Never Underestimate Their Power to Blow It

Republicans likely will give Biden gun control [More]

I wish I could definitively say they won’t, but with some of the names he cites…

Still, even Chris Murphy says now is not the time. Then again, since when has anyone with a brain believed anything he said?

[Via Michael G]

The Enemy Within

Dolan insisted, “The Second Amendment is not in any way violated by this bill.” [More]

That’s because Dolan is a f***ing liar:

State Senator Matt Dolan, a “moderate Republican,” may as well be a Democrat as far as gun owners are concerned. Described by CNN as a “non-Trump Republican … in the McCain lane, the Romney lane…” Dolan penned an op-ed in support of the state’s proposed STRONG Act, essentially a “red flag” edict that promises due process before gun confiscations without really delivering it, and requires “background checks” on private sales, and adds liability penalties to sellers. And no surprise here, Dolan admits “I understand this bill probably doesn’t go far enough for some and goes too far for others.”

[Via Sweet Babboo]

In the Spirit of Bipartisanship

The Republicans who joined the leftists in the Democrat party included: Roy Blunt of Missouri, Richard Burr of North Carolina, Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia, Susan Collins of Maine, Joni Ernst of Iowa, Cynthia Lummis of Wyoming, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Rob Portman of Ohio, Mitt Romney of Utah, Dan Sullivan of Alaska, Thom Tillis of North Carolina and Todd Young of Indiana. [More]

Take fire out of bellies. Brilliant!

Start the Steal

Yes, you heard that right. We’ve been getting gaslit for months about the ‘end of democracy’, and this guy wants to completely circumvent the democratic process by replacing the president without an election, solely to increase Democrat chances of maintaining power in 2024. Never Trumpish, former conservatives are something else. [More]

On the plus side, nobody will be able to complain about the voting machines…

[Via Michael G]

Not Going Gentle into that Good Night

“Murkowski’s been helping our Democrat campaign, to help Nancy Pelosi.” The Murkowski team “filed a bunch of lawsuits” to make sure the Alaska House of Representatives seat “stayed Democrat,” Tshibaka said. “So we’re anticipating a whole bunch of shenanigans in these next couple months between now and January, to try and hold on to the Murkowski monarchy. Our race is not over.” [More]

GOA did its part.

Here’s how NRA’s main man decided to help out.

[Via Michael G]

Speaking of Victors and Spoils…

Soon it will be our task to fight against the Republican insiders who are licking their chops at the feast they see set before them. Many of them are mirror images of the Democrat consulting class, indifferent to outcomes as long as the gravy train continues. [More]

That’s what happens when you reward people without commitment or results.

It’s also assuming all the “red wave” hoop-dee-doo isn’t a gaslighting setup designed to provoke a spark.

[Via Michael G]

The Enemy Within

Caught On Tape! Florida’s 2A Committee Chair Against Constitutional Carry w/GOA’s Luis Valdez [Watch]

And on top of that, he’s got an insufferable “Only Ones” mentality.

With the latest DeSantis disconnect it seems like Florida Republicans are going out of their way to alienate gun owners.

And not just Florida Republicans

[Via Jess]


Firearms News has the whole story direct from GOA.

Republican ‘Commitment to America’ Must Not Take Gun Voters for Granted

These people run for office because they represent themselves as leaders for championing the beliefs of their constituents. That means they’re expected to lead, and if they don’t know how there are plenty willing to help and navigate them through all the specifics and questions and pitfalls in arenas they’ve been fighting in for years. [More]

If they’re too chicken to bring up hot-button issues before they’re elected, what makes us think they’ll champion them afterward?

She Evidently Can’t See the Bill of Rights from Her House

“Doggone it, I never have anything to gripe about, I just wish she’d convert on over to the other party. But other than that, love her.” [More]

You love that “she supports gun control legislation …thinks that there should be gun storage laws, waiting period to purchase guns, and federal universal background checks” and would no doubt have backed Pelosi’s move to ban “assault weapons”?

Has Sarah Palin lost her mind, or was she always a projected image?

There Can Be Only One

TRISTAN MANOS LD5 PC: This is to thank all who openly express yourselves and take the opportunity to present a position statement, one form or the other, on the matter of the artificial construct of so-called “dual citizenship”  … Please realize Singular U.S. Citizenship is the Ground Zero of our Civil Society. [More]

Some of the “inclusive” Vichycons in “leadership” have been giving him heat over this, using the “progressive” deception of trying to make his position seem bigoted instead of existential. My sentiments on the subject have not changed since I first warned against Arnhole

And we see what listening to them about him got us.

What Can Brown Do to You?

Most disturbing is that UPS has sole and unlimited discretion over what documents they can require the shippers to turn over. This new policy gives UPS the unlimited power and discretion to examine and review any customer documents related to firearms sales. The shipper also must agree to turn over any documents UPS requests within five business days or risk the termination of their shipping accounts. UPS says It will use its newfound power to audit the books to ensure compliance with its new policies. [More]

So what do we make of their CEO being a Republican donor?

[Via Jess]

What’s Everybody Mad at Me For? All I Did was Stab Them in the Back…

“If you stray from a party position, you are annihilated.” [More]

That’s not what did it.

You flat-out lied to people to get their support and then you betrayed them.

And your calculated excuse shows you’re still lying, which makes the photo AP used all the more telling.

Look for this quisling to find his place as yet another token DSM “conservative.” It looks from this like he’s auditioning and they’re testing how useful he can be…

[Via Dan Gifford]

Gun and ‘Disinformation’ Control Show Tyranny is Growing

They don’t want you to have guns and they don’t want you to have free speech. Hey, if you can get away with ignoring the Second Amendment, why should you respect the First? [More]

What’s more, a globalist collectivist tyrant from New Zealand is joined on her pathway to tyranny by what our media pass off as a “conservative.”

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