificial intelligence (AI) industry [yesterday], which includes a provision that AI must advance the goals of “civil rights” and “equity” — aka, the left’s diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) framework. [More]

Marxism in, Marxism out…

[Via Michael G]

The Content of Their Character

Soros-funded group disparages Black GOP governor candidate as Uncle Tom: ‘All skinfolk ain’t kinfolk’ [More]

Notice anything about the ones who scream “Racist!” the loudest…?

On a side note, what are all the “progressives” who say mentioning Soros is antisemitic now saying about Israel’s reaction to Hamas…?

White Noise

Anti-Defamation League Now Blaming White Supremacists For Eruption of Antisemitism [More]

Yeah, that MAGA/BLM/Squad Axis is quite the threat.

[Via bondmen]

Tangentially Related UPDATE

Add young skulls full of leftist mush to the alliance:

Texas High Schoolers Chant ‘From the River to the Sea’ During Anti-Israel Walkout – The school gave the kids an excused absence, too.

Goddam white supremacists…

[Via Michael G]

¿Cómo se Dice ‘Scab’ en Español?

Some hotels in Los Angeles are apparently replacing striking American unionized workers with people who crossed the border into America illegally. [More]

There comes a time when Bolsheviks and Mensheviks cannot coexist. And the idiots have almost outlived their usefulness. Or as they say in Highlander, “There can be only one.”


[Via Michael G]

We Don’t Need No Education

Oregon again says students don’t need to prove mastery of reading, writing or math to graduate, citing harm to students of color [More]

That’s one way to make excuses for the subversive scam of teachers’ unions, where incompetence is a feature, not a bug. Create chaos and dependency through indoctrination and ignorance, and add in importing pathway-to-citizenship foreign nationals whose countries can somehow churn out employees with superior technical abilities on a pittance of what we spend per capita on students, and you have all the ingredients for control — of all kinds.

Not that our “single-issue gun rights leaders” dare notice…

[Via WiscoDave]

It Will Probably Help Him

CO Democrat who laughed about dead Israeli babies tries BACKPEDALING and it goes REALLY wrong [More]

Naturally, he’s all about open borders and disarming you.

How else are you going to have a ‘FORCEFUL cultural revolution’ targeted at ‘whiteness’?

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.

My guess is his constituents agree with him.

[Via Michael G]

To Themselves and Their Posterity

As the U.S. birth rate falls, immigration reform may be ‘the answer hiding in plain sight,’ analyst says [More]

Which analyst?

I thought only MAGA racists talked about “replacement theory.” I guess when leftists do it, it’s “common-sense.”

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.

[Via Steve T]

Not Exactly a Resume Builder…

Well, that didn’t take long. After less than 12 hours, Google has taken down the site with public information about which student groups endorse Hamas terrorism. [More]

You can’t stop the signal.

Related UPDATE

You can’t absolve yourself, either. I wonder how many are here on student visas, and how it helps “secure the Blessings of Liberty” to allow terrorist sympathizers to exist among us.

[Via Michael G]

♫ And When the Revolution Comes… ♫

[T]he New York City chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America prepares to hold a rally in solidarity with the Palestinian terrorists who have been parading bodies through the streets of Israel and wantonly killing civilians for the last day and a half. [More]


I wonder if they’ll have music

[Via Michael G]

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